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So I saw Joe today at the end of 3rd hour. I think that's the most I've seen him since second period finals. I miss him. We've gotten so much closer in the last 6 months and now we have no classes together so it's ruining everything!!! I still can't decide if I should like him or not. There's things about him I like but there's a lot of things that make me want to smack him! I don't know... I guess it's just weird because I've known him for so long and he's a lot different from how he used to be, and yet he hasn't changed. It's weird because I know I have feelings for him, but I just don't like him like that. Not to say I wouldn't go out with him if the opportunity presented itself but I don't know if I have any interest in trying to make it happen. Yet!... I kind of feel like if I don't, and I let this...him, pass me by, I'll be making a huge mistake. If that's not complicated, I don't know what is.