Brian sat in an over-sized leather office chair in their home studio, the mixing board and control panels in front of him, a paper pad sitting in his lap. He was fiddling with a pencil when Bradley came in looking forlorn.
"Hey, you okay?" Bradley shook his head no "what's wrong?" he asked.
"I uh… I did something really stupid and I don't know if I can fix it" he said sadly, tears filling up in his eyes. "And I need to talk to someone" he said, his voice shrinking as the tears began to spill down his cheeks. He pulled him into a hug, Bradley glommed onto him and began to weep on his shoulder.
Sasha sat behind her desk at her store "I believe my assistant faxed those forms to you this morning" she said on the phone, a clip board in front of her and a pen balanced between her fingers. "I'm still actually waiting on the fabric samples" she said, there was a knock at her office door, she put her hand over the receiving end of the phone. "Come in!" she said, Neilson came in with a bag slung over his shoulder, she smiled and waved him inside. "Okay great, yes we look forward to working with you, I know you'll help up get this new line just perfect, okay mhmm, bye" she said hanging up.
"Hey" she said happily "What do I owe the pleasure?" she asked.
"Mind if I stay with you for a while?" he asked.
"Well of course not, something wrong?" she asked.
"Can't I just spend some time with my mom?" he asked smiling.
"Aww of course, you know I love spending time with you" she said kissing his forehead. "This is so sweet...too bad it's not the real reason why you're here" she said.
"Didn't buy it huh?" he asked.
"Not a word...come on, what's the problem?" she asked.
"Well if you must know I had quite an interesting night last night" he said.
"Oh? Interesting how?" she asked.
He smiled "I found Bradley in bed with Nat last night."
She looked at him confusedly "Okay...say that one more time because I don't think I got that right" she said to him.
"It's pretty simple I found my so called best friend Bradley J. screwing my ex-girlfriend Natalie last night" he said angrily.
"Okay, start at the beginning" she said as they went into her office.
Natalie sat in her kitchen, she kept looking at her phone, looking through her pictures of her with Bradley and Neilson.
"Hey baby girl, I'm home" her mom, Jodi said as she wheeled a suitcase into the kitchen. Her face crumpled up in sadness and she ran to her mom, wrapping her arms around her. "Hey what happened?" Jodi asked concerned "What's wrong?" she asked.
"I've messed everything up" Natalie cried.
"Nat and I broke up...she said we'd been fighting a lot lately and she didn't want us to end up hating each other" Neilson said to Sasha.
"Yeah I know, your dad told me" she said.
"Neilson and I broke up" Natalie said tearfully to her mom.
"Oh honey" Jodi said "I'm so sorry" she said setting a box of tissues on their kitchen table "What happened?" she asked.
"We just kept fighting and fighting and nothing was making it better" she said in a congested voice, Jodi handed her a tissue. "I knew that if it kept up we were going to end up hating each other, I didn't want that to happen" she said.
"So, you broke it off with him?" Jodi asked, Natalie nodded "Oh sweetie" Jodie said lifting her chin up "If you just call Neilson and explain I'm sure you'll be able to work it out" she said. "Now I've found the cure to any broken heart is lots and lots of chocolate" Jodi said "I'll make you some brownies" she said.
"Mom, even if I wanted to work things out with Neilson there's no way it's going to happen" Natalie said.
"Why do you say that?" Jodi asked.
"Because of Bradley" she said.
"You have feelings for Bradley J.?" Jodi asked.
"No... but I had sex with him" Natalie said "And Neilson saw the whole thing" she said sadly.
"At first Bradley was doing everything to make sure I was alright, he stayed up with me at night, he brought me food, he let me literally cry on his shoulder and as soon as my back was turned he ended up in bed with Nat" Neilson said to Sasha.
"Oh, my god..." Sasha said " did this happen?" she asked.
"That's what I'd like to know!" he said.
"Neilson said he wanted to be alone, so I went out last night" Bradley said as Brian sat listening to him intently.
"Last night I told Bradley I just wanted to be alone for a while, I went looking for him at Charlie's" Neilson said.
"The bar?" Sasha asked "A bar you can't be in unless you're 21 or over?" she asked.
"Yeah whatever" Neilson said "Anyways Nat was there and the two of them got into it."
"I went out last night and I found Natalie talking to some guy, a much older guy" Bradley said. "I was so angry; how could she be sitting there flirting with some guy when she had just broken Neilson's heart" he said. "I chased the guy away, we started fighting, I went to leave and she followed me out to the car, we were screaming at each other, I don't think I have ever been that angry in my life" he said. "And then...I don't know something happened...we kissed, it turned into this full blown make out session in the parking lot".
"Charlie told me they started fighting and left, he told me he saw Nat get into Bradley's car so I went to her house" Neilson said to Sasha.
"She got in my car and we went back to her house" Bradley said.
Brian sighed "Bradley...did you have sex with Natalie?" he asked.
Bradley nodded "Yeah I did" he said.
"I went to Nat's house; the front door was open so I let myself in" Neilson said to Sasha I found their coats lying on the floor and I went up the stairs I could hear them in Nat's room and there they were the love of my life and my best friend going at it" he said.
"And then Neilson walked in" Bradley said.
"Oh no" Brian groaned.
"Yeah, he was so angry, I tried to go after him to explain but I couldn't catch up with him" he said. "I got in my car and I just started driving, just anywhere he might be and I tracked him down to the park, he was sitting on a swing knocking back a bottle of whiskey...I tried to get him to listen to me, I told him it meant nothing and that I didn't mean for it to happen but he wasn't having any of it...I don't think I've ever seen him that angry before, he just kept screaming at me...and that's what happened" Bradley said sadly.
"You had sex with Bradley" Jodi said, Natalie nodded " I mean don't get me wrong he's a really good looking kid but..." she asked.
"Mom it was a total spur of the moment thing, I went out last night, I ran into Bradley, we started thing I know we're making out and escalated" she said.
Jodi sighed "You used protection, right?" she asked.
"Yes of course" Natalie said "Mom...what do I do?" Natalie asked.
"Where does Neilson fit in to all of this?" Jodi asked.
"He walked in on us" Natalie said.
"Oh my god" Jodi said.
"I know, I know" Natalie groaned "It was as bad as you think" she said.
"Oh honey...I don't...I'm so sorry" Sasha said to Neilson "Are you okay? Stupid question of course you're not" she said.
Brian sighed deeply "Bradley J." he groaned.
"Dad whatever you're going to say to me right now I haven't already said it myself" Bradley said.
"You used protection right, tell me you used protection" Brian said.
Bradley rolled his eyes "Yes dad, I used protection, that's not the point here" he said.
"It would be if you didn't" Brian said "I messed up, it was wrong, and I hurt Neilson and now he hates me, and I can't say I don't blame him" Bradley said.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you" Brian said.
"How can you say that? You didn't see his face alright? that look of pure betrayal and heartbreak...and I did that to him" Bradley said.
"Where is he?" Brian asked.
"He went to stay with him mom for a while he said he can't stand being around me right now, I don't know what to do, I've tried to explain, I've tried to talk to him he won't listen to me" Bradley said.
"You can stay with me if you need alright?" Sasha said "Have you talked to them at all?" she asked.
"Same old excuses 'we didn't mean for it happen, it meant nothing', 'it was a mistake'" Neilson said.
"You don't believe them?" she asked.
"No, I don't" Neilson said to her.
"What can I do?" Natalie asked Jodi.
"Oh much as I would love to fix this for you I don't...I really don't know how, have you tried to talk to them?" she asked.
"They won't talk to me" Natalie said.
"I'm so sorry baby" Jodi said pulling her close and holding her.
"Can you still make those brownies? I could really use 'em" Natalie said.
"Course" Jodi said to her.
Sasha pulled Neilson close, He rested his head against her cheek, she kissed his head, her arms wrapped tightly around him, Neilson took a gulp as a lone tear trailed down his cheek.
"Just give him some space and some time to process everything" Brian said to Bradley "Everything's going to be okay" he said.
"What if it's not?" Bradley asked.
Nick bounded down the stairs to the studio “Oh look who’s here” he said standing over Bradley “Casanova here telling you about his big score last night?” he asked.
“Nick, come on” Brian said standing up and shielding Bradley behind him.
“He tell you Neilson left?” Nick asked bitterly "What were you thinking?!" he asked angrily.
"Hey! What are you doing?” Brian asked “Come on look at him, this is tearing him up, he knows he did wrong okay so just back the hell off him!” he yelled.
"Well good because he should! What were you thinking?" Nick asked.
"Okay that is really not fair" Brian said.
“No, what’s not fair is Neilson having to leave his home because yours can't keep it in his pants!" Nick said angrily.
"Hey, leave him alone alright" Brian said.
"Alright stop!" Bradley said standing up "You're right okay? I screwed up, I hurt Neilson and I drove him away” he said sadly. “This is all my fault, the last thing I ever want to do is hurt Neilson" he said "But it's done, it happened and as much as I want to take it back I can't, the only thing I can do now is try and make things right if that's even possible" Bradley said leaving.