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Sunday morning came very early for Ellena. She was woken by Lacey jumping on her bed.
“Lala Lala Lala! Get up! We’re goin’ to the park today. You promised!”
Ellena threw the covers off and sat on the edge of the bed. She glanced at the clock. 7:04am. So much for sleeping in. “Lala? Why are you still in your clothes?”
“I guess I forgot to change into my pajamas last night.” Ellena yawned.
Lacey giggled. “Lala, you’re so silly!”
Ellena ruffled Lacey’s hair. “Is Cherry still asleep on the couch?”
“Yep! Can I go jump on the couch and wake her up too?”
“No squirt, why don’t you play quietly in your room for a few minutes while I go for a shower. Then we’ll sneak out of here and go out for breakfast. Cherry can sleep in a little longer.”
“Yay! Can I have awfuls and ipped cweem?”
“Yes, waffles and whipped cream. Sure. Now go play and don’t wake Cherry up. I only be a few minutes.” Lacey hopped off the bed and tip toed down the hallway like Ace Ventura. Ellena shook her head at the energy the child emitted and shuffled into the bathroom.
The rest of the day was beautiful. Ellena took Lacey to the park and then they went shopping together. They caught an early evening movie before returning to the apartment. Lacey fell asleep on the bus on the way back from the theatre. Ellena put her to bed and then retired herself, too tired to even dream.


By the time Ellena got through a grueling dance team practice and taught her Latin ballroom class, she was dead tired to begin her shift at the club. Luckily it was never very busy on Mondays. Ken was unusually absent that night and Elena was grateful for small miracles. She didn’t have the energy or the patience to deal with his lecherous stares and suggestive remarks.
“Hi honey, How ya been?” A tall brunette with a tray of drinks greeted Ellena.
“Hey Carla, not bad. How’s it going tonight? Any chance I can get off work early?” Ellena replied.
“Yeah probably. It’s pretty dead in here. Come and find me at seven. If it’s still like this, you can get outta here and go see that little one of yours.”
“Thanks Carla.” Ellena tied on her apron, picked up her tray and started to make the rounds of her assigned section for the night.
It was a rather uneventful night and seven o’clock rolled around soon enough. Ellena spotted Carla across the bar and headed her direction.
“Hey Carla, do you think you can handle the rest of the night? I’m exhausted and I’ve got early practice tomorrow again.”
“Sure honey, no problem. Go get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks Carla. I owe you one.”
Relieved at the chance to put her feet up, Ellena made a beeline for the locker room. Before she got to her destination, Ken intercepted her path of travel. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“It’s not busy enough in here to keep both of us on. Carla can handle the rest of the night. I’m going home to see my little girl.”
Ken rubbed the stubble on his chin and surveyed the room. “You’re right, it’s not busy in here tonight. I think there’s only enough people to require one waitress.” He turned in Carla’s direction and yelled. “Carla, you’re done for the night. Go home.”
Ellena’s blood was almost to the boiling point. “Carla and I already agreed that I could leave early tonight. You have no right –“
“You forget, Ellena, I have every right.” He ran his hand over the back of her arm and walked away, leaving her standing alone. She glanced over at Carla, who smiled apologetically and took off her apron. Both of them knew better than to argue with Ken when he had made up his mind. Ellena swallowed the scream that rose in her throat and stomped off to the bar.
Ken had disappeared for the remainder of the evening. Most likely drinking with his cronies in his office upstairs. At ten to eleven, Ellena was dead on her feet. She saw Kevin walk through the door just as she was cashing in her tips. As tired as she was, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Kevin picking her up from work. She walked over to him and slipped her hand into his, sending tingles up his spine. With out so much as a word to each other, he took the bag from her shoulder and led her to the door. Ken chose this exact moment to materialize in front of them, blocking their way to the exit.
“Well well well. What do we have here?”
Ellena’s expression changed. Her eyes practically glittered with hatred. “It’s the end of my shift Ken. I’m going home.” Ken ignored her and kept his eyes on Kevin.
“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. Do introduce me, Ellena.” He gave Kevin a hard stare.
Kevin returned his stare with an angry glare of his own.
Ellena sighed and struggled to keep her self-control. “Ken this is my friend, Kevin. Kevin, this is Ken Dahl, my boss and owner of the club.”
With a mocking grin, Ken looked Kevin up and down and grunted. Kevin clenched his fist but relaxed a little when he felt Ellena’s hand on his arm. “We should go now, Kevin.” She said firmly. Ellena yanked on Kevin’s arm and dragged him out the door. Without saying anything to her, he opened the car door for her and tossed her bag in the back seat. He took a few deep breaths as he made his way to the driver’s side of the car and forced himself to calm down. After all, what would Ellena think of him if he turned into the incredible hulk and ran back inside to beat the crap out of Ken? That is exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to protect her but he knew she wouldn’t want that. She had taken care of herself up until now.
“I’m sorry Kevin.” Ellena stated as Kevin started the car.
“Sorry? For what?” He asked.
“Sorry that you had to meet Ken. He’s such a jerk. I should have just taken the bus and you wouldn’t have had to deal with the unpleasantness.”
Kevin turned to face her. “I came here of my own free will. I came here because I wanted to see you. I came here because I wanted to make sure you are safe. You’ve gotten under my skin Ellena and there’s no way that I can stop it. I wouldn’t want to if I could.”
Ellena was wide eyed and at a loss for words after hearing Kevin reveal his feelings for her.