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At dinnertime I was still upset with my mother. She sat at the table with her lips pursed together and a scowl on her face. She didn’t like celebrities, but she sure acted like a snob. I decided to her ignore her and enjoy the company of everyone else.

“Do you remember the time that Emma made milk come out of her nose?” Haley, my little sister said through a fit of giggles.

“Shut up. I was like thirteen.”

“Sissy you have so many embarrassing stories. I’m sure Nicky would love to hear them.” Steve smiled at my boyfriend.

“I’m sure Nickolas has better things to do than listen to all the infantile things Emma has done in her life. We could be here for years before we’d ever finish. If you excuse me, I’m heading to bed.” She pushed her chair in and hastily left the room.

I felt my body go rigid as she commented on my failures and stupidity. I wasn’t perfect, but I wasn’t a screw-up.

“Ignore her. She’s not worth it.” Gabe attempted to comfort me.

None of them got it. She thought all of my siblings were wonderful and perfect. I was the one who she picked on.

“I know, but it gets old. She adores all of you. I don’t know why she dislikes me.”

I had enough and walked out of the house. I needed some fresh air.

Minutes or hours had passed. I didn’t notice until Nick brought my coat out.

“You must be cold. It’s freezing out here.” He held it open for me as I slipped my arms inside.

“Thanks. Sorry my family is so dysfunctional.” I leaned on the deck railing.

“You’re family is normal compared to mine. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. You are a beautiful, caring, intelligent, sexy woman. Your mother is a fool not to see that.” He whispered in my ear as he stood behind me.

“Nick, why doesn’t everyone see what you see?” I barely whispered.

“They are idiots. I’m completely smitten. You make me want to be a better man. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. You make my heart melt. I want to bury myself in your love. I’m safe with you.”

I turned around and brought his face to mine. I looked him in the eyes and rested my lips on his. After a brief moment, we started to kiss. I felt myself get lost as he enveloped me in his arms. That was the safest place for me to hide. I never wanted to move from this spot.

“Let’s go inside. I’m freezing.” He took my hand and pulled me into the house.


I padded into the kitchen. It was two thirty in the morning, but I was wide awake. I saw my sister sitting at the island studying.

“Don’t you ever take a break?”

“There’s no time. I have a test when I get back. Med school is crazy.” She put her highlighter down.

“Glad’s it you and not me.” I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water.

“So how did you end up with a Backstreet Boy? I’m so jealous.”

“Sasha’s dating Kevin. They set us up on a date. Nick and I connected right away. He’s so different from what I thought.” I replied dreamily.

“I can see you’re besotted. You make a nice couple. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.”

“He is everything and more. I’m in love with him.” I took a sip of water.

“Does he know that you’re a virgin?”

“Yes and he’s okay with it. He’s willing to wait.”

“I’m impressed. With all the tabloids following his every move during the last few years, it’s amazing you would date a guy like him.”

“He’s made mistakes. He admits it openly. I know that we are so different, but somehow it works. He’s sweet and genuine.”

“And not to mention hot. Did you take a look at his booty? Mmm…mmm…good.”

We both laughed. I enjoyed spending time with my sister.

“I’ve gotten a good feel of the ass.”

“You’re such a vixen.” My sister teased.

“Baby are you in there?” Nick said sleepily outside the kitchen door.

“Yes, come in.”

Nick walked in half asleep. His hair was scattered everywhere. He looked like an adorable six year old.

“I’m missed you. It’s lonely in bed without you.” He pouted.

“I’m sorry. I got thirsty so I came down and got a drink. Go back upstairs. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back upstairs.

“Aww…he needs you in his bed. You better get back up there.”

“It’s not what you think. As you know, we haven’t had sex yet. He just likes to cuddle. He’s like a little boy.” I smiled. I loved cuddling with him in bed.

“I think it’s sweet. It’s good to see you happy.”

“Thanks. That means a lot to me. I better get back upstairs before he misses me to much.”

I threw my bottle away and headed back upstairs.

I crawled into bed and Nick wrapped his arms around me. “I love you. Don’t leave me again. I miss you when you’re not in my arms.”

“I love you, too. I promise to stay wrapped in your arms.” I yawned and settled into his body.

“I heard you tell your sister that you like touching my ass.” I could tell he was smirking.

“You do have a great ass. At least you have something to squeeze.”

“There are other things I would love for you to squeeze.” He nipped my ear.

Thank goodness the lights were off, Nick had me blushing.

“All in time. All in time.”

He wiggled against me and I felt his erection. I was turned on, but not ready to take it to the next level. I knew down the road that I would move to that level with Nick. I was falling, and falling fast. I knew before long I would be ready to take our relationship to the next level. I was lucky to have a guy that would wait for me.