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Chapter 21
December 23rd, 2005

Win heard the knock on the door and wondered who AJ had sent to baby-sit her. She knew he was only trying to be supportive but what she really wanted was just some time to relax with her thoughts. Not even think, but just be able to be quiet and figure out what she wanted to do about things. Honestly she was tired of thinking about it, tired of talking about it really.
“Who is it?” she called, not willing to get up and answer the door.
“It’s Nick, can I come in?” She took a deep breath and nodded to herself.
“Yeah, come in.” He stepped inside and found her sitting by the window, a book turned down in her lap.
“Am I interrupting something?” Nick asked, referring to the book in her lap.
“No, I was just trying to take my mind of some things.” She was sure that AJ had informed everyone about what had happened, but she didn’t have the energy to care. Besides, they’d find out at some point.
“AJ told us,” and before he had even the sentence out she was nodding.
“I figured as much. And I’m not concerned about it.”
“How are you doing?”
“Honestly?” He nodded. She turned to the window and closed the book, tossing it on the table before turning back to him.
“I’m totally confused. I don’t want to think about it, I don’t want to talk about it, but it’s all sitting on top of my head.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t need to be baby sat, I’m okay really.” Win insisted.
“You want to know what I think?” Nick asked.
“Why not?”
“That maybe you should be left alone for a little while, to process all this. Look, I just wanted to let you know, I’m here for you. When you want to talk to somebody, come find me. I’ll tell AJ that you just need a little time to yourself, I’ll tell everybody, okay.” She let out a sigh and smiled.
“Nick, I really love you boy, that’s the nicest thing you could ever do for me right now. Really it is.” Relief washed over her features and he saw her visibly relaxing.
“Not a problem. This is my Christmas gift to you though, don’t go expecting nothing else from me,” he laughed as she swatted at him. They shared a chuckle.
“That felt good. Thanks Nick, really, I mean that.” He nodded and gave her a hug before leaving the room. She stared at the door for a moment after he left and sighed long. Finally, some peace and quiet so she could relax.

Nick spread the news not to bother Win and no one was surprised, not even AJ. When it was time for him to go back to his room he didn’t disturb her by going in. Instead he called her and wished her good night.
“Thanks AJ,” Win said as she sat in bed, her laptop propped up on her knees.
“For what?”
“For respecting that I need some time alone. I know it’s not the most compatible time, but I need it.”
“Beautiful, I told you, even if it’s Christmas, you can’t help the way things happen. We’re gonna have a lot more Christmases, and if you don’t want to celebrate, I’m not gonna hold it against you.”
“Thanks baby, you’re the best.”
“Look, I promised Leti that I’d take her to another museum tomorrow, it doesn’t open till noon so we’ll leave here around eleven thirty. Give me a call by then if you want to go, okay? But no pressure though.”
“I’ll call you if I want to go. Thanks AJ.”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me. Good night Beautiful, I love you.”
“I love you too AJ, good night.” She hung up the phone and looked at it sadly. She felt bad for what she was thinking about but turned back to the computer to finish what she was doing.