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***Indy's POV***
"Grandpa would be so mad at us right now you know that right?" Charlie asked, Charlie was my sister, or Charlotte is her name, but she likes Charlie better. "Okay Charlie, I know I can't change the past." I said walking down the empty streets. "As for directions please?" Charlie said, I sigh and close my eyes, I wait a few seconds and open them to see people all around, well they were ghost. "Excuse me." I said walking up to a woman, she looked around 22. "Yes?" she said staring at me sadly. "Can you tell me where Xavier school for gifted youngsters is?" I asked hopeful. "Oh yes, down the road a little whiles." She said, I smiled. "Thank you, now go to the light." I said, she smiled and everything faded. "I swear Every time that freaks me out." Charlie said

I laughed and shrugged. "Hey, your possession thing freaks me out." I said pointing at her.
"Yeah well. I don't talk to ghost." She said as we walked down the road, a motorcycle pasted us, running through a puddle and drenching us. "Wow, im not very happy." I said wiping my face of dirt. "Indy, honey im not either." Charlie said, I glared and kept walking. We finally made it to the mansion, really, really cold and wet though.

I knocked on the door and hid in my hoodie, someone opened the door. "Oh dear, come in." someone said, I walked in with Charlie behind us. "I...is...Charles Xavier here?" I asked coming out of the hood, to see a woman, she had short silver hair that was sort of spiky. She looked down sadly then back up at Charlie and I. "Im sorry girls, but Professor Xavier passed away sadly." She said, I stared at her as my jaw slightly opened. "W-what?" I asked trying not to cry. "Did you know Charles?" she asked. "He was our grandfather." Charlie answered hugging me. "Oh my, im so sorry girls, we didn’t know he had grandchildren, or children at that." she said.

"By the way, im Ororo Munroe, please call me Storm." She said, "Storm, when did this happen?" I asked, "Right before the battle on Alcatraz Island ." She said, I sat down in the nearest chair crying. "I told you we should have come sooner." I whispered. "Indy, please." Charlie said. "What are your names?" Storm asked, now she was accompanied by a man with blue fur and glasses. "Im Indigo Romance, this is my sister Charlotte Romance." I said, "Charlie is my name really, I hate Charlotte ." She mumbled. The blue guy cleared his throat and took off his glasses. "Hello girls, im Dr. Henry McCoy, please call me Hank." He said shaking our hands. "Hello Hank." I said softly. "Now I heard that you are related to Charles." He said, we nodded our heads.

"Charles told me about you two." He said smiling; Ororo looked over at him sharply. "You knew he had grandchildren?" she said, Hank nodded. "He didn’t tell me where he just told me about his Indy and Charlie." Hank said smiling, I let out a sob. "I wanted to talk to him so bad, I had to tell him." I said, "Tell him what dear?" Hank asked crouching down in front of me. "We ran away to come here." I whispered. "Oh dear." He said sighing. I sighed and looked up, and gasped.

"Are you okay?" Hank asked, I stared past him. "Grandpa." I said with tears. "What?" Storm asked. "Her power, is to see the dead." Charlie said. "My dear." Xavier said smiling sadly. "Why?" I asked staring at him. "Because my dear, it was destined to be."

"But, Grandpa." I started but he stopped me. "Indigo, do not weep for me, im looking after this place, I'm still here." he said smiling. "What's he sayin'?" Charlie asked me, a tear falling down her cheek. "I miss him so much." she said, her knees becoming weak and falling to the floor.

"He said not to weep Charlie, he said he's watching over us." I said and hugged her, I looked up and Ororo was cupping her hands around her face crying and Hank was patting her back sadly. "I need to get out..." Charlie said and got up, leaving the room.

"Is she okay?" Hank asked, I turned around and seen my grandpa gone. "She'll be okay." I said and walked out after her. "Charlie?" I said softly. "Charlie!" I yelled and stopped running. I couldn't find her. Hank and Ororo ran after, and stopped next to me. "Where is she?" Ororo asked. "Outside." I said and opened the door and ran out.

"Outside, but...she feels hatred." I said, "How do you know?" Ororo asked. "She's an Empathic, she feels her feelings." Hank said smiling. I nodded and turned around then looked up. "Tree's are for squirrels Charlie." I said smiling. She looked down and glared at me.

Hank raised his hand up, "Come on down my dear." he told her. I looked from Hank to Charlie and waited a moment before she answered. "Please just leave me alone." she said softly, I looked at Hank and Ororo. "Let's just go inside, she needs her time alone." I said walking, they looked back at her one more time before following me in. "So, who's who?" I asked looking at everyone run around like chicken's with they're heads cut off.

"Well, that is Bobby Drake. That is Kitty Pryde and That's Peter Rasputin. That's Logan, come introduce yourself." Ororo said and grabbed my forearm and pulled me alone. "Everyone meet Professor Xavier's grandchild Indigo Romance, her sister is outside her name is Charlotte." Hank said smiling. Logan and Peter kind of looked me up and down, though Peter was more discreet than Logan, he smirked the whole time. "Hey bud eyes up here." I said pointing to my face.

He looked back up at me and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I know..." he said and smirked. "Where's ya sister?" he asked and Charlie came into the room, shutting the door. She kept walking, paying no mind to any of them. "Charlotte, please come..." Hank said, motioning her to walk over. She looked over and sighed with a little attitude. "Yeah?" she said, crossing her arms.

"Charlie, don't Grandpa wouldn't like that." I said, she sighed and stood up straight. "Sorry." she said, Logan smiled at us both. "I think im going to like the newbie's." he said elbowing Peter who stared at him then looked at us. "Hello Girls, im Peter Rasputin." he said smiling and extended his hand.

Charlie looked at Logan up and down and rolled her yes, "Charmed." she said sarcastically. I turned to her, "I thought you had that little attitude thing under control." I said to her. She glared at me, "Oh shut up Indy! Just stop it already, I'm twenty-six for sobbin' out loud." she said and scoffed