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“And five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, kick and slide, turn and lift—no, no cut the music. Nick for the hundredth time today, use your whole body to lift Alexis’, she needs to be much higher than you’re lifting her.”

“I’m sorry Fatima, I’m trying, and I just can’t seem to hit the right count.” Nick wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and shook his head.

“It’s okay Nicky, we just have to get you to stop eating Micky D’s and everything else and go and lift more than just these beautiful ladies!” A.J. grinned picking up Diana and spinning her around.

“Aw leave Nick alone Bone’s he hasn’t touched McDonald’s in forever.”

“Okay guys we just have to finish this last song. I did not come all the way from Florida to Texas to hear you act like five year olds.”

“Hey when are we getting that new dancer? She’s sort of the reason why we’re having these double practices,since the last one dropping out,” Howie asked.

“She’ll be here tonight for our last practice. Don’t worry she already knows all of the dance moves, she will just have to rehearse—“

“Actually I can rehearse with you now.” I walked in, my long blonde hair pulled into a messy bun. I was sporting a pair of black capri pants, a white and silver tank top and had my dance bag over my shoulder.

“Hailey you weren’t supposed to be here until five tonight!?”

“I know Tima but I was able to catch an earlier flight,” I smiled brightly giving Fatima a hug.

“Okay introductions real quick than we’ll finish this last song…that looks like will take us another hour. Everyone this is Hailey James you can get to know her all tour long. Hailey this is Kevin, Brian, Amber, and Teal. And Katie, A.J., Nick, Howie, and Trista are over there. Alright, now back to the top of ‘Beautiful Woman’.”

There was a chorus of groans and sighs but everyone quickly got into their places. I sat in a straddle position next to the mirrors, stretching while everyone began to dance. I remembered thankfully each part that would come next from the videos Fatima had sent me to study the last two days. The guys looked great up to the point of the lift. Each of the guys was able to lift their partner, from her waist, all except for Nick.

“Cut the music,” Fatima’s voice dragged out and she rubbed her temples with her long finger tips. “Okay, we tried switching up the partners maybe we should take this part out.”

“No way this part looks so cool…if we could all do it right,” Teale exclaimed putting her hands on her hips.

“Fatima let me try being Nick’s partner, do you mind?” I asked standing up and walking to the group.

“Not at all, we’ll try this one last time if it doesn’t work I’m cutting it. Okay, so now Amber go ahead with Kevin and Hailey with Nick. At the top.” The music started and the boys followed us girls as we walked to the front, more or less shaking our hips as hard as we could. It came to the part of the song for the lift and I got to my position.

“B is for beautiful as the sunrise…” The speakers blared out the song and up came the lift.

“Nick trust me, let me do the work and you lift with your legs.” Nick nodded; a piece of his yellow blonde hair fell in front of his eyes, his eyes that showed he was nervous. I gave him a half smile and as his hands around my waist, I pushed off the ground with my one leg. Nick used his legs to get me up and tightened my body as I was lifted above his head. I couldn’t help but notice the huge grin Nick gave when it was time to spin me down. The song came to a finish and everyone began to praise Nick for finally getting the step down.

I took a step back to take everyone in and knew right away that this was going to be one of the best tours I’ve been on.

Fatima had us run through the song one more time to make sure Nick got the lift without any problem and of course he did just fine. I couldn’t help but notice the glares I would get from the red head, Amber. She looked strangely familiar but I could not place where I have seen here before. I assumed that I had probably seen her just as another dancer from some group and brushed off the weird vibe I was getting. Now that I think about it, I should have gone with my gut instinct.