Reviewer: mamogirl Signed
Date: 06/29/13
Title: Chapter 9: Brian (IV)
Oh, things are getting mysterious. I like it!
Brian's dream is really strange, especially given his situation. As he explained, his son is at home with his mother so there's no need to be afraid. I get the feeling that it's something else the reason of the dream.
Loved and interesting the whole explaination about the working of the new heart. It doesn seem weird to expect your heart to react in a certain way and realize that it's not, it's slower.
And the last thought. I don't want to be in Brian's position, knowing that you're alive because someone else has died. It would tear me apart.
Amazing job!
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm looking forward to your predictions from this point on because, you're right, this is where it starts to get mysterious. :) I read a memoir written by a heart transplant recipient while I was writing this story, and one of the things she talked about that I never knew before was how a transplanted heart is slow to react because it's no longer hooked up to the central nervous system. The way she explained it was that someone sneak up behind her and say "BOO!" and scare her, and she would still jump, but it would take a couple of minutes for her heart to react and start racing, long after she realized there was no danger. That has to feel weird. Thanks again for the review!