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Chapter 13
December 23rd 2005

“Win! What the hell are you doing out here!” AJ exclaimed, rushing out to her, pulling her up from the floor. The snow that had accumulated on her head and shoulders was brushed away by AJ’s frantic hands as he pulled her inside.
“Win, Win, you got to talk to me baby, what’s wrong, what happened?” He took her over to the bed, her tiny frame still shaking as she sat, her arms folded on one another as she shivered. AJ took the comforter from the bed and wrapped it around her body to enfold her.
“AJ,” she managed to croak as her teeth chattered. He took her face in his hands and felt how cold she was. He rushed to the phone and had them send up more blankets, some hot soup, something that would warm her up.
“AJ,” she said again.
“What Win, what happened, please, tell me, what happened, why were you out on the balcony?”
“They, they were here, and I, I didn’t want, and they said,” she was incoherent.
“Who sweetie? Who was here?”
“My, they, the, I,” she stammered, tears welling up in her eyes. AJ heard the knock at the door and yelled for them to come in. A bellhop hurried in with the blankets, helping AJ wrap Win with two more heavy quilts.
“Explain,” Win mumbled, “they wanted to explain.”
“What sweetie? Who wanted to explain?”
“Them, them,” she motioned to the table where the clippings had been.
“Who sweetie?”
“My parents, they were here.” AJ understood and finally just threw his arms around her and hugged her close. She cried into his shoulder, her body shaking more from sobs than the cold now, but AJ didn’t let her go.
“I didn’t know, I didn’t know,” she wailed as his body rocked her back and forth, trying to comfort her.
“Baby, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’ll be okay, I love you Win, don’t you worry, you’re loved, you are loved, I’m your family, and I’ll never give you up,” AJ cooed as he held her.

A little while later Win was asleep and calm. AJ had managed to get the whole story out of her and was nervous at the thought of what this meant for Win, although she had explained that she had no intention of ever speaking to them. He didn’t know what to expect, or how this would affect her, affect them. He was worried that she’d be knocked off balance, just as soon as she’d gotten settled for the first time in her life.