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Author's Chapter Notes:

A Christian Demon Slayer and fan saves BSB and NKOTB yet again with help from fellow fans, demon slayers and fighters, exorcists, Jews and Christians. Turning BSB back to themsleves and ending the tiraid of spells. Howie is chosen to lead the group now. They all decide to work as a team. 

I knew I wasn't going to like it. But I had to do it save my friends. I pulled opened my Bible and my fighting curses and demons book and read the phrases and prayed some short prayers of my own.Scared, freaking out, realizing what I had seen in my head. I then went on twitter, youtube, wordpess, and blogger, and posted a loud message for all fans and Jews and Christians to read and Demon slayers of the world. 

"Pray for my friends, the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block to have their spells broken and be given a vaccines for their souls to block the huge curses they put on them, please. This is no time to be selfish and trying to make one of them love you. It doesn't work anyways."
I wrote in slience. I sighed, then I felt a hug and a kiss from someone but no one was there. I swear it was an angel from Heaven or a Guardian Angel of mine. I just know Christ is coming and now I have more enemies than I can handle alone and so do they.

Beyonce' sent an e-mail to Alyassa Milano. "I can't do it." She told her, "My husband told me not to, it would take away our blessings for Blue Ivy." She told her, as Howie walked in surprised to see Kevin had walked down to his room. The guys all meet down there, "Howie all of arms hurt like we got flu shots and we don't know why?" Nick asked. 

"I know it's like one of Brian's prayers or Kevin's, what is going on, dude?" Alex asked me. "Fine, but no mircochipping or microchips in your body, that aren't for your heart." Brian looked confused. "Because the chip they would have to use would destroy the heart to install it there with the 666, it's in some of the Prophet books of the Bible and the Book of Pslams. But also, if you do research you would understand." I told them.

"Alyassa" Sarah yelled. "Is Beyonce' helping she isn't in the building." She told her. "Well, she is in the Eastern Star for the Freemason, I'm not surprised." Alyassa told her as the other people showed up. "Something huge is going down, isn't it." Alex realized. "I know." Kevin said. "We're going to fight it, aren't we, again like in our fanfics after Buffy and Angel came out on TV, Spike if they had enough people behind it." Nick commented, we laughed a bit for a moment then got quiet.

"We are so fighting in New York City, aren't we?" Sarah Chalke answered. "Yes, this is just the beginning of "The End"." I told her. "Everyone has to pick a side now. Everyone. We need to fight as team, poor and rich, man and woman, free and bond, talkers, geeks, and the fighters. We are going to win, WE ARE GOING TO WIN, WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT AND WE ARE GOING TO FIND THE PEOPLE WHO KEEP SAVING US AND WE WILL FIGHT AND WE WILL SAVE THEM FOR GOD AND CHRIST, THEN WE WILL KICK THESE EVIL PEOPLE'S ASSES AND THE DEVIL'S HIMSELF." Brian told everyone. 

"We are going to do it together, when someone get hurts, YOU DON'T LEAVE THEM BEHIND, IF YOU HAVE TO, THEN YES, BUT IF YOU CAN SAVE THEM, THEN DO. Stick together, and think and fight, and STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS." I told them. Everyone else in the room stared. As I realized Brian and Kevin were both changing back to normal and so were Alex and Nick.

WE HAVE NO CHOICE LEFT, BUT TO SAVE PEOPLE FOR GOD AND TO FIGHT AND TO PUT WRENCH'S IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS AND CELEBRITY BUSINESS WHERE IT IS NEEDED TO SAVE PEOPLE FROM THE EVIL ONES RUNNING IT SO BE IT." Kevin Shouted. We all put our hands in a circle. "God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and NKOTBSB FOREVER!" We put our hands in together in a circle and shouted. Then hugged each other, with our family and friends who came to help us.
