Summary: Things take a turn for the better for the gang
Rated: G
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Music > Good Charlotte
Characters: AJ, Brian, Group, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other, Benji Madden, Joel Madden
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape
Series: What Would You Do
Chapters: 2
Completed: No
Word count: 521
Read: 3447
Published: 09/17/07
Updated: 09/17/07
1. Chapter 1 by bsbknowsme [ - ] (106 words)
Sorry i took so long. R/r
2. Chapter 2 by bsbknowsme [ - ] (415 words)