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Author's Chapter Notes:
OKAY. So, here's a bridge I need to cross. At this point, the story is almost over. I haven't finished it yet, but I'd say after this chapter? Only 1 chapter and an epilogue is left. I could either end the story now and possibly start a sequal OR I could continue to write and come up with another "climax". It's hard to explain -- but I would continue and just build the story, instead of ending it and starting a sequal. Let me know which way you think would work better [if you can even understand that...lol, it's kinda confusing]. REVIEWS!!
“Nick!” Reporters yelled out from all directions. “What do you have to say about the novel? Is this a promotional tactic or was it unknown to you?”

Nick swallowed the lump in his throat. He had spoken with his publicists, his managers and the boys, and they had all decided it would be best just to make it seem like it was all a set up. “It’s a promotional tactic,” Nick began. “Miss McIntosh and I met and discussed the novel weeks ago.” He explained. As he told the story, photographers snapped pictures and threw questions out left and right.

“I’m sorry, that’s all for now,” the publicists stepped in. “Thank you for your questions.” Nick disappeared behind a tour bus and slipped away into the chaos of New York City.

With Alex

“Miss McIntosh,” the publisher furrowed his brow and glanced over the work Alex had handed him. “Your idea is quite different. And Reynolds’ Publishing already picked up a similar piece…” he trailed on.

“Mr. Benson, I can promise you my tie with Reynolds’ Publishing has been cut off entirely,” Alex said with a straight face. “I want to change the idea because it means a lot to me and I honestly believe readers will be more interested in reading about love instead of a false drama that doesn’t cover real experiences today. This novel will be real…” Alex tried to explain. “Plus, Reynolds’ Publishing has already started promoting the original.”

“Was there a contract with Reynolds’ Publishing?” He asked curiously.

“No, sir,” Alex shook her head. That was one smart thing she had done in the past few weeks. She hadn’t committed to anything because she hadn’t produced any hard copies of the novel yet. She wouldn’t sign until she was ready to pass on her work.

“Well, then, Miss McIntosh,” Mr. Benson smiled. “Lyon’s Publishing would be glad to publish this novel. We’d like to have it ready within the next few weeks, if that’s alright.”

“Of course,” Alex smiled. She wanted to get this out as quickly as possible to prove to Nick what she really felt. “Thank you so much for your time and for this opportunity,” she smiled and exited the conference room.

Next on her list was to go home and type. She had to type her true feelings and type as fast as she could. Nick had to know the truth. He had to understand where she was coming from. If not, her heart was going to break. He meant something so much more to her.

A few weeks later

Alex bit into an apple as she heard fireworks going off outside. “Alex,” Kerstin whined as she appeared in the doorway wearing a navy blue summer dress. “Please come out with us.” She sighed. Over the weeks, Kerstin and Howie had kept in touch, and they had a date tonight.

“I can’t,” she sighed. “I have to make sure the publishers call back. I want to be positive the book comes out tomorrow.” By now she figured Nick was back in Florida. She didn’t ask Howie – she didn’t want to pull Kerstin and Howie into the middle of this. Nick had said he wanted to be back in Florida right before their fight. She didn’t think anything held him back now.

“You and your damn novel,” Kerstin muttered and shook her head. “You really hurt Nick, you know. And I’m not going to stand here and lecture you on it because I’m your best friend and I will always defend you.” Kerstin threw in her opinion. “But kiddo? I’ve seen him since the fight and he’s torn up about it. You guys really had something.”

“I’m trying to get it back,” Alex sighed and sat intently watching the phone on the nightstand.

“What?” Kerstin frowned. Alex still hadn’t informed Kerstin of her plan to get Nick back. Her plan to prove to him that her feelings were real.

“Nothing,” Alex shook her head and took another big bite out of her apple. “You’ll see.”