Bradley slept slumped against a door frame, his body extended into the hallway.
Kyle stood in front of the stove, a pan of bacon sizzling in front of him.
"Bacon, I smell bacon, there better be bacon" Adam said coming down the kitchen stairs.
Kyle pulled the strands of bacon from the hot pan and set it on a plate.
"Ah sweet bacon" Adam said picking up a piece and tossing it into his mouth.
"It's burning the inside of your mouth, isn't it?" Kyle asked.
"Worth it" Adam said as his eyes watered.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" Harry exclaimed as he bounded down the kitchen stairs. "You guys are NEVER going to believe what happened last night" he said.
Adam gasped "Did someone get dumped on The Hills?!" he asked, rolling his eyes and feasting on another piece of bacon.
"No... because it ended like last year!" Harry said to him "This guy huh?" he said to Kyle.
"What's going on Harry?" Kyle asked
"Bradley slept with Nat!" he said.
"What?!" Kyle and Adam both asked, Adam began to choke on the bacon in his mouth "Oh for god's sake" Kyle said standing behind Adam using the Heimlich maneuver on him, suddenly he coughed it up and it came flying out of his mouth, Harry looked on disgusted.
"Still worth it" Adam said, he then bent down and picked the bacon off the floor and shoved it back into his mouth.
Kyle and Harry stared at him in equal parts of horror and disgust.
"What? It's still bacon" Adam said to them.
"What happened exactly?" Kyle said still looking at Adam in disbelief.
"Well I'm not a hundred percent on all the details but remember last night when Neilson went looking for Bradley at Charlie's?" Harry asked.
"Yeah...oh my god they hooked up at the bar?" Kyle asked Harry nodded.
"From what I hear is, Bradley went to Charlie's last night and found Natalie flirting with some old guy" Harry said to them.
"No!" Adam gasped.
"She just broke up with Neilson and she's hitting on guys in a dive bar?" Kyle asked.
"Anyways, Bradley chased the guy, they get into this huge screaming match and somehow they end up making out in the parking lot" Harry said to them "Next thing you know they're back at Nat's house hitting the sheets together" Harry said.
"I cannot believe this!" Adam said shocked.
"That's not the worst part" Harry said.
"It gets worst?" Kyle asked.
"Neilson walked in on them" Harry said, they groaned.
"Oh no" Kyle said.
"Yep, he saw the whole thing" Harry said.
"Oh man" Adam said.
"God poor Neilson" Kyle said sadly.
"Anyways Bradley chased him down to the park, they had this huge blow out, Natalie followed him there and Neilson wrote them both off" Harry said.
They heard footsteps on the stairs "Shh!" Harry said as they dodged towards the kitchen table and quickly sat down.
They became silent when Bradley appeared.
They said there awkwardly, Bradley looked at them curiously.
"What's with you?" he asked them.
"Nothing" they all replied quickly.
"Just sitting here, talking about nothing" Harry said to him.
"Having breakfast" Adam said.
Bradley looked down at the table noticing the lack of food in front of them "Yeah I hear invisible food is the real breakfast of champions" Bradley said sitting at the table with a mug of coffee. “If you guys are going to gossip don't you think you should be under some giant hairdryers?" he asked.
"What?! No!" Harry said.
"Pfft..." Adam said sputtering.
"Wow you guys are horrible liars...especially you Adam, which really disappoints me" Bradley said to them. "I know you guys know what happened and I don't want to hear it alright" Bradley said.
"You okay?" Kyle asked.
"Oh yeah, I'm great, I screwed my best friend's girlfriend and now he hates me" Bradley said to him.
"Ex-girlfriend..." Harry said correcting him, they all turned to glare at him.
"But that's not important" he said nervously.
"What happened?" Kyle asked.
"I don't know! One minute we were screaming at each other and then...I was so angry but at the same time I wanted her and we were kissing and it just felt...unreal" Bradley said to them. "Like this overpowering feeling, I couldn't think of anything else."
"I guess not, all the blood in your body was headed south" Adam said to him.
"What happened with Neilson?" Kyle asked.
"He came to Nat's house I guess to find me and well he did just not where he thought he would" Bradley said.
"I didn't even know he was there until the door flew open and he was standing there, I found him later in the park" Bradley said taking a drink of coffee. "He started screaming at me then Nat showed up and then he started screaming at her and then he took off" Bradley said "I fell asleep outside his door hoping he'd come out but he never did" he said sadly.
"So, how was it?" Adam asked breaking the silence.
"Adam" Kyle said irritated.
"You get the whole package?" Adam asked.
"...I don't even know what that means" Bradley said irritated.
"Well you know if she..." Adam said.
"Alright!" Kyle said "What is wrong with you?" he asked.
"What? I can't ask questions?" Adam asked.
"What are you going to do about Neilson?" Kyle asked.
"I don't know, he said he doesn't want anything to do with me, he won't listen to me, he won't talk to me, what am I supposed to do?" Bradley asked.
The stairs creaked as Neilson came down, he stopped in his tracks, meeting Bradley's eyes.
"Hey" Bradley said, he shot him an icy glare.
"What's with you?" he asked Kyle, Harry and Adam who stayed silent, their eyes darting between them.
"Nothing" they all said to him.
"So much tension" Adam said "Not enough bacon" he said taking another piece from the plate, Kyle turned to look at him and shook his head.
He tapped Bradley's arm "Go" he said nodding his head towards Neilson, Bradley looked at him hesitantly. "Talk to him" Kyle said quietly as Neilson opened the refrigerator.
Bradley stood up from the table and slowly approached him. "Neilson" Bradley said "Come on we need to talk" he said, Neilson stayed silent, staring into the refrigerator.
Kyle, Harry and Adam silently moved closer, leaning against the kitchen counter, listening closely.
"Will you just please let me explain" Bradley said.
"Yeah I already heard it" Neilson said. He turned around to see Kyle, Harry and Adam listening intently, Bradley looked at him confused before turning around, he looked at them irritated.
"You mind?" Bradley asked.
"No go ahead" Adam said, munching on a piece of bacon as they stayed put.
"Get out!" Bradley said to them, they quickly scurried to the living room. "Neilson I'm sorry, okay I am so so sorry about what happened last night."
"Yeah you said that already" Neilson said flatly.
"Then why does it seem like you don't believe me?" Bradley asked.
"My girlfriend just broke up with me and what? 2, 3 days later I find you guys in bed together? how would that look to you?" Neilson asked. “Oh, and don't forget this isn't technically the first-time you guys have screwed around behind my back...if it weren't for Mr. Winchester I never would’ve known that you made out with her and didn't bother to tell me about it."
"Oh my god, you're really going to bring that up?" Bradley asked.
"Yeah, I'm glad I got to walk in on this one though, it was great really" Neilson said.
"I thought I was protecting you" Bradley said sadly.
"Well great job" Neilson said.
"Neilson come on, you know that I would never want to hurt're my best friend" Bradley said sadly, The refrigerator door then closed.
"I don't know how you can stand there and still call yourself my best far as I'm concerned you don't even know the meaning of what being a best friend is you're too damn selfish to care about anyone else" Neilson said to him. “as much as I would love to stay and finish this conversation, I have to start getting some of my stuff together.”
"What? Where are you going?" Bradley asked.
“My mom’s…I’m going to stay with her for a while” Neilson said.
Bradley scoffed “I can’t believe this, you’re just going to leave, just like that?” he asked.
"What am I supposed to do? every time I look at you all I can think of is my girlfriend screaming your name and you two...I just…I have to go okay” Neilson said shoving the kitchen door open.
Kyle, Harry and Adam groaned in pain as the door hit them.
"Can't you people knock?!" Adam asked irritated.
"You alright?" Kyle asked Bradley.
“I don’t know anymore” Bradley mumbled before running upstairs.
Kyle and Harry shared a look of worry and defeat.
"God that really hurts" Adam said rubbing his nose, they looked at him "What?" he asked.
“We can fix this…right?” Harry asked Kyle.
“Not for us to fix Harry, they need to figure it out themselves" Kyle said.
“Oh sure, they have the combined IQ of a raisin but yeah this should be no problem” Adam said.
"We have to do something, this tension's going to kill me!" Harry said to him.
"You'll be fine Harry" Kyle said “We just have to stay out of it.”
"No Harry's right we need to do something" Adam said.
Kyle and Harry looked at him in surprise "What?" he asked.
"Nothing...just never seen you like this before" Kyle said.
"Yeah it's like you care or something" Harry said to him “it’s very unsettling” Harry said,
"The best thing we can do is nothing, it's between Bradley J. and Neilson, nothing to do with us, let them handle it" Kyle said.
"God damn you and your rationality” Adam said irritated.