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An hour later, I pulled into Megan’s and AJ’s house, noticing all other cars were accounted for. ‘Great, Theresa gets to make a grand entrance,’ my mind hollered. I was stoked. I walked up the porch, smiled at some of Megan’s friends who waved, and entered.
“Excuse me, what the hell are you wearing?” I smiled over at Kevin and Brian.
“Those are not clothes. I’m not sure what they are, but clothes, they are not.”
“Damn Kevin, you should like my dad!” I gave them each a hug and went in search of my friends.
“Oh hell no, go change.” I turned around and threw my arms around my brother.
“Ease up. I’m covered, no major body spots showing.”
“Barely. Look, Megan is wearing more than that. And you guys are the same size, so please change.” I smiled and shook my head.
“Not on your life!” With that, I turned on my heel and marched out to the backyard. Howie was sitting with Nick and Megan at the table. He was saying something, but stopped short as he noticed me being there. Both Nick and Megan turned to see what he was staring at and I did all I could not to beam. Was he shocked? Hell yes. Was he happy? Hell no. Which, for me, was perfect. Megan jumped off the table and ran to give me a hug.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“Playing nice. I wanted to dress up, you told me I could.”
“I told you no such thing. But, hot damn, was it worth it to see his look. Girl, you know he wants you.” I shrugged, yet knowing she was right, or at least hoping she was right. “Shame on you for playing with his emotions.” I busted out laughing at that.
“Right, don’t blame me.” Nick walked over and scooped me up in his arms.
“If your heart didn’t belong to one of my best friends, I would so kiss you right now.” My eyes locked with his blue ones.
“Nick, put me down! You wouldn’t dare.”
“Are you daring me?” I shrugged and shrieked as he picked me back up and pressed his lips against mine.
“Stop it,” I said, laughing as I pulled away. He laughed too, setting me back down, but when I turned around to glance at the table, Howie was more than looking, he was glaring and anger oozed from him. I smiled at him, waved and turned to walk back into the house, but I was stopped. His hand grabbed my upper arm and I turned to look at him.
“We need to talk.”
“We did enough talking. If you excuse me, I need to go find my brother.”
“He can wait, we need to talk now.” I rose my eyebrow but he grabbed my hand and dragged, yes dragged, me into one of the guest bedrooms.
“Damn, I would say he’s pissed.”
“From the outfit or from the kiss, Nick.”
“It was just a joke, come on!” Megan rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

I sat down on the bed and crossed me legs, swinging it back and forth, waiting for him to speak his mind. I sighed, letting him know I was not happy. He ran his fingers through his hair and paced the room.
“Would you flippin’ stop and just tell me what’s going on?”
“Why did you kiss Nick?” I busted out laughing! Was he for real? That’s what had him so worked up?
“It was a joke Howie, nothing more.”
“But why?”
“What the hell has gotten into you? What does it matter? You have Leigh.”
“It matters because you’re a friend.”
“Correction, was a friend. Again, Nick and I always joke. That is not the first time he’s givin’ me a kiss in front of you.”
“I’m aware of that!”
“Than what has got you so pissed off?”
“I didn’t like it!” I shut my mouth and couldn’t breathe. What the hell was he talking about? He sat down and grabbed my hand. “I meant, I don’t like you two toying around like that.”
“And I’m totally failing to see the point here.”
“I just don’t want you getting close to him.” I rose my eyebrow.
“Are you telling me to stay away from him?”
“Well, not quite…not in so many words, I mean…”
“Woah, just shut it while you’re ahead. D, I’m allowed to kiss, touch, flirt or date whomever I want. You have no damn say in the matter. Just because you’re a friend, we’re a friend, or whatever, does not give you the right to run my life.”
“I know Nick…”
“It’s not Nick, it’s any guy. You don’t want me to be with anyone. Why?”
“There’s no reason!”
“That’s such bull shit. There is a reason, but you’re not ‘fession up to it. What the hell is up?”
“I don’t want any man to have what I can’t have!” I opened my mouth to say something but quickly shut it again. What the hell did he just say? There was no way he felt that way. It just couldn’t be, not now, not when he had put a ring on her finger. I stood up and walked over to the door.
“Howie, you had a chance but you didn’t want to take it. But because you have regrets of who you’re with or what you lost, don’t make me pay for it. Actually, I won’t let you make me pay for it. You had eyes and ears just like everyone else.” With that, I walked out the door, closing it behind me. I sighed and watched Megan come into view. “I have to go chica, I can’t stay here.”
“I heard. Go, I’ll call you later?” I nodded my head, gave her a hug and headed out to my car.