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Amber pretended to write in her notebook as she sat on her bed. But the truth was she kept thinking of Alex. She had seen him shirtless before but then she really did not like him now she knew he was a pretty descent guy. She could not help to want to see him he was cute.

She had seen cute guys before but that’s about it. She had never had a boyfriend ever and she did not know how to react to what she was thinking and the way she was feeling toward him.

“Amber?” Alex said finally standing up and walking to her bed.

“Huh,” Amber said pretending to look up from her notebook.

“Is this where you have your list?” he asked snatching her notebook away.

“Alex give me back my notebook,” she said standing up from the bed.

Alex began to laugh as he realized it was, “oh, you want a tattoo and go to a club.” He said as he began to runaway from her. “Experience your first kiss…” he said stopping in his tracks.

Amber finally got to him and snatched her notebook away, “This is mine,” she said as she began to blush.

“You’ve never been kissed? Wow impressive… I mean your hot I would have expected you to have had tons of boyfriends in high school. He then smiled… wait I gave you your first kiss.” He said remembering the peck he had given her in the restaurant.

“I’ve been waiting for the right one.” She said ignoring his jibe at her. “I mean my first kiss will be one that will make my leg pop…” she told him shyly. “Enough about me…” she said going back to her bed.

“Your leg pop?” he said not letting the subject go. He took a seat on her bed grinning at her.

“Ugh,” she said staring at him. “Yes, you know. A kiss that will make me feel like I am flying and my foot will lift up like in the fairytales. Wait you probably don’t even know about them.” She said returning to scribbling in her notebook.

“Hmm…interesting. So you never had a boyfriend either?” he asked finally dropping the other subject.

“Why do you care?” she asked him not looking up from her notebook.

“Was it because of your religion?" He asked getting more comfortable on her bed.

“Yes and no…” she said finally looking up at him. “I was allowed to date but only in my religion or more like that’s what my father preferred. I just never found someone I was attracted to in that way.” She told him. “How about you? You’ve had many girlfriends haven’t you?”

Alex shrugged, “I guess you can say that… but I’d say girlfriend’s that have met my mother and I thought were serious relationships maybe two.” He said looking at her, “so you never felt anything for a guy?”

She tilted her head trying to remember, “No I guess I never had time to really think about it. If I wasn’t doing charity work for my church I was in piano lessons or ballet. I had a busy schedule,” she told him.

“So what makes you think you will find a prince charming? You know in the real world they don’t exist.” He told her, she was the most interesting girl he had by far ever met.

“My mother found her prince charming and like the bible says love never fails. You do know the bible is the wisest book out there… god wrote it.” She told him finally smiling and her cheeks turning a shade of red.

“Well good luck with that.” he said shrugging. “So you know how to play the piano?” he asked her.

“Yeah and the harp,” she told him. “My turn to ask you… so you said you had two serious girlfriends did you love them or did you feel love toward one of them?” she asked him it was starting to get easier for her to ask what came to her mind.

Alex laughed, “I have not found love if that’s what you’re asking. Then again I don’t believe in love Amber.”


They were both back to doing there own thing and Amber finally decided she would call her home just to let them know she was fine. She was going to do it while Alex was in the bathroom. She bit her lip as the phone to her house rang.


She smiled as she heard her brother Tim answer, “Timmy?” she said smiling.

“Yeah who’s this?” Tim asked a little confused.

“It’s me silly, Amber…” she told him feeling a jab of guilt as she heard him.

“Oh… Amber dad is not very happy with you. I don’t think you should be calling.” Tim said in a whisper.

“I know I didn’t do what is good in dad’s eyes Tim but I am not doing anything wrong either. Just how are you, Paulie and mom?” she asked quickly.

“We are okay mom is very sad. She spends all her free time in your room crying.” Tim told her sister… “Do you want to talk to her?”

“Yes please,” Amber said choking as she finally realized tears were coming out and down her cheeks. She could hear Tim tell her mother who was on the phone.

“Amber baby…” Adele said as she took the phone from Tim.

“Mom… I am fine don’t worry about me. I just needed to do this mom.” She said as she wiped away her tears.

“I don’t understand why but if your happy I am happy,” Adele said to her daughter in a whisper.

It was to late though Amber heard her fathers voice in the background ask who was on the phone and then his angry voice came through the phone. “You need to stop calling here you understand me!”

“Dad please I just wanted to talk mom and tell you I was fine.” She told him ignoring his comment.

“I only have one daughter and she is in her room, stop calling. You know what even better I am changing this number…”

Amber then heard the line die, she stared at the phone. Why was she so surprised about her father’s reaction? She knew she would get that response from him. She hung up the phone and began to sob not caring if she was heard. “Daddy…” she said clutching her heart it was in pain. No matter how much she felt she was the doing the right thing for herself she felt she owed her dad a better choice of life.

Alex had been standing on the door frame of the restroom seeing everything. “Amber…” he said walking up to her.

“He hates me…” she managed to say as she continued to cry.

Alex swallowed hard and sat beside her hugging her…. “He was just angry. He will get over it and he will take you back. Time give him time.” he said as he soothed her. He hugged her tightly as he wiped away the fresh tears that came down her face.