Neilson sat lazily on Sasha's couch, the remote in his hand when the doorbell then rang "I got it" Neilson said, he opened the door to see Kyle "Hey" he said.
"Hey" Kyle said to him.
"Oh, hi Kyle" Sasha said coming into the room.
"Hey Sash" he said to her.
"What's up?" Neilson asked.
"Uh Adam's been trying to get a hold of you but you haven't been answering your phone or the texts he's been sending you" Kyle said.
"I didn't get any texts from him" Neilson said.
"Oh, well he wanted me to track you down" Kyle said.
"Oh, why?" Neilson asked.
"He needs some help at the record store and he can't find Bradley."
"Maybe he should check Nat's bed that's where I found him the last time I looked" Neilson said bitterly.
Kyle rolled his eyes "Neilson" Sasha said.
"Alright hold on, let me find my shoes" Neilson said.
"So, how's it going over here?" Kyle asked.
"It’s alright" Neilson said pulling his shoe on “How are things at home?” he asked.
“Same, Adam’s still evil, Harry’s still a pain, Backstreet is still Backstreet” Kyle said. “Just go ahead and ask how Bradley is alright, I know you want to” Kyle said.
“How is he?” Neilson asked reluctantly.
“Miserable” Kyle said.
Neilson nodded “…well you know what? It serves him right” Neilson said.
"Do you plan on coming home any time soon?" Kyle asked.
“Look Kyle I know what you’re trying to do and no offense but I just need some time right now, okay?” Neilson said.
“Okay, yeah” Kyle said “That’s fine…come on, we should go before…Adam sells your soul to Satan or something” Kyle said to him.
“Bye mom” Neilson said kissing Sasha’s cheek.
“Bye sweetie...this plan you guys have better work" she said to Kyle.
“Guess we'll find out huh?" he said as they left her house.
Bradley stood behind the sales desk at the store.
" okay?" Adam asked.
Bradley turned to look at him "I guess" he said.
"You know if you want to talk or anything...I'm here" Adam said.
"Oh god, you're not going to be nice to me again are you?" Bradley asked.
"Would that be so bad?" Adam asked.
"Yes! It's very unsettling!" Bradley said.
"Okay fine in that case get your ass back in that stock room and help me with something" Adam said.
"See? Now there's the Adam McLean we all know and tolerate" Bradley said "Alright what do you need help with?" he asked as Adam followed him to the stock room.
"Mooney left me a note said there's some records up on the top shelf that need to be put out upstairs" Adam said.
"Up here?" Bradley asked stepping up on a step ladder.
"Yeah" Adam said.
"I don't see anything" Bradley said.
"Oh they're up there just keep looking" Adam said. He saw Kyle and Neilson approach the back door, quickly pulling the stock room door closed.
"Hey, what's the emergency?" Neilson asked.
"Uh I need some help with the stock room, Mooney says there's some records up on the top shelf that need to go out on the floor."
"Oh, okay" Neilson said going into the stock room.
"Adam there's no records up here" Bradley said turning around and seeing Neilson.
The door suddenly slammed shut and Adam locked it.
"What the hell" Neilson said jingling the doorknob "Damn it Adam!" he yelled banging on the door.
"This isn't funny, open the door!" Bradley yelled banging on the door.
"Okay so here’s what's going to happen" Kyle said as they continued to bang on the door. "You guys are going to stay in there until you've worked out your differences because you know what? This whole thing has gone far enough" Kyle said. "You have us and your parents all running interference between the two of you, you're making life unbearable here for all of us" he said. “And if this what it takes to get you guys to realize how much you mean to each other, then so be it" Kyle said. “Now I know you’re probably angry now but don’t worry you’ll thank us in the long run” he said.
"You know I'm actually kind of hungry" Adam said.
"Me too, let's go grab Harry at the library and get something to eat" Kyle said "Have fun guys!" he said as they left the door.
"Wait! No! Get back here!" Neilson yelled banging on the door.
Bradley and Neilson sat in opposite corners in complete silence, shooting each other heated glares, the air thick with tension.
"So…I guess we should talk huh?" Bradley asked.
Neilson scoffed "You can go ahead and talk all you want, it doesn't mean I actually have to listen to you" he said to him.
"You are just so intent on hating me aren't you?" Bradley asked him "How many times do you need me to say it? I've told you repeatedly that I am sorry, what do you want me to do?!" Bradley asked."It just happened alright? it was a mistake, I made a mistake okay, I’m sorry!”
"Oh my god Bradley, it doesn't matter what you say or how many times you say it okay?" Neilson said angrily.
"God Neilson will you please stop shutting me out? I can't stand you hating me!" Bradley said to him.
"Yeah well who's fault is that? I caught you in bed with my girlfriend! And you know what's interesting? You guys had sex yet somehow I'm the one who got screwed!" Neilson said to him.
"This hasn't been easy for me either you know!" Bradley said “I’ve been miserable and wallowing in guilt and self loathing for days now.”
“Oh what you expect me to feel sorry for you?” Neilson asked.
“You know contrary to what you may think of me right now, I don’t enjoy causing you pain okay?” Bradley said.
“I hate that I hurt you this much and if you really think that I don’t then you really don’t know me as well as I thought you did."
"Obviously I don’t, I didn't think you were capable of sleeping with Nat but I was wrong about that wasn't I?" Neilson asked.
"Oh my god" Bradley groaned.
"So please , tell me, how was it?" Neilson asked.
"Oh would you stop" Bradley said irritated.
"No really I want to know, I only caught the last act but from what I heard it sounds like you were able to get her off which trust me, is pretty easy" Neilson said.
"Maybe not for you..." Bradley said.
Neilson looked at him in disbelief "You son of a bitch" he said tackling Bradley to the floor.
"Yeah go ahead" Bradley said to him "Kick my ass it won't change anything" Bradley said pushing Neilson off him.
"You blew me off alright!" Neilson said.
“Excuse me?!” Bradley asked “I’ve been trying like hell to get to you talk me for days now! I’ve done just about everything but get on my hands and knees and beg for forgiveness!” Bradley said.
"I mean when you decided that one night with Nat was more important to you than me!" Neilson said.
"That's not true, nothing is more important to me than you are, you know that" Bradley said. “I took a bullet for you, Neilson!” Bradley yelled at Neilson “I risked my life to save yours!” he said angrily.
“Oh my god, I cannot believe you’re bringing that up!” Neilson said.
“I let Mr. Winchester torture me to keep you safe, every time I would open my mouth he would threaten to kill you, and what about on Halloween?” Bradley asked.
“Oh you mean when I stupidly offered up myself as a sacrifice, to save your sorry ass? And Nat’s?! and this is how you guys repay me?!” Neilson asked.
“Wow, way to revise history, are you forgetting what happened after that? I told him that if he wanted to kill you, he was going to have to kill me first!” Bradley said “And he almost did, I almost got my throat slit open and was almost strangled to death just to save you and why? Because you’re my best friend and I would rather die before I let anything bad happen to you” Bradley said.
“Oh okay and where does sleeping with my girlfriend fit into that?” Neilson asked.
"You asked me to give you space remember? When you went off on me for no god damn reason!” Bradley said to him.
“So I was right, you did do this to get back at me!” Neilson said.
“No!” Bradley said before groaning in aggravation.
"During any part of that night did you ever stop to think 'Hey this is wrong'?" he asked. "Did you think about me at all? Did you at least say to yourself 'this will really hurt Neilson'? No you weren't you were just focused on getting what you wanted and screwing me over in the process!" Neilson said to him. "You may have not planned on sleeping with Nat but it sure as hell didn't stop you from doing it anyway!" Neilson said.
"I know, okay? I know! Sleeping with Nat is something that I have to live with" Bradley said, Neilson kept his back towards him. "Now if you want to wallow in your self pity and anger that's fine but you need to decide what is more important to you, your hurt pride or me?" Bradley asked. "I will spend the rest of my life trying to make this up to you, but for that to happen, you have to be there" Bradley said sadly. "And I hope you will be because...I can't imagine life without my best friend" Bradley said sitting back down on a stack of boxes and turning his back to Neilson.
"Bradley" Neilson said.
"Just leave me alone alright, you don't want to talk to me that's fine, I don't want to talk to you either" Bradley said.
Neilson sighed "Look I don't hate you, okay?" Neilson said "I could never hate you...I just hate what you did" he said sitting on a box next to him.
“Look you may not believe this but I probably hate what I did more than you do, the last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you” Bradley said “And if you can’t trust me anymore, I’ll understand” he said.
“No I believe you…we’ll probably have to work on the trust thing though” Neilson said as they smiled at each other.
"I'm really sorry" Bradley said.
“I know” Neilson said.
“So can this just be over now?” Bradley asked “I miss my best friend” Bradley said.
“I miss my best friend too” Neilson said "Come here" pulling Bradley close and hugging him, squeezing him tightly.