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Someday we'll know
If love can move a mountain...
Someday we'll know
Why the sky is blue...
Someday we'll know
Why I wasn't meant for you...

Someday you'll know
That I was the one for you...

Years ago, Nick Carter swore he would never again have anything to do with Spencer Wilde. Unfortunately for him, their now twenty-one year old daughter has other plans…

Rated: PG
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16
Completed: Yes
Word count: 47934
Read: 33152
Published: 11/19/07
Updated: 02/09/08
Story Notes:
Hello all! I've been kicking around this idea for a very long time--since about February or so. The song lyrics in the summary are from the song "Someday We'll Know" by Mandy Moore and Jonathan from Switchfoot. It's the inspiration for this story, and I hope you enjoy the story!

1. Prologue by starbeamz2 [ - ] (1596 words)

2. Chapter One: How Far We've Come by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2014 words)

3. Chapter Two: What A Girl Wants by starbeamz2 [ - ] (3016 words)
Wow! I'm on a serious roll with this story! I hope everyone's excited about where this story is going. I promise, after the next chapter, things will really get rolling! Enjoy!

4. Chapter Three: Come Home by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2012 words)

5. Chapter Four: Once Again by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2878 words)
Hey guys! Thanks for reading, and, with this chapter, the ball gets rolling on this story! I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!

6. Chapter Five: Give A Little Bit by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2404 words)

7. Chapter Six: You and I Both by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2965 words)

8. Chapter Seven: Just Friends by starbeamz2 [ - ] (3211 words)
Hello, hello! Thanks for the reviews! Enjoy the next chapter...

9. Chapter Eight: Somebody Like You by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2255 words)

10. Chapter Nine: You'll Think of Me by starbeamz2 [ - ] (4297 words)

11. Chapter Ten: My Confession by starbeamz2 [ - ] (3758 words)
Hey all! Thanks for the reviews! I'm glad you're all enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it for you! Anyway, here's your new year's treat...the next chapter!

12. Chapter Eleven: Sweet Misery by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2708 words)
Hi again! I know this story is being updated FAST for me, but I hope you'll all enjoy this chapter, especially. I know some of you have been asking about it, so here it is...

13. Chapter Twelve: Through With You by starbeamz2 [ - ] (3771 words)
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all the fabulous reviews! There's only three more chapters after this one, so thanks for hanging in with this story! Enjoy...

14. Chapter Thirteen: Torn by starbeamz2 [ - ] (3445 words)

15. Chapter Fifteen: Someday We'll Know by starbeamz2 [ - ] (2266 words)
Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank all of you one more time for being such great readers and for coming with me on Nick and Spencer's journey. Your reviews have been super awesome and very supportive, and I can't believe this story has come to an end. *sniffs* I hope you enjoy this chapter!

16. Chapter Sixteen: Just You and Me by starbeamz2 [ - ] (5338 words)
Yay! We've finally reached the end! This chapter is longer than usual, but I'm pretty proud of it. Let me know what you think of it and the entire story. Oh, and enjoy!