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Author's Chapter Notes:

The FirstY and Kelly and The FirstY plan out what their going to do to BSB. God and his angel make plans. Jessica and Nick make plans, AJ, the guys and the "Aladdin Crew" make the rest of their plans and NKOTB too. They also pick the name, "The Aladdin Crew". Howie makes plans for his tour. Brian finally preaches.

Some cussing. No spells, Howie and AJ speak some spanish but that's it

5/28/12  "The smoke, NO!" Kelly screamed waking up out of a dream. In the old delapidated church. A spirit had been annoying her to leave the building since Brian left. "The damn Backstreet Boy prayed for me. Shit!" She told herself with a bit of a cry.

 "Hey souless one!" A young woman's voice shouted at her. Sounding like Jessica. "Who? Who are you? Your not her, she doesn't own that shirt." she asked the demon.

 "I am "The FirstY", as you humans like to call me. I don't even care for your kind at all, not at all." She said. The demon was wearing her body, and a pink tank top that had a mid-driff something she would hardly wear unless she was with Nick. "Actually, she would. I just saw a heavenly angel touching them after those 2 saw the end of some stupid DVD Disney movie of hers." Then he turned himself from Jessica to Nick, in a simple light blue top and sexy blue jeans and tight brown leather jacket, like she had imagined.

 "You could be with him or one of the others, if you liked. But I got a spell I want you to do for me. I will send out the demons, Satan is already planning to attack them with demons as well. Tomorrow will be a rought day on them." He continued saying with a growl. "I mean your all going to Hell anyways." The demon teased. "You don't know that!" Kelly yelled back. "True. But at the moment, you need me." The demon talked to her. "Here is what I want you to do." He fininshed telling her. But to someone far away, you could barely hear what he had said, then a huge evil Joker scary laugh, but in an even lower ocative.

 "I like it." Kelly replied. All dressed in her cute little pink night gown. She went back to bed and got the stuff ready to do the spell first thing in the morning.

Back at Nick's Mansion and compound house.

 "Howie!" AJ ran to Howie and woke up in the middle of the night, next to his wife. "We alll need to talk. NOW!" He cried. Howie sighed. "I am never going to get sleep if you do this another 20 years AJ, you know that, right?" Howie told him sarcastically. "You said, I could, when you married me as your BSB brother back in 1993, I'll wake you up and your wife if I want to." He told him. Howie just giggled.

Leigh woke up. "El marido viene a la cama. Puede esperar hasta en la mañana. ¿Es esos aborrecedores raros de demonio otra vez?" Leigh asked him startled. "La miel, está bien, me monto alguna ropa y nosotros tenemos la mitad de una reunión antes que Nick y Jessica se despierten, desde su próximo en Kelly y la lista de El FirstY." Howie replied anxious. As AJ took his underwear of his draw and laid it on his chest for him to put on. "Who in the Hell is "The FirstY"?" Leigh asked AJ in english. "Come on let's go! NOS VAMOS AHORA! NOW, OR I will bug you so BAD..!" AJ told them. Leigh and Howie sighed and woke up everyone else.

 12:40 am 5/29/12 "What is the meeting about?" Brian asked AJ with a yawn, AJ told them about them both talking to each other in their sleep and how they both had interactive dreams and about the smoke and how he thought it was Kelly or could be or a demon.

  "Yeah so." Howie told him with a huge cat like yawn with his messed up hair, that he knew was balding a little bit already. "AJ, we are so off our sleeping schedules we don't need this." Howie told him. AJ stopped him and put his fist in his face. "I LOVE JESSICA, YOU LOVE JESSICA, I LOVE NICK, YOU LOVE NICK, THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSES HERE. THAT IS WHY WE ARE COMING UP WITH BACK PLANS TONIGHT AND WAKING THOSE 2 LAST SINCE THEY SOMEHOW FELL ASLEEP AND DIDN'T HEAR ME AT ALL." AJ told him and the group pretty pissed off. "Now here is what I wanna do...." AJ told them. Then they meet and talked about alot of ideas and came up with some pretty simple plans. Then I woke up.


 "I love you Nick." Jessica said and kissed me on the lips in her sleep. I love people like her and Howie that tend to sleep walk. "I love you too, babe, now go back awake" I told her as she fell back asleep again. I noticed the "Aladdin" DVD was off. I looked around, nothing, not even a weird shadow. Then I noticed mumbling downstairs.

 "That is what we'll do." Howie said. "Guys!" I exclaimed as I noticed all of the adults, but Jessica down there. "What the Fuck?" I asked. "What the Heavens Nick." Brian tried to correct me, I just gave him an annoyed glare. "We think a spell or something happened and that is why you and Jessica had those 2 or 3 weird "Aladdin" movie dreams and Jesus religion dreams so you could or we could break it somehow. Not sure what, but whatever Kelly did to us, she probably did after Brian was put under that love spell." AJ informed me after I got downstairs from the 2nd floor.

 "But what?" I asked. "What did you see AJ?"I asked. Since he still seemed the most awake, besides me and the most tense. "You guys acted like you grabbed someone in front of you at the same time while you were asleep and then you opened your eyes for like 10 seconds and then went into a trance or sleep." He explained. "Then you said something like "I love you" and went right back to sleep, and there was smoke in the room." He explained as he started looking for his cigarettes and lighter. As soon as he found both I took them from him and gave them to Kevin to hide. "So, you have meetings without us now?" I asked. "It's for everyone's safety." Howie protested me for AJ. "Think about it." Brian said with a yawn.

 12:17am Jessica woke up and looked around, when she realized Nick wasn't in bed next to her. She thought she heard someone talk to her out of her dreams. "Nick." she said in a sad stunned way. Then heard me talking to AJ and Brian about it. She walked down calmly I guess. " Guys!" she yelled. "It will be ok. I got to come back remember. Keep the plans we have, Nick and I will make some just in case too, now everyone make some of your own too, and NOW EVERYONE TRY TO GET SOME SLEEP. Then tell me at 10 in the morning when your all awake." She told everyone, then kissed me and dragged me back up the stairs back to bed.

 In Heaven 12:20pm or whatever time it is there. Since it is sunny and lit all day up there. God was talking to his angels on his big throne. His long white beard and the truth in him. "Now you take care of John, Andrew, Mary, Tiffany, and all of your charges in Mexico too, tonight." he told an angel. Then him and Jesus went to the meeting. It was pretty gold room, but it was only to have meetings and dinner that was about it.

 " "We are to hold this meeting about the Backstreet Boys' futures and that of Jessica Heart and her family." An angel announced. As they all sat. "Father, why do we even used this room?" Jesus asked. "To hold meetings and dinner on your birthday, Good Friday, and your resserection day, Jesus." God explained. "It will be more fun, when you get all of the people your angels have been guarding in Heaven someday, you know that." God explained. "I miss them all too." He told him and gave him a hug. "Even the ones I can't save." With some tears. He gave him a tissue. "

" "Now what is going on?" God asked. "Kelly is working with demons, Satan, and The FirstY." The angel said. "She and them plan to attack Los Angelas tonight." He told him with a sigh in his gold and ivory uniform soilder mixed looking kind of outfit, with wings outfitted on the back. "Jessica, BSB, and NKOTB plan to stop them." He told him. .......

"How do they plan to stop them?" God asked. "You already know what to do Nick." God told me. " As I finished telling them my dream when my hand did that to AJ. "Do you think it really happened?" I asked. "I don't know, not a preacher." AJ told me.

 In NKOTB's hotel rooms 1AM after we all went to bed.

 "Joey, when you get this meet me back in my hotel room." Jordan told him. Donnie was walking to his hotel room when he heard Jordan acting all frantic. Donnie walked in to the room after Jordan had let him in. "What happened?" he asked. "I just had the freakest dream. All to film a music videos for our cruise tour and for some TV summer tour stuff." Jordan said with a sigh. 

"I dream Kelly was woken up by "The FirstY" and we all got to fight it. Nick and Jessica are next on her list and it's. They are not going to waste time they will go after them, and then all of L.A." Jordan told Donnie. "What?" Donnie asked. "You were yelling to get Joey on the phone over that?" Donnie said with a smirk. "Didn't Howie tell you, they all had a vision at once, WE'RE GOING TO WIN. If we fight with them tomorrow and tomorrow night, we totally win." I told him. "So sick day again?" Jordan asked. Donnie nodded, "Just pray afterwards dude."

 Then the other guys showed up at Jordan's hotel room in a couple minutes. "Damn, are you all here?" Jordan asked. "Yeah. Howie called Danny and said we have to come up with plans for tomorrow and to take tomorrow off work, everyone, that is what he wants done so we can stop Kelly once and for all." Joey told him. "Yes!" Danny said with a cheer. "Here are the plans I had so we can stop her and any zombies and Demon buddies she might be bringing with the voo-doo or whatever she does." Danny told him. As he pulled out a notebook of what Howie told him over the phone. "Now, we know she is staying at church near an old 1920's Satanic church of some super crazy evil witch club. Probably not sleeping well. BSB says they feel weird so they need some really kick ass help." Danny explained, "So here are my ideas based off of some miltiary strategies and some ways we can beat up the demons and how Jessica has been able to do it." Danny continued as we all ate some late night Chinesse and Pizza that Jon and Joey had brought.

2AM Jessica shoved my arm, next to me in bed. "Nick, I am scared." Jessica told me. " It will be ok." I said as I kissed her. "She is coming, this is so going to be "The End" this time, and then "The End of the World" as we know it." Jess continued. "It's ok." I tried to comfort her with a simple hug. "Panacakes I am seriously worried!" Jessica yelled back at me with a tight hug and started to cry out of fear. "Waffles, calm down. I am right here, my cute eggo." I told her as I held her. "Just remember I love you and your going to Heaven with me, and I am sure you will bug God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit literally till your either mine forever or bug me forever there." I told her. Then with a kiss on the lips, then at some point, she kissed me on the cheeks and we dosed off for a little nap again.

 "Rochelle I am worried about you." AJ said. Then he growled a little as he heard those 2, did everything have to be about them. Because AJ rocks, we love AJ. AJ is so awesome! AJ stop writing in my journal. It's NOT YOUR JORUNAL, STOP IT!

 Can I finish my part of the story, comic book guy? Yes, then go to bed, we got to fight in the morning or whenever.

Anyways, Rochelle and I, we're talking all dramatic and stuff. "Aw-w-w-w" Rochelle cried all over gesturing and dramaticly. "Alex my sweet love of sweets. I can't live without you, tomorrow will be hard. But I love you, please surivive and hope God supports OUR LOVE." All mello dramatic with her hands and arms.

 Then I being Mr. Fly; told her all swuave. "Te quiero también mi amor. Hablemos español tan nadie sabrá lo que hablamos. Pero Howie." I told her. "Si, mi amor." She replied. "Yo no puedo vivir sin usted." I told her.

 "Por favor, no va." she told me. "Yo no deseo que vaya cualquiera. Ah bebé, me toma ahora." She finally told me in a sexy low voice, I love. Then we did it, then I woke up and had to sneak in a a small story into Nick's journal and draw hearts in it. And pray. I don't know what I would do with my sweet Rochelle. "Yo no dese

o que vaya cualquiera. Ah bebé, me toma ahora." Rochelle said so sweetly and dramatically, I find myself obsessing. But after that she kissed me, and said, "Yo encanata usted, también." Rochelle told me. "Te quiero. Yo amor usted." I told her.

Jessica just kissed me on the nose and on the cheeks and gave me some hugs. I guess I need to sleep. Night ya'll. Tomorrow night is going to suck, so we better sleep.