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I covered my eyes against the sun and tried to ignore the sound of someone banging on my front door. I moaned and rolled over, bumping into the man laying next to me. He grunted and rolled over onto his side. I grabbed my robe and made my way downstairs, opening the front door to find Howie there.
“Can I help you with something?” I asked as I leaned against the door.
“Yes you can, actually. But first, may I come in?” I sighed, but opened the door wider. “Thank you. Don’t you think it’s a little late to be in your robe?” I shrugged.
“What do you want?”
“Damn, yes, I would like something to drink.” I rolled my eyes and made my way into the kitchen.
“What can I get you?”
“Coke, please.” He pulled a chair out and rested his arm on the table. “Listen, about yesterday…”
“Why do you always bring up the stupid shit for? What was said, was said and I personally don’t care.” I put the soda in front of him and pulled a chair out for me, trying to cover my nakedness.
“I just feel that what I said was uncalled for. You deserved to find happiness like I did.” I rolled my eyes.
“D, in on way shape or form do you run my life. I was going to do what I damn well please, with or without your consent.”
“Damn it, this is so not going how I want it to.” He ran his hands over his face than through his hair. “What I once might have felt can not effect what I feel for someone else.”
“D, listen to me. If you feel you love her, fine. If you feel she is the only one for you, great. You told me a very long time ago how you felt. I don’t need you to keep reminding me.”
”I know. I know, listen, Leigh would like it if you were in…”
“Hell no. She can’t stand me and I can’t her. No way. Sorry D, I know you’re a friend, but ain’t no way in hell am I doing that!”
“Fine. I can’t pressure you into doing it. I would just hope that since you’re one of my best friends, you would…”
“Don’t play that card!”
“Would you two please keep it down?” I turned to see Nick coming down the stairs, hair totally ever which way. I closed my eyes, praying D would not say anything. This was the last thing I needed to explain.
“Hey man.” D looked at Nick, than back over at me, and his eyes opened wide. “You’re bull shitting me right? You wouldn’t sleep with him?”
“Is there something wrong with that?”
“Over than you being a royal tramp, no, I guess not.”
“Excuse me? A royal tramp?”
“Well yeah. I didn’t agree with Leigh, but I guess now I do. After all, you’re working up the Backstreet ladder.”
“Get the hell out of my house. I don’t want to ever see you again. You’re such the biggest jackass. And I called you friend!” With that, I stormed past him and upstairs. I fell down on the bed, tears running down my cheeks.

“Why did you say that for?” D turned and looked at Nick, a pure look of disgust crossed his face.
“I don’t have to answer to you.”
“You’re right, you don’t, but damn it D, that was just wrong.”
“Nick, shut up! It can’t be as wrong as you sleeping with any woman you can. You’re just as much as a whore as she is!” Nick nodded his head. True enough, he knew what was bothering D.
“I suggest you leave. Now you’re hurting my feelings and I would kick your ass for that. But since this isn’t my house, I can’t.”
“Whatever.” D turned and left, slamming the front door as he left. Nick walked up to my room, flopping down on the bed next to me. He pulled the hair away from my face.
“Hey.” I turned and looked at him. He wiped the tears away. “Don’t let him have that kind of power. Wanna do something?” Let’s go to an amusement park.” Through the haze of my tears, I smiled. Leave it to Nick to do that.

I laughed, holding on to the big black bear that Nick had won for me. He had just gotten another stuffed animal and was making it sing and dance.
“That’s Nick for you!” I laughed some more as the hurt expression crossed his face. “Oh, whatever!” He laughed as he linked his arm through mine and we walked some more. “Hey, there’s Age and Megan.” I ran up behind Age, told Megan to shush and scared the shit out of my brother.
“What the hell. Oh, I’m so gonna kill you!” I screamed and ran behind Nick.
“Save me, the big bad wolf is gonna eat me!” He laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist.
“Age, I got a hold of her man, she’s all yours!” I shrieked as Age came over and started tickling me.
“Please bro, be nice,” I finally managed to get out. He stopped and I was able to catch my breath. “Let’s leave guys.” All eyes turned to look in the direction I was looking and saw Howie and Leigh coming our way, hand in hand.
“Hey guys!” Leigh called out. Both Megan and I smiled while Nick and Age gave her hugs. “Looks like you guys were having fun.”
“It was. Theresa scared the shit out of Age,” Megan said, trying hard not to start laughing again.
“That’s great. Guys wanna go and grab a bite?”
“We already ate, thanks though. In fact, we’re gonna ride some more rides. Bye,” I waved as I grabbed Nick’s hand and dragged him along.
“Hey, I was hungry.”
“I’ll buy you twenty hot dogs, but I’m not talking or dealing with D or Leigh right now.”
“Oh, that’s right, gotcha.” I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, just sometimes, Nick was a total blonde.