The next afternoon, Kyle and Adam stood in the record store’s storage room, Kyle handing Adam heavy boxes to put on the top shelf.
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this but, Kyle, you’re a genius” Adam said as Kyle handed him another box.
“I told you it would work” Kyle said.
“It is amazing that something so simple had such an amazing effect” Harry said to them.
“Yeah well Bradley and Neilson are simple people” Kyle said.
“Hey guys” Bradley said “We’re standing right here” he said.
“See? Now doesn’t it feel better to be talking again?”
Kyle asked coming between them and putting his arms around them.
“Yeah it does” Bradley said smiling at Neilson, Neilson wrapped his arm around Bradley’s shoulders and squeezed him.
“You just gotta remember, bros before hoes” Adam said.
“That is true” Neilson said.
“So? Can we get a thank you here?” Kyle asked.
They looked at each other “Thanks” Neilson said.
“Yeah thanks guys” Bradley said “We also want to say something else” he said.
“Payback’s a bitch” Neilson said as he and Bradley dodged out of the room and slammed the door shut, locking it.
“They didn’t” Kyle said.
“No” Adam said jiggling the knob “Damn it! Let us out!” he said banging on the door.
“Now I know you guys are mad now, but you’ll thank us in the long run” Bradley said as he and Neilson laughed, standing on the other side of the door.
“You sons of bitches open the door!” Kyle growled pounding on the door, they continued laughing.
The bells above the door jingled “Can I help…you” Neilson said going into the store front and seeing Natalie.
“Hi” she said.
“Hi” he said “What’s up?” he asked.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing” she said “Your mom said you moved back home” she said.
“Oh yeah…I’m doing better” he said.
“Dude, I think Harry’s starting to hyperventilate it’s hilarious” Bradley said coming into the storefront “Oh…hey” he said to Nat.
“Hey, Bradley” she said surprised "So I take it you guys are okay now?" she asked.
“Yeah, we talked everything out and I think we're going to be okay" Neilson said.
"Well good...I'm happy for you guys” she said, she heard the loud pounding from the back “What’s going on back there?” she asked.
“Oh, we locked Kyle, Harry and Adam in the stock room” he said.
"Oh…why?” she asked.
“Hilarity” he said shrugging.
“Oh, okay well I’m going to take off, I’ll see you around?” she said.
“Okay…hey Nat?” he asked.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Uh we were wondering if you could settle something for us?” he asked, Bradley coming to his side.
"Okay…what?" she asked.
"Who was better?" Bradley asked.
"Excuse me?" she asked.
"Yeah who was better? Me or him?" Neilson asked her.
"Are you kidding me right now?" she asked irritated.
"Come on between the two of us who was better?" Bradley asked her.
"I'm not answering that question" she said.
"Oh come on!" Bradley said.
"Soon as you tell us, that will be the end of it" Neilson said to her.
"...I don't want to say" she said nervously “I will say however that...not one of you was better or worst than the other" she said "...except maybe Bradley was a little bit better" she said.
"Yes!" Bradley said.
"Okay fine, he was better...but who's bigger?" Neilson asked.
"Right now I can't believe I slept with either one of you!" she said irritated as she left.
"Does that mean I win?" Neilson asked.
"Yeah you can have that one" Bradley said to him.
" think you guys will ever be okay?" Bradley asked.
"I hope so" Neilson said to him, looking at the door "Because even after everything that's happened, I still love her" he said "Hey, I still got you right?" he asked Bradley.
"Always" Bradley said to him, they bumped their fists together.
“BRADLEY JASON NICKOLAS LITTRELL!!” Kyle yelled from the stock room, the pounding getting louder.
“NEILSON FREDERICK CARTER!!” Adam then yelled.
Neilson wrapped his arm around Bradley’s shoulders, Bradley snaked his around Neilson’s waist as they walked to the back of the store together.
"See you guys later!" Bradley yelled as he and Neilson left the store.
"Wait, no! You idiots get back here now!" Adam yelled "Well great job Kyle!" he said irritated.
"Oh shut up Adam!" Kyle yelled at him.
" guys want to talk about anything?" Harry asked.
"Shut up Harry!" Kyle and Adam both yelled at him.