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The Order of the Phoenix

James Potter
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew
Frank Longbottom
Ali Prewitt
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Annalee McKinnon
Emmaline Vance
Pandora Jenkins
Xenophilius Lovegood
Maryrose Jenkins
Andy Woodhouse
Jackson Maw
Tobias Clement
Carly Shaw
McKenna Alliston
Meg Johnson
Jessica Abbott
Marty Brown
Padamar Turin
Ian Turin
Jasper Odair
Breanne Gemini
Alabastar Jackson
Harry Warbeck

James ran a call down the list to be sure they weren’t forgetting anybody. Of course, he omitted a certain name - he already knew Sirius was there, he could feel him hovering about right behind him beneath the invisibility cloak. Once he was sure everybody had showed up, he cleared his throat, nervous under the stares of all those people, sitting about on cushions or else leaning against the walls or the cabinet. Jackson Maw had his arms crossed over his chest, and Maryrose Jenkins sat right at James’s feet, staring up with rapt attention and admiration. He looked down at her and forced himself to smile, the nerves in his stomach twisting about.

“Alright you lot,” he said, “First off, thanks for coming ‘round… I know you probably all had other things you could’ve been doing on a Saturday, so… yeah, thanks for choosing to come here.”

Frank Longbottom, over excited by the whole experience of the thing, clapped until Ali Prewitt looked at him with one eyebrow raised and he stopped and grinned stupidly up at James instead. “Go on, Potter,” he encouraged and Ali whispered shhhh.

“So… so uh, you lot are probably wondering what the Order of the Phoenix is, and what exactly you’re doing here and if you’re gonna come back for any subsequent meetings we might have and what the bloody hell gall I have being up in front of you talking ‘bout this all when I’m just -- just James Potter --” he said his own name with a sort of disgust.

Just James Potter?” whispered McKenna Alliston to Jessica Abbott and they both giggled at the thought of James Potter being thought of as so commonplace that he could be considered a just.

James cleared his throat again and he looked around and his eyes met Lily Evans’s eyes as she stared up at him with a sort of excited expression on her face, a look that she’d never once given him before… a look like she was something very near to impressed. James heart skipped a beat. He smiled at her, his lip hanging on his tooth and he looked down at the floor, almost shy, then looked back up at the people all staring at him and he said, “It’s because somebody’s got to stop You Know Who and the Resistance hasn’t done it yet -- and bloody hell, I’m sick of waiting for him to destroy our world, our lives, our futures. I’m sick of letting the grown-ups, who have nothing much to lose, get defeated in a war that wagers our everything - our dreams. I’m sick of looking on, sick of hearing about students and their parents dying, sick of losing friends and families. It’s us that’s affected most by the outcome of each battle waged against Voldemort -- and I’m ready to be the one that takes a stand against him for my own ruddy future. And - and that’s what the Order of the Phoenix is. It’s us kids, rising up out of the ashes of this bloody mess our parents and grandparents have made, and setting this damned world right again! It’s you and me and anyone who stands against Voldemort telling him that we. have. had. enough.” James slammed his fist against his opened palm for poignancy and he looked about at all the people about him.

Ali nudged Frank and he started clapping again - followed by a couple others, including Jackson Maw, who lowered his arms from their crossed-over stance.

James flushed.

“Well how do you reckon a load of teenagers go about defeating the most powerful wizard there is?” Alabastar Jackson asked.

“Yeah, how’re we supposed to take on You Know Who?” asked Jasper Odair.

James took a deep breath, “We have… sources. I have sources. I know people who know things. My Dad’s in the Resistance, too. I - I think there are things that the Resistance and the aurors are overlooking about You Know Who, things that we could use to our advantage. Like he has workers here in the school. Like he has plans that put some really important people in jeopardy. And You Know Who doesn’t expect us, he expects them, the Resistance and the Ministry. He doesn’t expect a bunch of teenagers. We get the information and we shock him by standing up to him.”

Breanne Gemini rolled her eyes, “No teenager could face You Know Who and live.”

“I’ve done it,” James said boldly, “I’ve done it twice. Looked him in the eyes himself and defied him.” James stood tall, his posture never better than it was right then. “And his followers, too, been up against them a couple times, as well. Me and the lads.” He waved at Peter and Remus and Remus turned red and Peter waved at the eyes that had all swiveled to him and Rey in the corner.

“You haven’t really though, have you?” asked Annalee. “I mean, I know what the rumor about the school was but --”

“He has,” Lily said, “I saw him once. He called You Know Who a wanker.”

James flushed and Annalee’s jaw dropped and the whole room seemed to explode with reaction, people laughing and looking appalled. Alabastar Jackson laughed so hard there were tears in his eyes, “You didn’t - you couldn’t have done.. Did you seriously?” he wheezed.

“Yeah, I sort of did,” James said, nodding. Then he added, “And Frank Longbottom called him ugly!”

Frank flushed as a bunch of people turned to look at him and he said, “Actually, the words used in our exchange were not much to look at.”

James nodded, “Yeah! After dueling with one of You Know Who’s fiercest followers, too, no less!”

“You dueled one of You Know Who’s followers?” Tobias Clement looked over at Frank with a dumbfounded expression, “Oi, you didn’t tell us that.”

Frank shrugged. “Sorry, mate, I just wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.” Ali patted his hand comfortingly and he took hers and squeezed it with his own as she rested her head against his knee.

“So anyway, you see, we’re both here to talk about our adventures… our battles against You Know Who.. they’re something real. And just ‘cos the Resistance - just ‘cos Dumbledore - says we’re not any good for fighting You know Who… well they’re going to be mighty shocked.”

“Yeah they are!” shouted Peter, caught up, and he looked about, then cowered down and Remus patted his back, smirking.

“It sounds very dangerous,” said Padamar Turin. “Is it dangerous, being in the Order of the Fennel?”

“It’s Phoenix, mush-brains, Order of the Phoenix” said Ian Turin, her brother, from where he sat on the floor.

Padamar stuck out her tongue.

“It’ll be very dangerous if we serve our purpose,” James admitted. “But everyday life is pretty dangerous, too, these days, really, if you think on it. Especially for the muggleborns and half-bloods.”

“Mum would never approve of this, Ian,” Padamar said.

“What mum doesn’t know won’t hurt me,” Ian answered.

“No but Voldemort might kill you!” Padamar said sternly.

Several people flinched at the use of his real name.

Ian looked abashed.

“Voldemort might kill you anyway,” Alabastar Jackson spoke up. “He killed Alice Bell two years ago, remember? And her entire family.”

“They were in the Resistance,” pointed out Tobias Clement.

“Fighting for what they believed in,” Remus input, “You gotta stand up for what you believe in. That’s the most important part of it all.”

“That and kicking Moldy Voldy’s bloody arse!” James said, raising up a fuss so that half the people in the room shouted with excitement. Frank was one of them and luckily in the commotion of others shouting, too, nobody but Remus heard the disembodied voice of Sirius exclaiming along, too. Remus smirked.

When they’d all quieted down again, James said, “Alright. So. Practicality. The Order of the Phoenix is going to be basically we meet, we talk about anything any of us have heard or seen or what have you about any of our leads that we gather - this may mean searching through the Daily Prophet each day or else watching certain students in the castle, or anything, really. Sometimes, we may have to sneak off the grounds to go and - and fight - as best we can… It means… it means constant vigilance, as Mr. Moody would say.”

The students looked around at one another and it was easy to tell the Gryffindors from the others for a moment for there were nervous glances and excited glances that went about the room, people smirking with amusement at the idea of the challenge and people looking rather horrified at the suggestion of it.

“Sneaking off the grounds? As in… leaving the school?” asked Pandora Jenkins.

“Yes,” James said, “I mean, You Know Who isn’t going to come to us. Although, with Dumbledore gone, that’s a more likely scenario than it is when he’s here…”

Pandora looked at Xenophilius, who had an apologetically scared, look on his face. Pandora looked back to James, “Look. Potter, we’re both very supportive and all but… this is our last term and neither of us can risk getting in trouble… our future’s on the line… but.. We support you, of course, if we heard anything we’d tell you, just… neither of us can risk getting into it with Moody.” She paused, “You understand, yeah?”

“That’s what this meeting’s for,” James said, “To identify who is and who isn’t interested in putting it all on the line to fight You Know Who.” Pandora bit her lower lip and stared at the floor. Xenophilius rubbed her shoulder, smiling soothingly at her. A couple others were avoiding James’s eyes, too, as he looked about the room. “Alright, who doesn’t wanna stay?” he asked.

Carly Shaw got up.

So did Padamar and Ian Turin.

Breanne Gemini.

James took a deep breath then took his quill and drew a line through each of their names on the list. “Alright then… I’m sorry, but you lot have got to leave, then.”

There was silence as they got up. Xenophilius offered Pandora a hand up and he paused at James and looked him in the face, “I think it’s really brave what you’re doing…” he said, as Carly, Breanne, and the Turnins went for the door. Pandora hovered a few feet beyond and Xeno’s voice dropped, “It’s just that I have… intentions…” he glanced over his shoulder to be sure Pandora wasn’t looking and then he reached into his pocket and he pulled out a ring on a chain for James to see… it had a glowing, shimmering opal in the shape of a heart as a stone. He looked at James meaningfully.

“I understand, mate,” James replied. “And I think it’s really brave what you’re doing too,” he nodded at the ring. “Good luck. I mean it.”

Xenophilius smiled.

James watched as Xeno pocketed the ring, then hurried back to Pandora and took her hands in his and they followed Breanna, Carly, Padamar and Ian out the door. James looked about the room, taking a deep breath. Remus smiled encouragingly. James nodded at him, then turned to the others, “So… um… I guess basically what we’ll do is meet here once a week, we can figure out when would be best ‘cos I know some of us have like quidditch and stuff - half the Gryffindor team’s here…” James said.

“This is more important than quidditch,” said Alabastar Jackson.

Marty Brown turned to look at him, “Just because you don’t play --”

Alabastar Jackson retorted, “Have you seen the Slytherin team? They’re a great load of bullies. I wouldn’t want to play on the team even if I was any good at it!”

“Actually what’s a Slytherin doing in here anyway?” Tobias Clement asked, turning to look at James.

“Yeah?” demanded Jackson Maw, “What right’s a Slytherin got in this meeting? Probably going to report back to You Know Who the instant he’s out of the meeting and turn us all in. We won’t have the element of surprise anymore - and it’s going to be because this purist over here.”

Alabastar Jackson’s eyes clouded.

“Because I said he could come,” James retorted before anyone else could say anything about the Slytherin in their midst.

“He’s alright,” Harry Warbeck announced, “Stop assuming all the Slytherins are bad guys. It’s childish and inaccurate.”

Alabastar muttered, “Well, right now, most of them are, but that’s not because they’re Slytherins it’s because they’re idiots. They don’t represent what the Slytherin name stands for, they don’t represent Salazar. They’re just extremists.”

James looked ‘round at Jackson Maw and Tobias Clement. “Any further questions?” Jackson Maw looked annoyed but Tobias Clement shrugged and went back to leaning against the wall. “Good.” James added, “Look, guys, it’s really important that we all get along. We can’t be fighting amongst each other… If we want to defeat Voldemort it’s gonna have to be together. Who cares if we’re muggle-born or half-blood or pure-blood or whatever else you could possibly be… it doesn’t matter. I don’t give a damn what kinda blood you have in you. You could be a yeti and I wouldn’t care, so long as you hate You Know Who and wanna see him dead, then you’re good in my book. Yeah?”

“I’ve never wanted to see anyone dead in all my life, but him -- him I want dead,” Alabastar said solemnly.

“Do we have time to think about it?” asked McKenna Alliston, looking up at James with nervous eyes. Honestly, she’d only come along to hang out with James Potter more…

James shrugged, “I s’pose.”

“I think time to think would be a good idea, too,” said Marty Brown.

James nodded, “Alright then. Everyone think and… and I guess just let me know. And let me know the times you absolutely can’t meet… so we can figure out when the best time would be… and we’ll set up the next meeting and let you lot all know.”

Everyone got up and started shuffling about.

“Good one James,” whispered Invisible Sirius in his ear. Then, “Don’t forget Frank.”

James nodded.

“That went really well,” Remus said, getting up.

“I got a bit nervous when Tobias and Jackson started in on Alabastar,” James admitted.

Remus shook his head, “Couldn’t tell. You did really well handling it. Handling the whole thing, really. You did good, James.”

“Yeah,” Frank Longbottom said, coming over and butting into the conversation, “Excellent job, mate, you make a good leader.” He glanced around at the others, filing out of the room, and lowered his voice, “I thought Sirius would’ve been here?”

James shrugged, “He was nervous about everyone knowing he was about the castle, you know?” It wasn’t a lie.

“Makes sense,” Frank said.

Maryrose came up behind James at that moment and caught his hand, spinning him about to look at her. “You did wonderful, I’m really proud of you.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “My boyfriend’s a revolutionary.” Her eyes sparkled.

James flushed and said, “Blimey, I dunno about that.”

Maryrose smiled, “About which? Being a revolutionary or being my boyfriend?”

“The revolutionary bit,” James murmured, leaning in to kiss Maryrose’s nose.

“Ugh get a room you lot,” Lily said, rolling her eyes.

Ali grinned at her… so did Remus.

Maryrose laughed, though, and grinned up at James, “I’ll see you later?” she asked.

“Yeah,” James nodded eagerly.

“Alright.” Maryrose waved to the others, “Bye you lot…” and she turned for the door.

When she’d left, Peter looked around. All that was left was the Marauders, Lily, Ali, and Frank. “Anyone else hungry?”

Frank turned to answer Peter, and found himself staring into the disembodied face of Sirius Black. He let out a shout and stumbled backwards, tripping over Ali in the process and falling down on his arse, “BLOODY HELL!” he shouted as he hit the floor and Sirius cracked up, yanking the rest of the invisibility cloak off. Ali Prewitt’s eyebrows were up ‘round her hairline somewhere and Lily was clutching her chest. “SIRIUS -- YOU -- OH YOU ---!” Frank shouted and he jumped up and drew his wand, “I ought to hex you for that! You bastard!”

Sirius slapped his knees he was laughing so hard, “How’s your drawers, there, Frank? Soiled’em have you?” Sirius was wheezing.

“Bloody hell,” Frank answered. The Marauders were laughing - even Ali and Lily couldn’t help but giggle - and for all his show of it, Frank himself was grinning even as he punched Sirius on the shoulder. “Bastard,” he repeated.

Once Frank had collected himself and the others had managed to stop their laughing, Peter offered to go to the kitchens for food and the others agreed to meet him back in the fourth year dormitory. Sirius showed Frank the invisibility cloak and he and Ali each had a go at pulling it on and laughing as they stuck various disembodied body parts from within the folds of the cloth. “This is brilliant,” said Frank, handing it back to Sirius.

“It’s actually Potter’s,” Sirius said.

“My dad’s,” James said.

“Well it’s brilliant,” Frank replied.

“Comes in handy,” James answered, grinning.

“Yeah we can cover up this mug whenever we get sick of looking at it,” Remus said, taking it and tossing it over Sirius’s head.

Sirius pulled the cloak off, “You never get tired of looking at my mug, Moony,” and he pulled Remus in and kissed him quickly.

Frank and Ali, who had never seen such a display from the two of them before, stared on with wide eyes. Frank more so than Ali. “So it’s true then,” Frank said, stunned. “What Snape said?” He looked at James, dumbfounded.

Sirius broke the kiss and Remus turned red as a tomato. “Did Snape say I was snogging Lupin?”

“Yeah,” Frank said, “Well, not in those exact words but --”

“Well Snape’s correct. Do you have a problem with it, Longbottom?” There was a challenge in Sirius’s voice.

Frank snorted, “Calm yourself, Black, I don’t give a ruddy damn who you snog, so long as it’s not my girl, you’re fine.” He laced his fingers through Ali’s. “I just… didn’t expect it, I s’pose.”

“It happens a lot, you might want to prepare yourself if you plan on being ‘round them much,” James said.

Sirius grinned.

They all walked back to Gryffindor tower after that, Sirius under the invisibility cloak, but holding Remus’s hand through the fabric so that Remus looked as though he were holding his arm out at a funny angle. Frank and Ali followed after them, talking to each other quietly, and James and Lily were soon straggling behind as the two couples went on ahead. James pulled the door to the secret meeting room shut and the pair of them watched as the gold sliver of light that marked the door frame sizzled across the wall before fading out.

“You really did do a grand job today, Potter,” Lily said as they turned and started walking down the hallway.

“Thanks, Evans,” James answered, “That means a lot to me.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied.

James smiled. “So… you think you’ll be staying in the Order? You could use your bat-bogey hex on the Death Eaters.”

“I’d use something stronger than a bat bogey hex on them, Potter,” she said.

“Like what?”

“Dunno, annoy me some time and I’ll give you a demonstration,” she laughed.

James’s grin spread wide across his face. “Interesting.”

“What is?”

“I never used to have to put in an effort to annoy you - it just came naturally.”

Lily turned a bit pink ‘round the ears.

James grinned, “Evans? Do you have a secret crush on me?”

Lily snorted, “Potter. Please.”

James snickered, “Just checking, Evans.”

Lily rolled her eyes. “Even if I did, you’re attached, remember?”

James said, “I know. I didn’t say you could have me, I just asked if you wanted me.”

“I don’t.”

“Good, ‘cos you can’t have me.” James said, his lips quirking up at the ends, “No, Evans, that ship has sailed. You had your chance and now… like the night in the morning… it’s gone, never to return…”

“The night returns every twelve hours or so, you ninny.”

“Not the same night.”

“One in the same. It’s a rotation, you see… The night never really goes away, it’s us that leaves it.” She spun her hand around to indicate the rotation of the earth.

James stared at her, “Well, I’ll work on coming up with a better analogy, then, just to appease your worried mind.”

“I’m not worried.”

“So you like it, then, when I ask you out? You enjoy saying no to me, do you? You like seeing that broken look on my face?”

“Broken look on your face?” Lily raised an eyebrow.

“You know, the Evans said no to me again look. It’s like this.” James pouted.

Lily laughed, “You have never once made that face.”

“I do,” James said, “You don’t notice half my faces, Evans.”

“I try not to look at your face, Potter.”

“Maybe you should sometime… it’s a rather nice one.”

“Bugger off, Potter,” Lily laughed.

James smiled. They’d reached the portrait hole - the others had already gone on into the common room. James came to a stop before the Fat Lady and he stared at Lily... She stared back. There was something there… something in his eyes… something very familiar… and Lily’s stomach jolted at the sight of it… then James bit his lower lip and after a moment he looked down at the floor and then shook his head and turned to the Fat Lady, “Giant Squid,” he told her.

“In and out, in and out, why can’t you all just walk together so I only have to open up once?!” she complained, and as her frame swung forward, Lily reached out to grab onto James’s arm.

She knew it would sound insane…

She knew he was going to laugh at her…

But she had this sudden burning desire to tell him about her stag.

“Potter --”

He looked at her, “Evans?”

But when he looked at her again, a feeling like she was quite stupid for telling him about it flooded her and she chickened out. The last thing in the world she ever wanted was James Potter making fun of her stag. “Nevermind.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Nevermind.”

“Alright.” James turned to the portrait hole, climbed through, then held out his hand to help her through. “Consider it never minded.”