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Things are settled down now, after a couple of hours of Crystal having a break down. Yes, a break down…as soon as we entered the house, she jumped into my arms and was crying hysterically. I was thinking someone had attacked her and there was a dead guy upstairs, or that she was upset that Nick had been pointed in the noggin or she was in shock, from shooting Tom. It was none of the above. She was upset that I had a gun between my eyes, and that she had hesitated to pull the trigger.

It was quite the sight, there were tears streaming down her face, her hands were caressing me everywhere, she was apologizing over and over and Nick was having a blast with the whole scene. I reassured her many times, that it was ok, that I didn’t expect her to shoot. Tell you the truth, I hadn’t expected her to shoot, I was HOPING she would.

Damn I need a smoke! I rummage my bag, but there are no cigarettes. I’m tempted to hop on that motorcycle and cruise into town for a pack, but I can’t leave these two alone. I’m expecting the worse now, I think that’s almost all Don’s workers, so if the bastard wants me dead, he’s gonna have to come after me, his damn self. Hell, I think that’s the best, I have a couple of questions for his ass. If he lied to me about my name and my family’s death, he definitely has the answers. That bastard!

I still can’t believe that Tom is dead, and you might think that I’ve gone soft, but I dug up a hole for him earlier, I took off his wedding ring and I promised myself, that if I get out of this alive. I’ll be visiting Mrs. L and his kid. She doesn’t have to know it’s my fault, he’s gone.

I peek out the living room window, but all I see are the trees around the driveway, the truck, motorcycle and the Camaro. The sun is slowly going down, and darkness is creeping up on us. Which reminds me that tomorrow is the big day. The day I’ve been waiting for. The fucking day, that has me in this whole god damn mess. Why the fuck wasn’t Richardson here when I needed him to be? It would have made my life, much less complicated or not.

Speaking of Richardson, I’ve concluded that I wont kill him, and definitely not the baby. There is no reason to anymore, I’m not gonna get paid for it and well it seems that, he’s gotta be important to the kid. I think he might even be her uncle, and her dad works here with him. She doesn’t really talk about her dad much, I guess, I can’t blame her for it. Its only been a couple of months, since she found out about him. A deep sigh escapes my chest, as I think about her, at the moment, my mission is keeping her alive. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to her, just the thought makes my insides twist into knots. A snore from Nick, who is passed out on the recliner, brings me back to the present. I think I should forget about the mess for a couple of hours, and get some rest. I’ll have to be up later on tonight, to keep an eye out. I put my gun on the lamp table and spread myself out on the sofa, my eyes instantly start to close.

A couple of minutes later, I’m startled by the warmth next to me and the arm around my waist. I groggily open my eyes and notice that the kid is damn near laying on top of me. Her body is between the sofa cushions and my body, one of her legs is over mine and her head is right on my stomach. I can’t help, but smile. I gently lift my hand and run my fingers through her soft, wavy hair. Simply having her this close, is making my heart race and filling me with the memories of the night before. I don’t want to distract myself with those memories, so I close my eyes again, hoping sleep will consume me and my thoughts.

The next morning I wake up, to the brightness of the dreadful day, beaming in my face. I groan, and shift myself, forgetting the girl resting on me. Damn it! I can't believe that we all slept through the night, especially me. She slowly looks up at me, her groggy blue eyes lock with mine. A wide smile grows on her face and crimson covers her cheeks. Sitting up she rubs her eyes “I’m sorry…I was scared last night and well, there wasn’t really another spot.”

I give her a crooked smile and nod “No worries…listen, I’m going to wash up and head out to the store.”

“Your gonna leave us here…?” she pouts and her eyes glaze over with tears.

My body stiffens, mid-stretch and I let out a frustrated sigh. It’s not like I’m going to carry them BOTH, wherever the hell I go. I need my privacy. Some time to think, what the fuck I’m going to do. “Crys…everything will be fine…” I’m tempted to let her know, that half of Don’s men are lifeless outside, but I’ll keep that piece of information to myself.

Nick, yawns loudly and carefully stretches out. “We can take my truck, Jack. I don’t think we have much to eat here anyways…we could pick something up at the diner. Real quick.” he stands, and heads to the bathroom, assuming that I’m going along with his plans.

“Please Jack!” she’s up close, her hands pressed against my chest and I don’t think her bottom lip, can stick out any further. “I promise we will take our guns, and stay out of trouble.” she gives me that stupid, pleading, and persuasive look and I can’t help myself. Did she just talk about the gun, like it's her purse she needs to carry around?

I roll my eyes and rub the back of my sore neck, “Fine, but I swear Crystal, you better stay close to me.” I turn to walk towards the bathroom, but she takes my hand and pulls me back towards her. “What now?”

Her eyes bore into mine, I know she's dying to ask me something. Something, that she knows damn well, I’m not willing to answer. “Jack…please…! Can’t you, just tell me why they are trying to kill us? Who they are?” she clutches my shirt and tries to do the eye contact, but I let my eyes wander around the house.

“I don’t know Crystal.” I shrug. I can't believe that I'm so full of shit, but now that I’ve decided not to kill the man I suppose, is her uncle. I’ve decided, that there is no need to tell her anything else about me. Hell, she knows enough, even my real name.

“Fine…” she mutters, letting go of my shirt and storming up the stairs. I have to admit, that I don’t like lying to her, but I’ll be leaving really soon. Maybe, even today. Richardson is due back, he’s the owner of the place and an ex cop. He’s more than able to take care of the twosome.

The water is cold, as it hits my face, but I need to wake up. My head is jam-packed with so many damn thoughts, it feels like it might explode. My family. My real name. Leaving Crystal behind. Killing or not killing Richardson. The three bodies outside. Don betraying me. The list is never-ending and all the god damn uncertainty of everything, is finally catching up with me.

Once washed up and changed, we head out to the truck, looking all around and pile in. You can’t be too cautious, when everyone is trying to kill you. The ride is quiet, just the random song, that I have no idea what the hell it is, plays. My head is pounding, I need a cigarette badly, maybe a shot or two and a good week of uninterrupted sleep. Yeah, that would be fucking great!

It doesn't take us long, to get my cigs, a couple of snacks for the kid and our food. Once again, we are all alert of our surroundings and I'm surprised that nothing is happening. Maybe I'm just in overdrive and I need something to be happening constantly, to keep my own sanity. All is quiet as we leave the town behind and pass the mass of trees leading to the ranch. Nothing, is happening and I'm starting to worry about it.

The kid is munching on something, Nick is humming to the hick song on the radio and I'm sitting in the back, wishing that I had never been assigned to this mission. Fucking shit! I'm the last to hop off the truck, and I quickly open my pack. I stuff one in my mouth, light it up and take a long ass puff.

"Mind if I have one? It's been a while, but I don't think you can forget how to smoke." he chuckles at his own lame ass joke, as I hand him a cig and the lighter. The kid unlocks the door and I heads inside. "So, what's it like being a spy?" he just never quits, like I'm going to tell him. Spy? That's a fucking joke.

"It sucks!!" that's the best answer he's going to get from me.

He shrugs and continues to inhale his cigarette, while I fight the urge to thank him once again, for saving my ass. Of course, you know me by now, I just stay quiet and enjoy poisoning my lungs. The rustle of a bag, hitting the floor, a gasp and a door slamming, sends both of us flying into the house.

"Crystal...whoa!" now I'm the one with the hands up in the air, and the confused look on my face. I'm not scared, but the girl has a damn tranquilizer gun in her hands and the shit has a yellow dart in it. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask harshly.

"I should ask you the same..." her voice shakes and she licks her lips nervously "question" her chest is heaving, and it looks like she might pass out. I try to lower my hand and put it on her arm, but she tries to poke me with the dart gun. "Stay away from me...Jack! Nick...?"

"Huh?" he walks over to her side, I'm left standing at the entrance of the door. That's fucking great, I have a dart with who knows, what shit in it, aimed at my chest and I'm more than sure, there is a god damn sniper aiming at the back of my head, right now. "What is going on Crystal...put that thing down."

She nods, her eyes never leaving mine. "Push the play button...NOW!"

Nick obediently pushes the button and the voice I hear, sends a current of warmth through my body. I'm frozen in place, listening to the message and staring at the kid. My heart, feels like it's forcing its way through my chest.

Jack...tsk...tsk...I believed in you. All I needed was for you to do this mission for me. A very important mission...now, almost all my men are dead, Richardson is alive and I have no choice, but to add you to the dead staff list.

I'm hearing his voice, but I can't believe it. I can't find my voice, or the strength to move at the moment, as I continue to hear him, rat me out.

Did you tell the girl...that your an ASSASSIN, Jack. That those hands that touched her, all over. Have slit throats, stabbed, broken necks...I don't have time to go down the list. Poor girl. You didn't tell her, that you get paid to kill people...that you were sent to kill Richardson and his first born. I have news for you Jack...I'm coming to get you...Richardson AND THAT DAMN KID OF HIS!!

The machine beeps and instantly, Nick blurts "What the fuck?" he looks over at Crystal, who still looks startled, angry and scared....probably many more emotions are running through her at the time, but those are the ones I can read off her face. So much, for not telling her anything else, this bastard, just laid out my whole reason for being here.

Hearing Don's message was a surprise, but the next message, about gave me a fucking heart attack.

Hey it's Kevin...I mean...dad. Sorry, still getting used to...anyways, kiddo. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. I hope that everything is ok. I'm just calling to let you know I'm already in town, I wasn't able to bring Mason home this time. I'll be home really soon, honey. I love you. Oh, tell Nick he better have my barn clean.

"Shit Kevin is going to kill me..." Nick said, scratching the back of his head. Then it processes in his pee brain, everything that is going on. "You are going to kill Kevin?" his voice, is high pitched as he pulls out his...wait that's my gun...he is aiming MY gun at me.

My eyes are still on the kid, mouth open, immobile, my heart has gotta be splattered somewhere on one of these walls. It can't be. There has to be a fucking mistake, this is not happening to me. I feel the room spin around me, my heart is back in my chest, because I can feel it pounding in my ears.

"You were...going to...kill me...Jack?" her voice is low, and dripping with disappointment. I can't explain the look on her face at the moment, but I do know she's looking at me, like I'm a monster.

Its all settling in, the reason for everyone throwing that stupid rule number five in my face. The whole time, I’ve been saving her life over and over again. Yet, I‘m supposed to bet the one, to take it. No wonder Don, doesn’t trust me anymore. In his eyes, I fell for the target...she IS my TARGET! I can’t find the balls, to speak a word to her, so I do...what normal hitman Jack would do. I reach behind me and take out my gun. This is now a fucking gun aiming party. She is aiming the dart gun at me, Nick is also aiming MY gun at me and I am aiming my gun at them.

Just as I find my voice and open my mouth to speak. Something hits me in the chest and instantly, my vision blurs, a hot...hot feeling pumps through my veins and I feel every muscle in my body goes limp. Sluggishly I strain to look at my chest and see the yellow dart sticking out of my chest. The gun slips out of my hand and falls with a clank to the floor.

I look up at the kid, who looks more in shock than me. "Oh my god, Jack!" her voice comes and goes.

"You shot...me with a fucking ani...mal...tran...quil...izer" I can barely get the words, out of my mouth. My body staggers, as I try to take a step, then suddenly I feel a tingling feeling against my face and body. I can't see much anymore, nothing, but a blur. Within seconds, I can't feel anything anymore, my fucking body is paralyzed. All I can do is hear muffled voices, the voices of those two idiots.

Wait till this wears...the fuck...off. No one…shoots…me…es…pecially…with…an…im…al….