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How do I say goodbye to what we had.
The good times that made us laugh.
Outweigh the bad.
I though we'd get to see forever. But forever's gone away.
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: AJ, Group
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Child Abuse, Death, Domestic Violence, Graphic Sexual Content, Graphic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape, Sexual Content, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 34
Completed: No
Word count: 62386
Read: 70148
Published: 10/03/09
Updated: 08/11/12
Story Notes:

Something new...let me know what you think.

1. Merry Christmas by kevmylove [ - ] (2350 words)

Please review...I'd like to hear from you!!

2. In N Out by kevmylove [ - ] (2447 words)
Sorry my chapter title is lame. Any ideas...for one let me know. Hope you like!

3. New Year's Resolution by kevmylove [ - ] (3489 words)
Hey all hope that you are liking this. Please feel free to comment...I don't get offended. I like honest opinions. So please review!

4. Manic Monday by kevmylove [ - ] (2560 words)
Hey all that are reading. I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to your reviews, my phone won't let me sometimes. I really like reading the and appreciate you taking the time to R&R.

5. Hospital Scuffle by kevmylove [ - ] (2158 words)

6. Disgrace by kevmylove [ - ] (2647 words)
Thank you all for reading and reviewing. I'm always happy to read my reviews...

7. Need It by kevmylove [ - ] (2938 words)

Hey all thanks for all the reviews and for keeping up with Sophia and Alex. This chapter is for my Gabs...hope you guys like. Please review...I'd like to hear from you!!

8. Oh Baby by kevmylove [ - ] (2667 words)
Thanks for reading guys...sorry didnt have much time. hope you like

9. Who Are You? by kevmylove [ - ] (2012 words)
Hehehe...Alex is in trouble!

10. Hate Me Less by kevmylove [ - ] (1974 words)
Wow it's been a while since I wrote in general hope you guys are still interested. Hopefully now I can get back on a roll with this story cause I have so many surprises coming up. Thanks you guys. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

11. Hooker Time by kevmylove [ - ] (1638 words)

12. Kings Inn by kevmylove [ - ] (1654 words)

13. Rubbish by kevmylove [ - ] (1754 words)

14. Alive by kevmylove [ - ] (1781 words)

Hello again...man been having a hard time with getting back into fanfics. Hope you guys still read and review. Thanks!

15. Family Secrets by kevmylove [ - ] (2298 words)

Hope you like. Thanks for all the reviews guys...they are always exciting to read.

16. My Daughter by kevmylove [ - ] (1567 words)

Alright the drama continues to unfold. Thanks for reading and reviewing. :)

17. Off the Hook by kevmylove [ - ] (1908 words)

18. Oh Soph! by kevmylove [ - ] (1770 words)

19. Man Down by kevmylove [ - ] (1882 words)

20. Death in Threes by kevmylove [ - ] (1403 words)

Thanks you guys for still reading. This is a slower...or more like a filler chapter. Get our minds off Nick...sorta. lol. Thank you for the reviews! I love hearing from you.

21. Fallen by kevmylove [ - ] (1827 words)

22. Code Blue by kevmylove [ - ] (1358 words)

23. I'm Ok by kevmylove [ - ] (1080 words)

24. Shower Time by kevmylove [ - ] (1607 words)

Thank you guys for still reading and reviewing. I appreciate it. I'm not sure how Kevin stole the spotlight...don't ask...*shrug* I dunno.

25. Little Sister by kevmylove [ - ] (1466 words)

Thank you for keeping up with this story. I know I tend to take a bit to update. I think I got my mojo back. Woohoo! Thanks again.

26. Stranger Danger by kevmylove [ - ] (1357 words)

27. Not So Perfect by kevmylove [ - ] (1726 words)

28. Temptation by kevmylove [ - ] (2048 words)

Wow that took me a while...sorry. I hope you guys are still interested. Thank you so much!


29. Black Book by kevmylove [ - ] (1230 words)

Wow I can't believe I updated this almost four months ago. I hope that you still read on there is so much more to come and i outlined a few chapters so I should be updating more often. Thank you!!!

30. Negative Equals Positive by kevmylove [ - ] (1115 words)

31. Junkie by kevmylove [ - ] (1151 words)

32. Shitty Day by kevmylove [ - ] (1254 words)

33. I'll Miss You by kevmylove [ - ] (1093 words)

34. I'm pregnant by kevmylove [ - ] (1177 words)