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Kylie let out a soft moan as their kissed deepened and her tongue kissed back with hunger. Nick had one hand on her cheek the other behind her head and he breathed heavily in between kisses. As Nick was adjusting himself on top and gently lowering Kylie down into the sand, he glanced his eyes up out toward the angry sea. At that instant he dropped Kylie and bolted to his knees. To him he could have sworn he saw Stacie in the ocean, her dead body lying on her surf board calling Nick's name.

"Nick what's wrong?" Kylie asked propping herself up on her elbows.

"I-I can't do this." He ran a hand through his hair and Kylie stood up.

"Do what? We we were just kissing. Did I do something wrong?" She asked with concern. Nick didn't say anything back but stared out into the ocean. "Nick you're scaring me, what's going on?"

"There you two are! Look what I just bought across the street. This is why I love this town!" Amanda had a bottle of wine in her hand and took a swig. Nick still ignored Kylie's eyes that were filled with hurt and confusion. "Have some girl, you're sobering up and it's still early!"

"I think I will," Kylie took the bottle and a long drink from it.

"Ah I'm so glad you're in Nick's life! I have another girl I can hang out with and will actually get a long with me!" Amanda slung her drunken arm over Kylie's shoulder and the two walked down the beach.

"Sorry she doesn't drink much," Alex offered as he approached Nick.

"I'm ready to go home, " Nick said running a hand through his hair.

"Have too much to drink Nicky?" Alex laughed and patted Nick's shoulder. In fact Nick knew he had too much to drink and that's all he could use for an excuse for the kiss. Just then they both heard the two women scream. Their heads jerked to the direction and saw them both splashing around in the shore, the bottle of wine passed back and forth between the two.

"Great," Nick shook his head and him and Alex began walking down toward the water.

"Baby let's head home!" Alex yelled out. Both Amanda and Kylie were too busy falling down in the water and laughing.

"So what is up with you and Nick?" Amanda slurred. Kylie took the bottle aggressively and a sip before she answered.

"Absolutely nothing. We're friends and that's it. Period."

"That's not what that kissed lookey liked," Amanda laughed.

"It was a drunken whoa!" Kylie stepped off the sand bar. "It's okay the bottle is above the water!" She held it up treading water.

"I'll save the Vino!" Amanda reached her hand out and took the bottle. "Uh oh it's almost gone."

"Finish it up, I've had too much," Kylie swam back into shore.

"Let's go you two," Alex called from the beach.

"Come in the water is great!"

"Thanks Kylie but I'm good nice and dry. Now come on!"

"Awe five more minutes Dad!" Amanda cried.

"I feel like such a kid," Kylie admitted. "It feels kinda good."

"Then why that face like you ate a lemon?" Amanda laughed.

"I have a cramp," Kylie half laughed and struggled to keep her head up.

"Here take my hand," Amanda still laughed lightly. Amanda stopped laughing when she realized that the undertow was taking Kylie away. "ALEX!" She screamed and before she could call his name again she saw Nick in the water already swimming to Kylie.

"Don't try to swim, just relax." Nick told Kylie as his arm slipped around her waist. He fought against the waves and current as he pulled Kylie up onto shore. Alex and Amanda were already to the point they were and helped Nick bring her up. As Nick lay her in the sand she looked up into his eyes breathing hard.

"Nick-I-I'm sorry," Kylie felt stupid and guilty for going out in the water, knowing of Nick's girlfriend.

"It's fine. Are you okay?"

"Yeah my knee just had a spasm." She moved her knee in and out a little. Nick ran his fingers over her knee and rubbed it gently.

"Are we ready to go now?" Alex asked with anger and Amanda nodded her head and looked at Kylie feeling guilty. Nick helped Kylie stand and she stumbled into him a little.

"Knee?" Nick asked with concern.

"And a little tipsy still, sorry," Kylie giggled a little. "Nick that was dumb for me to go into the water after drinking. I wasn't thinking."


"Nick I am sorry."

"I know, let's just go home. Alex called a cab." He put an arm around Kylie and ushered her to the road where a cab would be waiting.

The four climbed in and within minutes Amanda had passed out with her head on Alex's shoulder. Nick stared out the window and Kylie kept stealing glances to Nick.

"I have to get my car," she spoke up.

"I'll bring you to it tomorrow," Nick told her not taking his eyes off the window.

"I kinda want to go home," she told him and it was the first time Nick didn't hear excitement or happiness in her voice.

"You're staying at my place now relax," Alex told her and Kylie let out a sigh, running her hands through her hair in frustration. Nick looked over, watched as Kylie's eyes closed as the sigh released from her full lips. He knew she felt bad for the water incident. He placed a hand on her knee and in reaction she pulled away and leaned toward the passed out Amanda.

The ride home was quiet and by 4am they pulled into the driveway. Nick paid for the cab as Alex carried Amanda into the house.

"Thanks for getting me out tonight, I did have fun." Nick told Kylie who was leaning against the light post in the front yard. She nodded her head, hugging her arms to warm up.

"Let's get you some warm clothes on."

"Actually I'm just going to walk home."

"Kylie it's four in the morning, you're still drunk, you'll catch pneumonia from being wet and there are weirdo's out beside you at this hour." Kylie couldn't help but crack a smile at Nick's comment.

"Nick I'm-"

"I know." He pulled her to his chest and gave her a hug. "Come on inside." With his arm slung around hr shoulder the two walked inside.

"Hey Nick?" Kylie asked walking into his bedroom.

"Yeah?" He pulled out a pair of sweat pants and long sleeved shirt for her to wear from his dresser.

"I think we need to go back to just being friends." She took the handed out clothes.

"I think so too. Now change and come to bed." He winked and watched as she went into the bathroom. He knew he was not ready for anything serious and he knew that he and Kylie could be something great. He couldn't chance ruining a future they could possibly have.