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Chapter Five

A few days had passed. The guys and AJ had a routine going for being with Nick. She wanted to be with him as much as possible and made it that way. All extra stuff in her life was over. She spent every spare second with Nick and she didn't regret what she had chosen. Either her friends would understand or else they weren't her real friends.

The guys were also spending as much time with Nick as they could. They had the band work to do, interview, keeping fans updated on Nick but whenever they could, they would be at the hospital too. They were a family and they were working together.

Due to his fame, Nick had a whole section roped off for himself. He had a team of nurses and doctors to help him and he didn't take it for granted.

It was his chemo day and as usual AJ was there with him. The sessions were long and hard and after the first one he had gotten sick. The doctors told him to expect it to happen. He hated it and it embarrassed him to cry in front of his girl but at times he couldn't stop it.

AJ pushed Nicks wheel chair taking him to his Chemo.

"Aren't I too heavy for you?" Nick asked her concerned that was she doing too much.

"Not at all Nick, the wheels make it easier anyway."

She pushed him through he double doors. The nurse looked up and greeted them, she led them both to a corner and set Nick up for his IV treatment.

"You can go." Nick told AJ again.

"I will be fine."

"Five hours is a really long time."

She looked up and at him her face a tiny bit tense.

"Do you want me to go?"

"NO! I just don't want you hating me for this later." He said softly.

AJ knelt beside him taking his right hand.

"Nick I want you to stop talking like that please! I know you are hurting. You are hurting badly because of all of this but please stop thinking that I hate you or that the guys do."

He looked down at her. His face was hard to read. He leaned forward kissing her forehead. She laid her head in his lap just wanting to be close to him. He slowly ran his fingers through her hair. He loved how soft it was and that it always smelt of coconuts.

AJ stayed kneeling at his side, her head in his lap just resting.

"Do you want a pillow for your legs?" He asked her twirling a lock of her hair around his finger.

"No, I'm fine for now." She answered him her eyes shut.

Nick fell silent. They were so close that they didn't need to always be talking, they could just be together in silence. He kept his hand in her hair, laid his head back and shut his eyes.


I woke up still tired even though I just had had a long nap. My mouth felt like I had been sucking on cotton. I looked down beside me and found AJ tucked up against my good side her head on my chest. When she was with me we'd take naps together. The good thing about being Nick Carter is that they let her crawl into bed with me whenever I wanted her there. Truthfully I could keep her there forever.

I shifted a bit. I desperately needed water my mouth was so dry but I didn't want to wake her. I wanted her to have as much rest as possible because otherwise she was constantly taking care of me. Cleaning up my puke after Chemo, wheeling my wheel chair, helping me to the bathroom, sponge bathing me, feeding me and so on.

"What's wrong Nick?" She asked suddenly.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

She sat up sleep still in her grey eyes but she smiled.

"I'm fine. Do you need something?"

"Water please."

She got up pouring me a glass and I sat up taking a drink. She ran her hand through my hair and gasped suddenly.

"AJ?" I turned to her confused and I was stunned.

In her hand was some of my hair. I looked at my pillow, another few clumps were there.

"Great. Hope you enjoy having a bald boyfriend." I said bitterly.

"Nick..." She began.

"SHUT UP AJ I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU TRYING TO TELL ME IT'S OK OR THAT I'M LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!" I threw the water glass against the wall and watched it shatter.

AJ stood a look of fear in her eyes. Fear that I had put there. I dropped my head defeated.

"Why don't you go for a walk or something?" I suggested I really needed to be alone.

Slowly she got her purse and headed out. I was such an ass for doing that to her. I called the nurse and sat back.

Lonely, I turned on the TV but just stared at it basically in a coma. The door opened around an hour later and I looked up.

"OH MY GOSH WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" I shouted as AJ walked in.

"Just had a hair cut." She said shrugging.

"Y you're bald!"

"Oh am I?" She said taking a seat in the chair instead of on my bed.

I stared at her. Her long beautiful hair was gone. Her head completely shaved.

"AJ." I called softly to her. I knew she was mad at me.

"Oh good. Gossip Girl is on." She said of her favorite show.

"AJ please? I don't mean to be such an ass." I begged her. I hated her to be mad at me.

Slowly she turned and looked at me. I held my arm out inviting her back in with me. She sighed hard but got up and walked to me and lay down at my side.

"Why did you shave your head?"

"Well I cut off 13 inches to be donated to Locks For Love, then the rest I asked to shave so you wouldn't have to do this alone."

I swallowed hard. I didn't want to cry. I was becoming such a pussy.

"I love you." I whispered and kissed her bald head.

"You know I love you." She responded as the door opened.

"FREAKIN A!" I shouted seeing Kevin, Brian, Howie and AJ walk in. They too were fully bald.

"Meet the newest hottest boy band in town. The Baldy Boys." AJ announced with a grin.

"You are all very ugly without hair." I informed them cheerfully. The first time I had been happy in ages.

"Your girlfriend is very demanding." Kevin said smiling at her fondly.

"I am one lucky son of a bitch."

AJ looked at me suddenly. Her eyes were tense.

"Well since you are in a good mood there is something else I wanted to tell you" She said slowly.

I did not like the tone of her voice or how she could not meet my eyes. I searched her face wondering.

"What is it?" I finally asked her.

"Well, Raychelle called today. Your sister.....she wants to see you."

My eyes narrowed. I had nothing to do with my family.

"Tell her not to come." I told her harshly.

I almost didn't care when she winced.

"Too late." A voice from the door said.

I turned. There she was. My sister.