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I looked around.It was like he was never there.No boy laying on the floor.The attic was closed.Maybe Kev was right.Maybe I did dream it.I got back in bed.I sank into a deep sleep.

When I opened my eyes,everything was still.The gray light of early morning silvered the bare floor.Far away,a train whistle blew.

I saw a girl asleep in the rocking chair.A girl about fourteen.She wore a long white dress.Her feet bare.Her dark hair tumbled down around her face.

I was to scared to move.I laid motoinless in bed.Scarcely daring to breathe.Afraid the slightest noise would wake her.When she raised her fists to rub sleep from her eyes,I shut mine.

"Andrew,wake up."

A second later I could feel the girl on top of me.Touching my skin with her soft,warm fingers.She was no dream.She was real.

The door opened and footsteps raced toward me.I heard them talking but kept my eyes shut.

"His fever's gone.He's still alive."

"Andrew,Open your eyes."

I looked up not knowing the faces I saw.Dumbfounded with fear I stayed quiet.

Alarmed by my silence,One of them told another to call the doc.