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Redemption Chapter One

(Told by Bella)

I grew up in a small town in Georgia with my parents & my four older siblings. I have always hated being the youngest. Some people say that the youngest child always gets what they want, but that wasn't true in my case. The day I turned 18 I moved away from home; leaving my parents & the rest of my family behind. I knew that in my heart I was destined for great things & I was determined to make something of myself.

I packed my things and moved myself to Orlando, Florida. I managed to score myself a job at one of the most popular recording studios in downtown Orlando a couple of weeks after I'd moved. Sure, the job wasn't glamorous. I was just a receptionist, but I had the opportunity for promotion, & I intended to work hard to make the most out of this job. I rented an apartment on the outskirts of the city, it wasn't the best apartment in the world, but it was in an okay neighborhood & it was plenty big enough for me, myself & I.

It was a cool January day, I made my way into the studio for another day of work. I actually loved my job. I had gotten to meet so many amazing people that had I of stayed in Georgia I never would've gotten to meet. "Good morning, Mr. Warren." I told my boss as I walked into the studio that day. Jason Warren, or Jay, as he was often referred to as, was one of the most sought after producers of modern days music. He was a great boss & I really enjoyed working for him.

"Good morning, Ms. Bella. Are we ready for a busy day?"

"As always." I said, sitting my purse behind my desk. I took that time to turn on my computer & get everything set up for the day.

"I'm expecting some pretty high profile artists today, Bella. Please let me know as soon as they arrive."

I nodded & he made his way into his office. I went about my business, answering phone calls & responding to emails. I had lost track of time & didn't even hear the door open. It was only when the door clicked shut that I looked up & saw him. He was probably the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my entire life. I pulled my gaze away from him when one of the other guys with him approached my desk. "Hello. We've got an appointment with Mr. Warren."

"Uh, okay, I see it right here...Let me just call him & let him know you all are here. If you'd like to have a seat over there." They did as I told them & took a seat. I picked up the phone, dialing the number for the intercom in Mr. Warren's office. I couldn't help, but glance back to the blonde who had originally caught my eye. I quickly turned my gaze away though when I noticed him staring back at me. I felt my heart beat quicken. Surely he wasn't looking at me the same way I was looking at him. I was plain and ordinary & he was....well, he was drop dead gorgeous. There was no possible way he was even the least bit interested in me. I'd never be that lucky. "Mr. Warren will see you guys now, follow me." I led them to his office & then went back to my desk.


(Told by Nick)

There was no hiding that my last relationship had went down the shitter, and fast. I was dating Katheryn Winston, or as I referred to her as, Katie. I first started dating her about 8 months back. All the guys had asked me what the hell I was thinking. I liked having a good time & going out to bars & clubs until the wee morning hours, depite my being underage. That didn't seem to matter as much when you were a celebrity...& dating the world's most popular socialite didn't hurt either. Katie & I had a great time together. I really thought things were going great, until a month ago.

A month ago I got my heart broken, no...shattered into a million pieces when she decided that I wasn't good enough for her anymore. Something about her image being tarnished by being seen with me....I don't know. Needless to say, I kind of feel for the girls I've broken the hearts of in the past....Kind of. After my break up with Katie I vowed that I wasn't going to jump back into any kind of a relationship, with anyone. Well, that idea went out the window as soon as we walked into the studio that early afternoon in January.

We had walked in & she hadn't noticed us; that is until the slow closing door had finally latched. She had been engrossed in whatever she had been working on & was humming slightly to herself. When she heard the click of the door she looked up & smiled at me; then quickly turned her attention to Kevin who had approached the desk to let her know why we were there. She wasn't my type really. She seemed shy & reserved. She looked to be only about 17 or 18. Her brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her makeup was simple, but it made her emerald green eyes seem like they were staring right through into my soul. Yeah, she wasn't my type, not at all. I shook the thoughts from my head. She told us to have a seat while she let the studio head know that we were there & so I did. I just couldn't pull my gaze off of her. She glanced my way quickly, but turned away when she saw me looking back at her. Yeah, this was going to be too easy. She was already hooked & I'd not even spoken a single word to her. Yes, very easy indeed.


Chapter End Notes:

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