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Chapter 54

After almost a week at home, I’m convinced I’m going to go stir crazy. Eva tries to keep me occupied so I’m not bored, but I absolutely HATE feeling like I’m trapped.

I’m still brooding when she comes into the room and she says, “How about we get you in the car and just go for a drive? Maybe over to Jax’s and have lunch.”

I look up at her wanting to cry I’m so happy. “Eva, I’d love to get out. I’m going stir crazy here.”

She says, “Yes, I know. I’ve already called Jax. He’s waiting for us, and he has a surprise for you.”

I look up eagerly and say, “Surprise? What is it?” Jax’s surprises usually end up being awesome new dishes for the restaurant that Eva and I get to sample first.

She says, “Nope, I’m sworn to secrecy. Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed and get out of here.”

His surprise ended up being Ariana had the baby early. After eating lunch, we were introduced to Miss Chloe Jane Gray. She was the perfect mix of Ariana and Jax and cute as a button. Will and Beanie were head over heels in love with their new baby sister. For some reason, holding the baby makes me think about Nick and me and our life together.

Once we’re back in the car, ready to go home, I say, “Eva, can I go see my car?”

She looks at me like I’ve lost it and says, “Are you serious?”

I say, “Yeah. I want to see it. Please?”

She reluctantly agrees and drives me to the salvage yard. When I see my car, I almost get sick. Nick was right, it’s a miracle I lived. When he told me that, I thought he was being overly dramatic. Eva holds my hand and says, “You OK?”

I say, “Yeah, I am. I want to make one more stop, then we can go home.”

Feeling relieved that I’m ready to get out of here, she says, “OK, where to?”

I say, “The police station. I want to talk to Rochelle.”

Eva says, “Elaine, I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

I say, “Eva, her drinking almost killed someone. She needs to see it. AJ needs her sober if he’s going to stay sober. I have to go.”

So, she takes me to the police station. I get to meet Officer Morgan first. He seems pleased to see me recovering well and he’s more than a bit shocked to find out why I’m here.

Once I’m face to face with Rochelle, I can see why AJ loves her. She is a beautiful girl. She sits in front of me and says, “What do you want?”

I say, “Oddly enough, I want you to get help.”

She says, “What do you care? You don’t know me.”

I say, “No, I don’t. But I do know AJ. He loves you. He says you love him, but you have a funny way of showing it.”

She slams her hand on the table and says, “What do you know about it? You know NOTHING about me and AJ.”

I say, “I know AJ is an addict. Even if he’s clean now, he’s always got that need to get a buzz. He got clean because his addiction scared him. When are you going to get scared? You almost killed me, Rochelle. Doesn’t that bother you?”

I see the tears swimming in her eyes and her lip quiver. She says, “I…I’m so sorry. I just, I didn’t…”

I stop her and say, “Rochelle, AJ isn’t being mean to you. He’s concerned for your life. Your safety. Did he tell you what I told him about rehab?”

She says, “No, I wouldn’t let him come back. I told them I didn’t want to see him if he didn’t get me out of here.”

I say, “Rochelle, if you agree to go to rehab, I won’t press charges personally. You’ll still be charged with driving under the influence and all of that, but for my part, I will not make it any harder on you. I’ll even speak on your behalf, but you have to get help.”

She says, “Why would you do that for me?”

I say, “I’m not. I’m doing it for AJ. He deserves to be happy. You make him happy, but if you’re drinking, you’ll bring him back to a place he doesn’t need to be. Do you want to be with AJ?”

She says, “Yeah, I do. I love him with all my heart.”

I say, “Then you’re going to rehab.”

She says, “I’m scared.”

I say, “That’s ok. AJ was scared too, but look at him now. He made it, so can you.”

By the time we leave the police station, Officer Morgan has everything worked out for Rochelle to go into rehab. He helps Eva get me to the car and he says, “That was incredibly nice of you to do.”

I say, “She needed to see what she did. And it scared her. That’s what I was aiming for.”

Once back home, I take a short nap while Eva calls Nick and tells him what I did. When I wake up, she’s still on the phone with him. I hear her say, “Hang on Nick, Sleeping Beauty just woke up.”

She hands me the phone and I sleepily say, “Hello?”

He says, “Hey, how you feeling?”

I stretch and say, “Pretty good actually. How are you?”

He says, “If I wasn’t missing you so much, things would be perfect. I need you here with me, Elaine. I can’t stand being away from you.”

I say, “I miss you too Nick. More than you could know.”

He says, “Eva told me what you did for Rochelle. That was really cool.”

I say, “It wasn’t all for Rochelle. It was for AJ. He loves her and he deserves a chance to be happy. I wanted to give him that if I could.”

Nick says, “He’ll be so happy when he hears about it. I’m proud of you, Elaine.”

I say, “Thanks, but it wasn’t a big deal. Honest.”

He says, “Yes it is, but you know what’s even bigger than that?”

I say, “What?”

He says, “How much I love you. I can’t wait to come home.” Before I can reply, I hear someone talking to Nick. He says, “Babe, I have to go. We’re doing a photo shoot, then flying off to Chicago. I miss you.”

I say, “I miss you too, Nick. Be safe.”

After blowing kisses at each other, we hang up. I close my eyes and picture his face. I never dreamed being in love could make me feel so happy.

Chapter End Notes:

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