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this is us, nick carter, donnie wahlberg, polaroid, girl

Madeline Wahlberg is the eldest Wahlberg.
She was born on November 8 1988 when her Dad, Donnie was nineteen.
At Twenty-two she’s about to become famous.
When her Dad convinces her to audition for the NKOTBSB tour, will a different outcome occur?
Will Madeline strike up an unlikely romance with the cheeky blonde from the BackStreet Boys?
Will Donnie realise that he’s going to have to let his little girl go or will he keep trying to protect her?

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Music > New Kids on the Block, Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Donnie, Group, Joe, Jordan, Nick, Other
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: No
Word count: 4942
Read: 8060
Published: 04/17/11
Updated: 09/15/11
Story Notes:

I have to admit, I have been known by my friends to be a bit of a BackStreet Boys snob but since the NKOTBSB tour came about, I've been extremely partial to NKOTB and have a bit of a thing for Donnie but seeing as I'm eighteen and Donnie is 41, i decided I'd maybe go with a Father/Daughter Fic and have the BackStreet Boys in it seeing as I'm closer in age to Nick :) Anyway please enjoy and don't forget to review and make my day!!

1. Meet Madeline Wahlberg by Little Star [ - ] (1338 words)

so just letting you know, the italics are Madeline's thoughts and the bold is Donnie's thoughts. The beginning of the chapter is Madeline's POV.

2. Just Another Girl from Boston by Little Star [ - ] (1466 words)

3. Time To Meet the BackStreet Boys by Little Star [ - ] (1105 words)

sorry this has taken forever!

4. Starting to Fit In by Little Star [ - ] (1033 words)