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Author's Chapter Notes:
AHH!! It's a freaking update!! LMAO. I can't believe it, and I'm the author of this damn story!! Well, to those who have been waiting for an update and staying loyal to this story, thanks a bunch and here it is!! May not be a lot, but I'm actually back on a roll with this story (broke through the writer's block with this story) and I'll be posting another update real soon!! Expect a lot of updates for this story, because I want to give back to those who have been patiently waiting for an update for this story. So, without further adieu, I present to you... the next chapter of Satan's Playground.

*Btw, you can post an update for "Thirteenth Step" Mare. =]*

“Nick, I’m in the morgue.” Kevin radioed in as he pushed the swinging doors open, walking into the darkened room.

“Okay, what you’re gonna do is…”

“Wait, wait, wait…” Kevin interrupted, “Hold up, I gotta look for a light switch or something.” after a few moments of groping the wall, he finally found a switch and tried to flick it on, coming up with nothing. “Shit.”

“What is it?”

“No light.” He replied, taking out his flashlight and clicking the light on. “This will have to do, alright continue on…”

“As you know, many of the hospital patients that didn’t make it were placed here. Says thousands of corpses have been in and out of this morgue, which also means that there are thousands of stories behind the corpses. Many of the deceased patients were either brutally beaten and later died or brutally murdered, all by the hands of one man…”

“George Pelowski.” Kevin finished Nick’s statement.

“Yeah. Due to the fact that technology wasn’t as advanced during that time, the dead bodies were kept on ice because they didn’t have individual freezers to keep the bodies in.”

Kevin shone his flashlight over the place, noticing that what Nick was saying was right. In the walls of the morgue were hollow squares, hollow and big enough to place a body within it. The cobwebs that decorated the inside of the hollow squares glistened as he shone his flashlight over it.

“What’s my mission?” he asked, continuing to observe the morgue with the little light he had.

“You’re to climb into one of the hollow squares in the wall and lay in it for at least ten minutes.”

Kevin fell silent, waiting for Nick to continue on, but he didn’t say anything more. “That’s it?” he asked.

“For now.” Nick replied. “I’ll radio you back once your time is up.”

Kevin only nodded as he fastened his walkie talkie back on his holster. He shone his light over all the squares, looking for one that seemed decently clean, but they were all equally covered in cobwebs and muck. He finally settled on one and shone his light into the hollow square he chose, wondering if he’d even be able to fit his large frame inside. Sighing heavily, he began to remove all his equipment from off his body, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to fit in there if he still had his equipment attached to him. He placed all of his belongings on a nearby medical table and had kept the flashlight with him.

Closing his eyes, he stuck his hand into the hollow opening and grimaced when he felt the webs automatically stick to his hands. He tried his best to break away the webs that decorated the hollow square, and quickly pulled his hand out when he felt something crawling on his flesh. He looked down and saw a large spider on his hand, which was now trying to crawl up his arm. Kevin quickly shook his hand around, dislodging the spider. He shone the flashlight into the hollow square once again to see if it fairly clean enough for him to climb in; he knew he wasn’t going to get it any cleaner than this.

Sighing heavily, he placed the end of his flashlight in his mouth and hoisted himself up so he could crawl into the hole. He went in, feet first, into the hollow opening, trying to slide himself all the way in. When he felt his feet touch the end wall of the opening, he tried to maneuver himself within the small space, trying to get himself comfortable. He was laying on his back, and when he finally found a slightly comfortable position, he took the flashlight out of his mouth and placed it on his chest. There was hardly room for him to move his arms, so he kept his hands clasped together on his stomach.

He laid there in silence, letting his senses take over now, waiting to hear or feel any paranormal activity. Four minutes passed, and his eyes were already becoming heavy, his body growing stiff. He hadn’t heard or felt anything out of the ordinary yet, but he felt himself beginning to doze off with every second that passed by. When his eyes would fall shut, he would snap them open, trying hard to keep himself awake. He glanced down at his watch, he was only at five minutes now; five more minutes to go. He sighed heavily as he felt sleep trying to overcome him again, and this time he gave in. His eyes fluttered closed and he allowed himself to be surrounded by the darkness.

“Catch them… kill them all…”

Kevin jolted awake upon hearing that voice. He quickly glanced around, or at least tried to in the small space he was crammed in. He looked down at his watch, noticing that he had been laying in there for twelve minutes now. Placing the end of the flashlight back into his mouth, he began to maneuver himself out of the small, hollow square.

When he got his upper torso out of the hole, he found himself stuck, something pulling on his legs. He tried to tug his legs out, which only resulted on something, or rather someone, pulling on his legs harder, trying to pull him back into the hole. When he looked down to see what was trying to pull him back in, he saw the face of a male. His eyes were pitch black, and his flesh was ashen, dark colored veins accentuating his hollow cheeks. His decaying hands were attached to Kevin’s legs, his claw-like fingers digging into his pant legs.

Kevin’s eyes widened and he gasped as he feverishly struggled to get himself loose and out of the hole. He began thrashing wildly within the small confines, feeling himself inching out slowly. With one last tug, the grasp was dislodged and Kevin flew out the hole, landing painfully on his back. The back of his head made immediate contact with the hard ground, causing him to cry out in pain. A throbbing ache shot up and down his back while his head pulsated. He felt a cool liquid reach the back of his neck, but he couldn’t even move. He laid there helplessly as he tried to fight himself from falling unconscious. His eyes began to flutter, and when he was finally able to wrench them open, he saw a man standing before him, hovering over him.

“Catch them… kill them all…” the man said as he glared down at Kevin.

Kevin could no longer fight it, he felt himself slip into darkness.