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It felt like I was in a basement, damp and bitter. But, I still wasn’t sure. I was blindfolded. My screams were muffled by duct tape. More tape bound my ankles and wrists. I could have easily pulled off the blindfold; I didn’t for I feared very much what I might see. I rolled onto my back and started to thrash violently, kicking the hard walls. Maybe if I made enough noise someone would come to my rescue. I was rewarded with a hollow laugh and a kick in the stomach. For a moment I thought I might vomit. I felt something cool and steel being pressed against my Adam’s apple. I held my breath.
“I suggest you smarten up or you will wish I killed you.” Someone traced a finger over my taped mouth. “I’ll take this off if you’re quite.” I nodded as fresh tears fell, salty and hot. The blade was put aside. An icy hand gripped the back of my neck while another ripped the tape from my flesh. I whimpered, cowering back. “Hush, you’re alright.” It was trying to sound nurturing.
“I want to go home.” I declared weakly then winced as someone ran their fingers through my long shaggy blonde hair.
“You are home.”
“No.” I broke into sobs, choking slightly.
“This is your home now.” It whispered. I could feel it’s hot breath on my neck. I felt closterphobic and strangely violated.