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Story Notes:
Please be gentle about my English! ;) I am German.
Reviews are very much appreciated! =)
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When you think of fame you think of stars. Of people who are known in the world, who have a lot of money and a bunch of friends.

But as good as it sounds – it’s not.

You never know who your real friends are. Most of them just stay close to you because they want to be known as well, because they want to have a bit of your money.

I have no real private life and even if I do - noone believes me when I talk about it. They think they know me, my life and feelings. And they judge me for being someone I am not.

I hate that I have no time to myself.

Don’t get me wrong I love my fans but sometimes it’s annoying.
They seem to know where I am 24/7. I want to be there for them but I just can’t be. I don’t understand how someone can say “I love you” to somebody they don’t even know. It kinda scares me.
Like they say in that MTV show – you think you know but you have no idea.
I am thankful to all of them but sometimes I wish that I would still be unknown. Just me - Nick.

To tell the truth – I am lonely. Most people don’t seems to understand that.

Or do they know that I long for love? For true love?
I have dated a lot of girls but it never worked out.
They don’t understand that it’s hard for me to find the woman for life because I never know if she loves me for me or for what I am.

It’s just another proof that you can’t buy love.

This is the trouble with fame.