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Halfway home, Lacey fell asleep to the soft hum of the car tires on the road. Kevin reached across the seat and covered Ellena’s hand with his.
“Ellena, we’re getting ready to go on tour again for the summer.”
Ellena took his hand in both of hers and traced circles on his palm. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’m really going to miss you too. Both of you.” He glanced back at Lacey. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed each fingertip. “Would you ever consider coming with me?”
“You mean on tour?”
Kevin shrugged. “Yeah. Sometimes it gets rather monotonous travelling everyday and doing a show almost every night. As glamorous as it sounds, it’s tiring at times. I could fly you up to meet me in the middle of the tour. You could tour with us for a week or two.”
Ellena nodded, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a real holiday. “That would be so great!”
“It would give me something to look forward to…”, He added.
Then Ellena’s expression fell. “Ken will never give me a whole week off from work. It sounds like fun but I can’t go. Besides, Lacey would drive all of you nuts.”
Kevin parked his car in front of Ellena’s apartment building and shut it off. “Don’t give up yet. At least say you’ll ask him.” Ellena began to object when Kevin gave the most pleading, pathetic, puppy dog eyes that she had ever seen. He even quivered his bottom lip for the full effect. “Pretty please?”
Ellena started to giggle. “Have you been taking lessons from Lacey? I swear she gets me with that look every time. Okay, I’ll ask him but he’s gonna say no. I can guarantee it.”
Kevin kissed her quickly on the mouth. “Thank you.” He got out of the car and opened her door. “Do you want me to carry her up?”
“Could you? She’s getting too big for me to take up those stairs.”
As they climbed to the top of the stairs in Ellena’s building, they started to hear loud shouts. Kevin followed Ellena down the hall to her apartment. Large scarlet handprints were streaked across the dirty grey walls on one side of the corridor. Broken glass littered the floor. The distinct smell of hash assaulted Kevin’s senses. The shouts had stopped for the time being. Ellena stepped around the glass on the floor and unlocked her door. Once inside, she locked it again and held her hands out to take Lacey from Kevin. Kevin made no move to hand over the sleeping child. “You’re staying at my place tonight.” Kevin’s tone of voice left no room for argument.
“All right.” Ellena nodded. “Just give me a minute to grab a few things.” Ellena ran her hand through Lacey’s hair. Lacey sighed and cuddled further into Kevin’s arms. “You can take her back to the car and I’ll be down in a sec.” Ellena whispered to Kevin.
“I’m not leaving you alone in this building – there is blood in the hallway and it looks like some one was trying to get in your apartment. I’m staying right here until you leave with me.” Kevin stood solid waiting for her to argue. To his surprise, she didn’t. Ellena’s expression softened and there was some emotion in her eyes that Kevin could not identify. The sound of glass crashing against a wall, followed by screaming came from the apartment down the hall. Ellena’s head turned quickly to make sure that the door to her apartment was locked. She looked back at Kevin in alarm. “I’ll hurry” She said and ran to her room. She pulled a few clothes for herself out of the top drawer and stuffed them into a bag she took from the closet. She scooted across the hall to Lacey’s room and grabbed clothes for her. “One more minute.” She yelled to Kevin as she went into the bathroom to get her and Lacey’s toothbrushes and other necessities.
At the entrance, Kevin stood against the door wondering what he would do with Lacey if someone actually broke through the door, as she was still asleep in his arms. More screams came from outside Ellena’s apartment and they sounded like they were coming closer. Lacey awoke and propped herself up on Kevin’s shoulder. Her eyes grew wide when she realized that she was not with Ellena. Glass shattered against the door and loud footsteps hurried past. Lacey locked her little hands around Kevin’s neck and whimpered into his chest. Kevin cradled her head against him and used one hand to shield her from the violence outside. “Ellena, please hurry.” Kevin half whispered, half shouted to her.
“Yeah – I’m done.” She replied and slung her bag over her shoulder. Kevin opened the door and checked the hallway before letting Ellena out of the apartment. He stood guard as she locked her door. Together, they rushed down the staircase and out to the car. Kevin opened the back door and whispered to Lacey to hop in. Lacey shook her head and tightened her arms around his neck, her eyes still wide with fear. Ellena threw her bag on the back seat and put her arms around Lacey. “Lacey, honey it’s okay. We’re going to stay at Kevin’s tonight.” She whispered. Lacey went willingly into her protective arms.
Kevin opened the door and both Ellena and Lacey got into the passenger seat. Kevin went around to the other side of the car and got in. Lacey clung to Ellena and watched Kevin start his car and drive down the street, taking her away from the scary place. Once they were far enough away, she turned to Ellena and asked. “Was it my Daddy again?”
Ellena’s eyes darted to Kevin’s face. The lone question from Lacey had given Kevin all the information he needed to know about how Ellena had been treated by her brother in the past. Pain flooded her irises until Kevin could barely tell the colour of her eyes. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. Pure rage coursed through his veins.
Ellena turned her attention back to Lacey. “No, baby. It wasn’t Daddy this time.”
Unconvinced, Lacey put her hands on either side of Ellena’s face and pushed back her hair. She studied her nose, cheeks and forehead with her tiny fingertips. “I’m not hurt, baby. It wasn’t your Daddy.” Ellena assured the little girl. Satisfied, Lacey cuddled up to Ellena and let her eyes settle on Kevin again. “Sometimes my Daddy is mean to Lala.” Lacey said to him. Kevin did not respond. The muscle at his jaw twitched and he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “I don’t like it when Daddy does that.” Lacey whispered. Ellena knew it would take along time for Lacey to fall asleep that night.