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Author's Chapter Notes:
Alright, this might be a little lengthy but its not worth a chapter space so here it goes. :) This story is based a bit off the idea of a story I collaborated on with another author. It was called Pursuing Reality and was up till today when I took it down. It was never finished and was left to dust for a long time. I wanted to continue it but it just didn't come to pass. I accepted it cause collaborations do die out. However I still loved the idea it originated from and refused to let it die. So I am now revamping it, adding on, and rewriting it entirely. So although it came from that idea, this is my fic alone. The old story we haven't touched for a couple years. I am writing this new one alone and integrating new ideas and changes to it. Thank you Ana for doing that old story Pursuing Reality with me while we did.

This however is a totally new story and I am really proud of it so far. So I hope you enjoy! I just wanted to explain and give credit for the original story I worked on with her that inspired this one.
“As Reality Crumbles”

Chapter One: Purgatory State

Screams bellowed throughout the darkness of the world. Violet flames leaped from the depths below as she sat upon the rocky ledge. From there she could view the cities far off in the distance. The people her father, the dark lord Kevinicus Richardson dominated. Soon she, would dominate. Her dark blond hair blew about her from the smokey wind. She could hear the prisoners give their cries of pain coming from the palace. The smell of rotting flesh filtered her nose and a smirk crept upon her innocent looking face as her sapphire eyes reflected the flames around her. Soon all this would be hers. Then, she would consume the power that came with it and take everything else she rightfully deserved.

Everything in her plan has come to be, and there was more to come. With her brothers out of the way, nothing could stop her. She was the only heir left, and her stepmother Parisian could no longer bear children. Her father could find another wench to fill with his demonic seed, but he favored the whore too much to let her go.

A year ago much had been different. Two years ago far more had been. Much had changed. She as well. A year ago she had had a twin, a younger brother as well. A year before that far more. Now she is alone. Now she will grasp what she craves, the drive that burned her dark tormented soul and will not be silenced until she fulfills it. Nothing could stop her now.



In his dreams he relieved the moment again and again. Ever since he had arrived to this accursed Keyrina Reality, and came to this planet named Earth. The day everything he had known changed sharply beyond his control. The day his days in his own reality, the Dakria realm, in which the planet he grew up in, Dimonos, was located. For the world was filled with infinite worlds and realities invisible to any living beings eye. The trick was to travel between them. It was almost unheard of. However Alexius Janis; known to this world as Alexander James, was thinking of none of this. His mind in sleep was trapped in the night that had become his own internal hell, his purgatory where nothing ever changed, as hard as he would try.

In his minds eye he saw her, standing with her back against the wine colored flames. Her once soft eyes hard and cold staring ruthlessly into his. She was in the true form for a being of Dimonos. One he tried to never use. Her raven feathered eagle wings spread behind her. The fires blazed around them. He could see her mouth move but heard no words come from them.

His mental gaze went to the other, the younger one. The innocent. There was Nickoli, with his shaggy golden blond hair, innocent ocean eyes, and a face of an angel. He ran to him, away from her. He had to protect Nickoli. Before more befell them.

He tossed and turned in his bed. His form slightly morphing to its true natural state. The claws emerged from his hands fiercely, dug into the soft mattress, shredding the material instantly. Alexander screamed in momentous pain, his dark hair matted to his forehead, beads of sweat gathered along his heated brow. The cries raged across the calm home.

Sensing the immense rage of emotions, another young woman awoke from her bed. Beside her slept a tan skinned man with dark curly locks. She climbed out of the bed quickly, her long raven curls cascading down her back as her golden brown orbs adjusted to the lack of light. She heard the bellow coming from Alex’s room. It had become a nightly ritual ever since he had come into Kaorinite’s care. She waved a hand, lighting the halls as she hurried to her charge’s room. The dreams would always come and he would never speak of them. Only that he hated reliving it and that he was now alright. She entered the room, which by appearances looked to be a normal nineteen year old’s room. Sports posters on the walls, a TV, movies, a radio, with a guitar in the corner by the closet. The room was how it should be. Alex however, was not. She sat by the bed, and shook him gently. It had to be done with extra care lest her face be shred by the razor sharp claws that have no doubt appeared as he lived the dream.

He tossed and turned as his skin grew more heated. It was almost as if he was actually there. Kaorinite shook him again. “Alexander, you’re dreaming. Wake Up!”

The young man twisted around at the bed, filled with screams, his fierce hands clawing at the air at an unseen attacker. A careless swipe grazed her face before she had the chance to grab his hand. She did so then firmly, as a trickle of blood ran down her cheek in a haunting path. She grabbed his other hand as well. This was worse than usual. She pinned him down but he forced her off with fierce strength and she was slammed against the wall as he was still trapped in the hellish world of slumber.

The man who had slept beside her, Orlando, heard the thud and arose from the bed, racing towards the room. Sounds such as that usually never ended up good. He came in to see his partner up against the wall, with a groan of pain as she rubbed her sore head. The two both raced to pin the young teen back down till they could wake him up. Until then he had no control over what he did and that was the true danger against the caretakers.

As they did, a new cry came from the sleeping Alexius Janis. “NYXNIA!”


She watched the torture chambers happily. They seemed to calm her when she felt out of sorts. Gazing on the poor pitiful souls as they faced their eternal demise reminded her how pain was always pleasure in her life and always would be. It fed her craving, soothed it, until the time came where she could claim more as she wished. For now, this would do. Yet, although soothing, it did nothing that day. Her inner being swirled with torment and she could not comprehend why that was. Finally it was all going her way. Why was she not at peace with it all in her dark dominion?

Her gaze sharpened as she fixated it upon the black palace which was on the top of the mountain. Lightening struck behind it in fierce blows. Her gaze sharpened more, focused on something smaller. Something inside. There she saw the woman. The tall thin one with the pale blonde hair, blue eyes. Parisian Alton. Her father’s bride. Not recent bride, but that was still the term that remained in her mind. She wanted her gone. She shook her head. She could not have that wish granted. Although she knew it would help the turmoil. It would not heal it however. Not even temporarily anymore. How the princess knew that, she could not say. Know she did however, and she was determined to find out why.

This went against her plan.

That was not how it was not supposed to work. Not anymore. So she would do something about it. Now was a good a time as any in the dark lands of Dimonos. She will go to her sleeping chambers to meditate and seek out the answer that way. If that did not work, she would try something else. But for now she went back to the room of pain. A man who had refused to pay a tax was on the stretcher. As they rolled the lever it stretched his body more and more, and she heard the bones crack with each twist that went by. Yet, it was not enough to kill him. The pale green flame touched upon him from the administrator. It would not burn the flesh in reality, but would give the same feeling and slowly crept like a disease through the nerves of the body, making the pain travel throughout it all. His body would jerk in scattered movements as the guttural sounds of pain were all he could manage to make. His mind could not handle the task of making more. She stared with a sickening pleasant expression on her angelic face. The expressions of immense pain beyond her ability to know for she has not felt physical pain to that extreme, always could create a smile.


“NYXNIA!” The cry came out again as the two struggled to keep him down.

“Damn it Orlando we need to get him up!”

“I’m the fighting guide, do you have a spell for this?!”

Kaorinite looked caring at the man beside her. “Can you hold him down on your own?”

The roar started to sound like one of a cross between an eagle, a cougar, and a confused teenager. It pitched into a painful range and the two fought the urge to cover their ears. They needed to find a way to stop these dreams that came each night. They were beginning to rage far beyond control. Orlando nodded and she backed away. This took pure concentration. Orlando struggled with the raging man as she did.

A wind appeared out of nowhere and blew only around the young Wicca, making her long silky black tresses tumble out behind her. The golden rings in her brown eyes began to glow with power as she stared down at Alexander. The curly haired man only hoped it would work. They never had to use this extreme before.

“Fetor watch me now. Hear my heated cry. Let this drive come to be. Awaken the lost one before me. Let him be found and led back to this world. Mind’s eye, set him free!” She yelled above the roaring and a small yellow glow zoomed into the one on the bed, and his eyes opened sharply with a gasp. Orlando, who had been struggling, was taken by surprised when it stopped and tumbled off the bed which caused Alex to chuckle with amusement. That was until he gazed around the room and saw the damage he had done. He sighed. The dream was getting more realistic. He was beginning to be unable to tell which was real and which was just a dream.

“Kay,” he said softly as the older, wiser, guardian of him sat upon the bed beside Orlando as he got up from the floor. “Are you alright? You look hurt…” his hands, once normal again, reached for her to get a better look and she brushed the hand aside, but not roughly.

“A bit winded, a bit sore.” She smiled a bit at him. Although it was a problem they had to face, it wasn’t Alex’s fault. “Nothing that won’t heal.”

“What about you Orlando?”

He wiped his damp and sweaty face. The young woman who cared for him wiped a few of the wet curls away from his eyes with soft affection. Their gazes met for a moment and Orlando smiled. “Same as Kit.” He replied, using his affectionate nickname for his partner.

“It was bad wasn’t it.” the one from Dimonos asked, sitting up against the coolness of the headboard, silently thankful for its comfort against his painfully heated skin. His coffee eyes met his companions.

“They are getting worse.” She admitted. “I had to use magicks this time. Alex, what is it you dream.”

“You know I wish not to talk of it Kay.”

“We know, but Kit and I need to know something, or there will come the day we can’t wake you up.”

A sigh and he looked away, his shirtless chest glistened in the pale light Kaorinite or Kay as he called her had created. “Not now.” Another sigh. “Call it a hunch but I’m going to have to tell you soon anyway. Just not now.” He stood, wearing only boxers. He went to the closet, put a random pair of jeans on, and grabbed a shirt and his keys to his small Honda civic. “I’m going out for now. I’ll be careful. I just need air.”

Without another word Kaorinite and Orlando watched him go. They sighed out of exhaustion, neither wishing to move from the bed they were currently on. The two were seen as married which was how they wanted it even though in reality they were not. Alex resided there as Kay’s younger brother. It was never questioned by others here. How it should be. The two loving gazes met and Orlando touched the cut along her check that still had the dried blood along her face. He rubbed it gently, soothingly.

“Our futures rest on him.”

“I know, that’s what scares me.” He replies, without much emotion in the voice but she saw what she needed to in his open eyes,

“Does it? We do what we can, and fate, or destiny, or whatever life force that controls us will take its course. Yet I am a bit fearful as well. If what’s been told comes to pass, he won’t be the only one living in purgatory.”

“I think whatever is next. It’ll be soon.”

She leaned against him, yawning tiredly. “That it will be. That, it will be.”