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Like Julie the fan fic scene that I'm rewriting is from my very first fan fiction titled Don't Wanna Lose you Now. (We were so original back then!)  Originally, I was going to rewrite a scene from another story entirely, but the subject matter of the scene is not a subject that I really wanted to rewrite as I quickly learned when I tried to get into it. Anyway this story is definitely awesomely cringe worthy lol. Just a quick synopsis... It's about these twins Megan and Melissa (named after my friend Meg and I of course) who go to Cancun for Spring Break and wind up meeting (and falling in love with) AJ and Nick respectively. Of course to up the drama factor Melissa is about to have surgery to remove a deadly brain tumor which of course makes her whole love affair with Nick more turbulent. Melissa pulls through surgery, but due to complications is left blind. Somewhere in the midst of this she breaks up with Nick because she doesn't want to hold him back and then finds out she's pregnant. She and Nick have a fight. She goes on a drinking binge and loses the baby. While in the hospital being treated for alcohol poisoning, they offer to try this new laser medical procedure which restores her eyesight. She and Nick get back together, and at the ripe old age of nineteen and knowing Nick for all of three months they get engaged and live happily ever after. LOL Yes, I really came up with all that crap, and it definitely makes me cringe now to think about it. But I was sixteen when I wrote this and at the height of my teenybopperdom. Now I'm twenty-four, so a lot has changed lol.


            Anyway the scene that I have chosen to rewrite is from Chapter Two of the story where things are still semi-normal. Melissa and Megan have just arrived in Cancun. Meg met AJ outside the hotel and he invited her to go clubbing with him and his friend (Nick of course). Melissa spotted Nick in the lobby, fell in love on his first sight, only to see his girlfriend Erin come flying out of nowhere to kiss him. In this scene, the girls meet AJ at the club and Melissa discovers that AJ's friend is the same guy she saw earlier. The difference in writing styles will really blow you away.



Melissa and Megan were walking down the strip towards the club that night. Melissa felt very strange in Megan's short silver dress and matching high heeled sandals. This was so totally not her. Megan on the other hand looked incredibly comfortable in her own black mini and matching tank top. As soon as they arrived at the club Melissa knew that the night was going to be horrible. Megan quickly spotted AJ and dragged her over to him.

"Hey," Megan called to him as she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh hello. I saved us a table. It's right over here," he informed them as he led them to the table.

Melissa almost died right there when she saw that the really hot guy from that afternoon was sitting there with his girlfriend. The night was going to be a living hell filled with tons of depression.

"This is my friend Nick and his girlfriend Erin," AJ told them gesturing over to the couple.

Nick, Melissa thought. The name seemed to fit him.

"Oh hi guys I'm Megan and this is my sister Melissa."

"Pleased to meet you guys," Nick said.

Was it her imagination or was Nick looking right at her when he said that, Melissa wondered. No, it couldn't be.

"Would you ladies like a drink?" AJ asked.

"Sure," Megan answered enthusiastically.

"What about you?" He asked Melissa.

"Oh no thanks. I don't drink."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive.

"Well, alrighty then," he said as he led her sister to the bar.

Melissa turned around to see Nick and Erin in deep conversation. They both looked so happy and in love with each other. She watched as the two leaned in for a sweet kiss and at that moment she realized that she needed to get out of there for a while.

She ran out to the beach with tears streaming down her face. Who would ever love her like that? Probably no one. Anyway it didn't matter. Soon enough she would probably be dead.

The operation is only two weeks away she thought. Actually less than that. It honestly scared the hell out of her. She couldn't die. She was only 18 and there was so many things she had yet to accomplish. Thinking of all this only made her more depressed. The only thing that she could do now was sit there and cry.

She looked up at the sky and made a wish on a star. What was her wish? It was to be able to fall in love before she died. To be able to experience it. Only thing she forgot was the old saying be careful what you wish for you might just get it.