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Summary: The sequel to Unsuspecting Sunday

“We had it all, this love so strong. Now everything we had is gone. If you could read my mind, you’d know I’ve crossed that line…”

While Nick struggles to deal with what happened on the cruise, Howie’s indiscretions lead to dire consequences.

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group, Howie, Nick
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Sexual Content, Slash M/M
Series: Sick as My Secrets
Chapters: 82
Completed: Yes
Word count: 212043
Read: 257561
Published: 02/26/14
Updated: 06/17/17
Story Notes:

This is the sequel to a short story, Unsuspecting Sunday. Please read that before you start the novel so you’ll understand the back story.

1. Prologue by RokofAges75 [ - ] (198 words)

2. Chapter 1 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2551 words)

3. Chapter 2 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1371 words)

4. Chapter 3 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2232 words)
Thanks so much for the reviews for the first couple of chapters! Let's play the "At what point did you realize where this was going?" game with this chapter. Post your answer in a review. Ready... set... GO!

5. Chapter 4 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1525 words)
I'm blown away by your reviews for the last chapter! I wasn't sure what kind of reaction it was going to get, but that was the reaction I was hoping for, so thank you to everyone who reviewed!!

6. Chapter 5 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2837 words)

7. Chapter 6 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1686 words)

8. Chapter 7 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2188 words)
The one you've all been waiting for... >:)

9. Chapter 8 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2199 words)

10. Chapter 9 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3500 words)

11. Chapter 10 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1905 words)
And the results are...

12. Chapter 11 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2424 words)

13. Chapter 12 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2456 words)
Sorry I just kind of disappeared! Since my last update, I've decided to buy a house, so I have been super busy with that whole process and haven't been writing. I'm still way ahead of myself with chapters written that aren't posted, though, so there's really no excuse. Thanks for sticking with me!

14. Chapter 13 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1789 words)

15. Chapter 14 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1682 words)

16. Chapter 15 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2939 words)
Sick as My Secrets has been nominated at Rose's Double Rainbow Awards! Thanks so much to whoever nominated me!

17. Chapter 16 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1323 words)

18. Chapter 17 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2201 words)

19. Chapter 18 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3664 words)

20. Chapter 19 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2714 words)

21. Chapter 20 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1766 words)

22. Chapter 21 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2434 words)

23. Chapter 22 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3518 words)

24. Chapter 23 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1945 words)

25. Chapter 24 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3131 words)

26. Chapter 25 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3931 words)

27. Chapter 26 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3393 words)

28. Chapter 27 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1666 words)

29. Chapter 28 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (4065 words)

30. Chapter 29 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2010 words)

31. Chapter 30 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1962 words)

32. Chapter 31 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2167 words)

33. Chapter 32 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3699 words)

34. Chapter 33 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1888 words)

35. Chapter 34 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2943 words)

36. Chapter 35 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2782 words)

37. Chapter 36 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2068 words)

38. Chapter 37 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1620 words)

39. Chapter 38 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3315 words)

40. Chapter 39 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1175 words)

41. Chapter 40 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1951 words)

42. Chapter 41 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1792 words)

43. Chapter 42 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1197 words)

44. Chapter 43 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2254 words)

45. Chapter 44 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1729 words)

46. Chapter 45 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2275 words)

47. Chapter 46 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2657 words)

48. Chapter 47 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2799 words)

49. Chapter 48 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2933 words)

50. Chapter 49 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2146 words)

51. Chapter 50 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3499 words)

52. Chapter 51 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2688 words)

53. Chapter 52 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2401 words)

54. Chapter 53 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2398 words)

55. Chapter 54 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1304 words)

56. Chapter 55 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1555 words)

57. Chapter 56 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3011 words)

58. Chapter 57 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (1650 words)

59. Chapter 58 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2025 words)

60. Chapter 59 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (4095 words)

61. Chapter 60 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2016 words)

62. Chapter 61 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2239 words)

63. Chapter 62 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3516 words)

64. Chapter 63 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2115 words)

65. Chapter 64 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (4197 words)

66. Chapter 65 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2222 words)

67. Chapter 66 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2188 words)

68. Chapter 67 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2372 words)

69. Chapter 68 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2226 words)

70. Chapter 69 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2539 words)

71. Chapter 70 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2496 words)

72. Chapter 71 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2719 words)

73. Chapter 72 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3956 words)

74. Chapter 73 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3933 words)

75. Chapter 74 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3405 words)

76. Chapter 75 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2531 words)

77. Chapter 76 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (2697 words)

78. Chapter 77 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (5106 words)

79. Chapter 78 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3569 words)

80. Chapter 79 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (6417 words)

81. Chapter 80 by RokofAges75 [ - ] (4597 words)

82. Epilogue by RokofAges75 [ - ] (3766 words)