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Author's Chapter Notes:
Hmm, I'm wondering since this is such a short and small chapter, if I should post the other two chapters describing Brian and Howie's mission... what to do, what to do...
“Once you enter the building, it is your job white to walk red into the last room at the end of the corridor on the first floor. Once you walk him into the room and close the door, radio me in so I can instruct you on how to do your job. Red, you will remain in that room in complete isolation for ten minutes. You are not allowed to contact me or Brian at anytime during your ten minute isolation. As soon as your time is up, I will notify you, then I will notify Brian to come and get you alright?”

Brian didn’t respond this time, he simply placed his walkie talkie back into its holster and had pushed open the large glass doors that led into the hospital. Particles of dust had snowed down the front of his shining flashlight, making his only source of light a bit pale. He remained at the entrance, shining his light down the long corridor. He had to walk all the way to the end of the hallway, place Howie in the end room, and walk all the way back by himself. Howie, on the other hand, remain blind until that door closes, and all he has to do is sit in that room in complete silence for at least ten minutes. Brian couldn’t tell which mission he would rather do, he didn’t know if he had it worse or if Howie did.

He began pulling a blind Howie down the long corridor, slowing down every once in a while to catch a glimpse of one of the hospital rooms where the door seemed to be ajar. When they got to the end room, they found the door completely wide open, as if expecting and waiting for Howie. Hesitantly, Brian led Howie into the room and had sat him on a chair that was situated across the room. Once he sat Howie down, he had walked back towards the door, turning around and he just stood there, staring at him, hesitant to leave him alone. After he released a heavy sigh, he slowly closed the door which created a creaking noise as the hinges were being bent out of it’s rusted state.

He pulled his walkie talkie out of his holster and had held it close to his mouth. “Alright AJ…” Brian started, allowing his head to rest against the closed door. “One situation down… couple more to go…”