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Truth Between The Lies

Copyright 2012

By Terri


Chapter 27




Aspen and AJ took Reese and headed to the hotel so Reese could play with her cousin; leaving Brian and myself alone. Imagine my surprise when Red called. We were good and lip locked. Damn her! “What’s up little sis?”


“Nick and Jade wanted a little alone time so we’re gonna stay here and take care of the girls while they have grown up time.”


I giggled as Brian’s lips brushed against my shoulder.  I didn’t even know I was ticklish there. “Brian!” I squealed as I attempted to fend off his advance. He grabbed my hand and started working his way up my arm.


“It sounds like things are going well there,” Aspen noted.


“I’m trying to behave but he won’t let me.”


“You are too cute Lils.”

“Um Red…..I’m gonna have to go. Will you be back for dinner?”

“Go ahead and we’ll grab something here.  Stay away from my bed Lils.”

“You got it sis. Bye!” I hit the end button.  I turned to face Brian. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I think I’m about to kiss the most beautiful woman in the world.”


“You think so?” His lips were pretty close and he was pushing the hair away from my face.


“Let’s go to Vegas,” he said before his lips landed on mine.


I pulled back.” And do what?”

“What do people usually do there?”

“People do a lot of things in Vegas Brian.”

“I know that but I was thinking we could be in those few that hear wedding bells instead of the clinking of change.”


“You’re serious.”

“Lilly, I take so few risks in my life. The minute I looked into your eyes I knew we had something different than the rest of them.  I’ve never believed in love at first sight but you are the reason I want to believe it exists.”


Nobody had ever said such sweet words to me and for the first time in a long time, I was willing to risk my heart and take that leap with him. I was worried about the ‘good’ boy marrying a porn star.  Well former but people would talk and didn’t want him to have to deal with that.  “I want to say yes but what are they going to say about you marrying someone like me?”

“Lilly, you don’t do that anymore last time I checked and it doesn’t matter to me what they think. They’ve had their opinions for years about girlfriends and whatnot; it’s not going to change now. I’m the only one that matters.”

“Okay so how are we going to Vegas tonight?”

“Rent a car?”


“My sisters are going to be pissed off if I do this without them.”

“Have you ever agreed with all their choices in life?”


“We’ll text them as soon as it’s all official and when the tour is over, we can have a small party or reception”

“What about the guys?”

“I’ll just let them know I’m heading to Vegas early.  They don’t need to know you’re coming with me.”

“Okay. The only thing I ask is that you let me get a dress for the ceremony.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way darlin’.”

“Then let’s get this show on the road.  Let me get my stuff packed up.”

“I’ll start looking into the car.”


“This is crazy.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. “I don’t want you to do this if you’re not ready to but I can tell you this, I know I’m not going to feel any differently fifty years from now and I’ll wait that long for you if I have to.”

I loved how he made me laugh. I just love the way he made me feel.  Oh hell, whether I wanted to admit it or not, I was head over heels for him and not just because of some school girl crush that had built over the years.  I kissed him gently. “I wouldn’t make you wait that long. Twenty five maybe but not fifty,” I teased.


“I’d wait forever for you baby. Now go get your stuff. “




Twenty four hours later, we were in Vegas and I was officially Mrs. Brian Littrell.  If you think for one minute that I’m a non-traditional kind of gal, you’re dead wrong.  Just because of my earlier choices in life, doesn’t mean I didn’t want the same things every other girl in the world dreams of.  Okay, so the getting married part a little out there but for all the impulsive choices I’d made, this was the first one that made sense. He was good for me, good to me and that’s all that mattered.   Brian swept me up into his arms after he opened the door and carried me over the threshold. Strong for his size but that’s what I loved about him.  I know I should have told him we should wait but the way he looked into my eyes and told me that he’d wait forever, I knew he was sincere.


“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours Mrs. Littrell?” Closing the door behind us with me still in his arms.


“I like the way that sounds Mr. Littrell.”

“So are you going to tell me or do I have to torture it out of you?”

“It depends on the kind of torture.”


He dropped me onto the bed and was about to join me when my cell phone rang. “Tell me you don’t’ have to get that.”

“They have no idea where I went remember?  I’ll be lucky to be alive.”


He reluctantly handed me the phone.  I looked at him apologetically. This was our ‘honeymoon’.  I could understand why he was a little torqued off.




“Where the hell are you?” Jade demanded.


“Las Vegas. With Brian.”


“And you couldn’t bother to let anyone know where you were running off to?  We were worried sick about you.”


“What’s going on Lils?   You haven’t answered your phone in almost twenty four hours,” Aspen joined in on the scolding.


Great! She had the speaker phone on. “I didn’t tell you where I was going because I didn’t want you to stop me.”


“Stop you from what?” Aspen said.


“Stop me from marrying Brian.”


It went silent on the other end with the exception of the raspy voice shouting,” Are out of your fucking minds?!”


I turned to Brian and told him that AJ wasn’t pleased with our choice before turning the speaker on.


“No. We’re in love.” I answered him confidently.


“Nobody can fall in love in two goddam days! You have to get it annulled.”

“The hell we will!” Brian shot back at him.

I’d never heard Brian curse other than in the throes of passion but I so wanted to hit the end button and ravage my husband. “It’s too late for that anyway,” I lied; sending Brian a sly grin.


“Well Lilly Blue, are you happy with yourself?” Jade’s voice came back on the line.


“More than I’ve ever been in my life.  I know you wanted to be there but I’ll be there for you guys.  Just say you’re happy for me. I know what’s going to happen. I don’t care. He loves me and I love him. They can say what they want about us but as long as we’re happy, we don’t give a hoot about what the public says.”


“All I wanted was a simple yes or no.”


“As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters to us.   AJ’s just jealous cuz you beat him to the altar and Nick’s still in shock.   Enjoy your honeymoon Lils. You deserve  it,” Aspen added.


“Love you Red. Love you Twig.  Take care of my nieces and I promise I’ll spoil them as soon as I’m done being a newlywed.  Bye.” I hit the end button and met Brian’s gaze.


“You know what I love about you Lilly?” He said as he brushed away the hair surrounding my face.



“Absolutely everything.”