I have no idea what time was, but I heard someone moving around. I opened my eyes and saw alarm clock first. It was showing 6am. I groaned and turned to Mary’s side of bed and saw it empty. I looked around and saw her moving around the room.
She was probably picking up laundry on the floors. I wonder when she woke up.
“Babe? What are you doing?” I asked in hoarse voice.
“Oh Morning… Just picking up laundry on the floor.” She said smiling.
“When did you wake up?” I asked curious.
“Around 5… Mike was crying and I woke up to it.” Mary said and throws clothes to hamper.
“Is Brie still sleeping?” I asked and sat edge of the bed.
“She’s still sleeping. You can sleep too.” She said and walked to my side of bed to take my clothes on the floor.
“I’m okay. I just need coffee and I’m good to go.” I said smiling.
“I made some earlier. Just take shower first.” She said smirking and gave me kiss before she walked out the room.
“How about you join me?” I said after her and waited her to walk back in the room.
“I would love to, but Mike is awake. Just go without me.” Mary said at the door.
“Awe… I can’t wait Mila to come back next week.” I said and undressed my boxers off.
“She won’t be here till 18th. I told her to take few more vacation days.” Mary said and just stared at me.
“Are you serious? Why?” I asked.
“Well you are here… You can manage 2 kids, right?” She asked.
“Sure… I just rather have help from someone.” I said honestly.
“Well my school starts in 4th. If you want I can ask Mila.” She said.
“4th already? That’s in 4 days away.” I said in shocked.
“I know that… If you want I can take them daycare until Mila comes.” She said and walked to closet.
“Daycare? What kind of daycare?” I asked.
“Daycare to kids that only speaks English. Here’s towel. Get to shower.” She said and gave me towel before walked out the room.
After fast hot shower, I walked to kitchen to get some coffee. Mary was feeding Mike some baby food. I sat to chair other side of table to be face to her. I looked at Mike and saw his face to be messy from the food.
“What are you feeding to him? That looks gross.” I said and took sip of my coffee.
“Apple sauce.” She said smiling.
“That doesn’t look like apple sauce.” I said when Mike ate the sauce.
“Well container says apple sauce.” Mary said and shows me the container.
“Om…Ine… Myrske…” I tried to read Finnish word and Mary was laughing at me.
“What? Was it funny?” I asked looking at her.
“I’m sorry… You tried so hard… It’s says apple sauce in Finnish (Omenamurska).” She said and continues feeding Mike.
“I should take some lessons to speak Finnish.” I said and drank my coffee.
“That’s not bad idea. They do have some evening classes at my school.” Mary said and looked at me.
“I wasn’t serious about it.” I said smiling.
“What else you could do in here while I study?” She asked.
“Writing lyrics.” I said and stood up to get more coffee.
“It could seriously help you while you are in here.” She said and looked at me serious.
“People might recognize me there.” I said and sat back down.
“Well we hire you someone to home schooling you.” She said.
“Home schooling… I’m not kid anymore.” I said and took gingerbread cookie from the basket on the table.
“Just let me talk to one of the teachers and ask about this.” She said.
“Sure. Let’s change the subject. What are we doing today? It’s New Year’s Eve.” I said excited.
“I was thinking we could go ice skating.” She said smiling.
“Sounds fun. I don’t have skates though.” I said and took another cookie.
“We can rent them at the hall.” She said and finished feeding Mike.
“I won’t promise to be good.” I said smiling.
“We’ll see when we get to ice.” She said and lifted Mike to her arms from feeding chair.
“Can you skate?” I asked and looked at her burping Mike.
“What you think?” She asked smiling and walked back and forth in the kitchen to burp Mike.
“I shouldn’t ask.” I said chuckling.
30 minutes later Bridie woke up at 7:30. I was making her some breakfast while Mary was taking care of Mike.
“It’s New Year today, daddy.” Bridie said to me when was playing her dolls in the kitchen while I was making pancakes.
“Yes, but it’s New Year’s Eve. Tomorrow is New Year Day. First day of 2010.” I said smiling.
“I’m going to be 6 years old. How old are you going to be?” She asked.
“Well I’m going to be so old.” I said smiling.
“How old? 100?” She asked curious.
“Oh no. Not that old. I’m going to be 30.” I said laughing.
“That is still very old. How about mom?” She asked.
“She’s going to be 21.” I said and finished making pancakes.
“That’s old too.” She said giggling.
“No it’s not. You have no idea how old she was when she had you.” I said and put pancakes to plate.
“How old was she?” She asked and looked at me, but when I was about to answer, Mary was standing at the kitchen doorway looking at us.
“How old were you, Mary?” I asked and looked at Mary.
“Too young.” She said and started to do dishes.
“I’m going to be 6. Can I have a puppy?” Bridie asked smiling.
“Daddy and I need to talk about it.” Mary said while putting dishes to washer.
“Well we talked about one thing week ago.” I said and looked at Bridie and then Mary.
“What is it?” Bridie asked and looked at us both.
“Well… We thought to invite Holly here for your birthday because yours and hers have same birthday.” Mary said smiling.
“Really? Is she going to be 6 too?” Bridie asked excited and curious.
“No. She’s going to be 7.” I said and smiled.
“Oh that would be great.” Bridie said smiling.
“Wait… Are you sure?” Mary asked from me.
“Sure about what?” I asked.
“I mean think about it…” Mary said and looked thinking, but didn’t continue talking.
“Brie… Sit around the table and eat pancakes. Mommy and I are going to need talk for bit.” I said smiling and pointed table.
“Okay.” Bridie said and I took Mary’s hand to mine and walked us to living-room.
“What?” I asked and looked at Mary.
“I just started to count the days and months. If Holly was born March 3rd… Then she was seeded…” She said , but I just stopped her.
“Please stop… That’s just gross… get to point…” I begged.
“When did you say you started dating Paris before you even knew about me?” She asked and looked at me.
“I really don’t want to remember that right now.” I said and sighed.
“Nick, please. Just remember for me.” she said and sighed.
“Okay… What you want me to say?” I asked.
“Well first I remember we met at February… That was day after you broke up with her. Just think about it. She told you next day after knowing me a day that she’s pregnant… And we are still at February… How can she be at least 8 months pregnant?” She asked and that make me think.
“Are you saying Holly is not mine?” I asked in shocked.
“She could be adopted by her or something.” She said and sighed.
“This is just too much…” I said and sat down to couch.
“When did you met her?” She asked and sat next to me.
“In the same day when was Emilia’s funeral.” I said sighing and started to feel sad.
“You never told me that. When was her funeral?” She asked and I shook my head.
“Can we just not talk about this? I don’t want to be sad today. Holly is mine.” I said and stood up.
“I’m just trying to understand this whole thing.” She said and looked at me.
“Well I don’t. She’s my daughter. I took care of her when Paris is in jail…” I stopped talking and looked at her.
“You are right. Let’s not talk about this.” She said and walked back to kitchen.
When she walked back to kitchen, I stayed to living-room thinking what she said. Is she right about Holly not being my daughter? Did Paris stole her or was she pregnant to someone else before knowing me and then telling me she’s pregnant?
There’s so many questions looking for answers, but I’m not going to find out the answers today.
After breakfast, we went for ice skating. Mary called ahead to ice hall to ask whole ice ring just for us. We didn’t want to be interrupted. And of course people would know me. We got our stuff and walked to ice hall in 15 minutes. It was so cold outside. My nose was dripping and my ears were freezing. How did people survive in this kind of freeze? When we walked in the hall I thought it could be warmer, but I was wrong.
“You okay?” Mary asked from me when she noticed my look being awkward.
“My butt is freezing. Why is it cold in here too?” I asked confused and warmed my hands.
“If it’s warm here there wouldn’t be no ice to skate on.” Mary said and walked to reservation booth to talk to a guy behind it.
“Daddy… Can you skate?” Bridie asked when was jumping excited.
“Little, but I’m not professional. Can you?” I asked smiling.
“No, but I’m practicing.” she said and walked to Mary’s direction when she waved us to follow her.
“So did you get skates for me?” I asked from Mary when I walked to her.
“He’ll get them for you. We can go to sit to bench at the hall 1.” Mary said and walked to direction of hall 1 and I followed behind her and Bridie.
“What about Mike? He can’t skate.” I said and smiled to Mike who was in Mary’s arms.
“Worker guy brings us kicksled so Mike can be in it while you or me push it.” Mary said smiling.
“Sounds like fun. Can I push too?” Bridie asked.
“Of course you can. Not just too fast.” I said smiling and winked to Mary who smiled at me.
“And daddy can push me when I sit with Mike?” Bridie asked.
“No… Just one person sits on it.” Mary said and started to put skates on Bridie’s feet.
Time flied so fast. We had so much fun. I fall on my ass couple times and that made Mary and Bridie laugh. Mary was too good with ice skating. I was trying to chase her around the ice ring, but she was too quick. While Bridie was pushing Mike on the kicksled, Mary was trying to show me how to skate backwards, but as not ice skating person, I failed. I gave up and fall on my back to ice. I was starting to feel so damn hot suddenly. I followed Mary’s and Bridie’s every move they did on the ice. They were sore in my eyes. I was thankful to have family like this. Mary finally let Bridie sit on sled and hold Mike in her lap while she was pushing sled. Bridie was laughing and screaming happily.
“Daddy! Come push me!” Bridie shouted and I got up carefully to not fall on my ass.
“I got better idea.” Mary said and took Mike and gave him to me.
“Hey Mickey…” I said and make silly face to Mike.
“Mickey? Seriously?” Mary asked when I called Mike as Mickey.
“What? He likes it.” I said smiling.
“Okay.. So Brie, take my hands with your both hands.” Mary said and offers her hands to Bridie.
“Ooooh… I know what you are thinking. Go fast, mommy.” Bridie said and put her hands to Mary’s.
“Okay. Hold on.” Mary said smiling and started to skate backwards slowly first, but then started to speed up.
“Woooo!” Bridie screamed loud when Mary made fast turns in the corners.
“That looks fun, right Mickey?” I asked from Mike who was clapping his hands happily.
“I’m gonna let go, Brie!” Mary shouted and Bridie nodded.
“Look at me daddy!” Bridie said happily when was skating by herself.
“Good job, sweetie.” I said smiling.
“Hey.” Mary said when was skating around me and Mike.
“Hey. Are we ready to go home?” I asked smiling.
“Had enough already?” Mary asked and then stands behind me playing hide and seek with Mike.
“Where’s mommy?” I asked when Mary was hiding behind me.
“Here I am.” Mary said smiling when jumped and Mike laughed too.
“Brie! Ready to go home yet?” I asked and looked at Bridie to skating excited.
“No! Just little more.” Bridie said, but suddenly fall to her ass, but laughed.
“Brie? You okay?” Mary said and skated to her.
“Yeah… Ouch… Didn’t hurt so much.” Bridie said smiling.
“Good girl. Give me your hands.” Mary said and offers hers to get up.
“I guess we can go now.” Bridie said and sighed.
“One more time around the ring.” Mary said smiling.
“Okay. Do that to daddy.” Bridie said and I looked shocked.
“No… You two just do it.” I said and waved at them.
“Oh come on. Are you scared?” Mary said smiling when skated to me.
“No. Just thought it’s your thing.” I said and hold Mike in my arms.
“Come on daddy. Do it. It’s fun!” Bridie said smiling.
“What about Mickey?” I asked looked at Mike who was smiling.
“Put him to sled for minute. Come on.” Mary said and took Mike from my arms to put him to sled.
“I’ll push Mike little bit.” Bridie said smiling.
“Be careful, okay?” Mary said to Bridie and she nodded.
“You know I can’t skate good as you.” I said when we were holding hands.
“I know, but I’m going slow.” she said and was now facing to me.
“Who said anything about going slow?” I asked and touched her cheek.
“Okay. Hold to my both hands.” Mary said and offers her hands to me.
“Can I trust you?” I asked and put my hands to hers.
“No.” Mary said and started to skate backwards pulling me with her slow first.
“You are good. I think we can go faster.” I said smiling and she moved now little bit faster now.
“Okay. If you say so.” Mary said and now we were moving so much faster and I started to lose my balance.
“Oh no…” I heard Bridie said.
“Shit…” I said and fall on my back and bringing Mary with me on top of me.
“You okay?” Mary asked when we stopped moving on the ice.
“Yeah. Damn that was fast.” I said and groaned. Mary wasn’t moving on top of me.
“It was same speed as Brie’s.” She said chuckling.
“Do you feel that?” I asked and looked at Mary’s eyes.
“What?” She asked confused.
“I think I’m getting hard just you sitting on me like that.” I said quietly and she hit my chest playfully.
“You are such brat!” She said smiling and now sat on me still keeps hitting my chest.
“Aaaargh! Brie! Mommy is attacking me! Help!” I shouted laughing.
After goofing around on the ice, we finally decided to get back to home. Time was only 12:30pm and kids were taking nap after we ate lunch when we get home. While kids were napping, Mary started to clean up the laundry room. Bridie’s outside clothes were all over the place. I was leading my arm to door frame to just looking at her when she was doing laundry. She didn’t see me there until I moved behind her and put my hands to her waist.
“Fuck… You scared me…” She said and sighed.
“I’m sorry. I was just enjoying the view.” I said whispering to her ear and kissed her neck.
“View huh? What happened to that promised you made?” She asked chuckling and put machine on.
“Like I said at the ice hall… You made me so hard.” I said and touched her hips from both side.
“Easy tiger. I’m going to make sure you are keeping that promise you made.” She said and turned to face me.
“Fuck the promise. I’ve waited 5 fucking years. You are making me fucking insane.” I said in seducing voice and kissed her hard against the washing machine.
“That’s lot of fucking for one sentence.” Mary said and pushed me away from her.
“It was stupid idea. Aren’t you horny at all?” I asked and sighed.
“Of course… It’s just bad timing. That’s all.” She said and started to take clean clothes out the dryer.
“Bad timing? It’s New Year’s Eve. I expect more than just a kiss tonight.” I said.
“Does it always have to be about sex? Like you said, I’m not 21.” She said and started to fold clothes.
“Okay. I guess I need to do hand work then to get this boner away.” I said and walked out the laundry room.
I wasn’t really going to do hand job in the apartment where was kids. My own daughter and Jesse “Douchebag’s” son. I walked to kitchen and started to make coffee to make me think of something else. Mary walked in and looked at me.
“Let’s just forget that and enjoy the day.” I said and looked at her, but she didn’t say anything.
“What?” I asked confused and then she lift empty bottle.
“How many times I had said that we can recycle these to grocery stores?” She said and I blushed.
“My bad. How should I remember that?” I asked and put coffee machine on.
“Every time when I see empty bottle in the trash, I feel like I’m throwing money away.” She said and put bottle to bag with other empty bottles.
“It’s not a big a deal. We have money.” I said calmly as possible.
“We?” She questioned and leaned her butt cheeks against the counter when looked at me.
“Yes we. We can even move from this apartment and get a house.” I said and moved closer to her.
“No, no and no.” She said and walked out the kitchen.
Well I guess that’s it then. I guess I need to just suck it up. I just needed to apologize. I looked for her from laundry room, but she wasn’t there. I walked to “our” bedroom and saw her sit on my side of the bed looking outside the window. I moved closer to bed and crawled behind her and put my hands around her. I apologized and said sorry at least dozen times. We moved on the bed to lie down. Her head was on my chest and I was gently touching her arms. Rest of the day was going just normal. For dinner we made some fries, potato salad, sausages, meatballs… Mary usually ate this in New Year’s Eve. We had some soda for drinks and Mary and I had just one bottle of beer called Karhu. Sounds weird for the name, but Karhu in Finnish is Bear. It’s not the best beer I had, but it was ok.
When clock was 6pm, there was fireworks already in the sky. We had good view from out apartment to see fireworks. Bridie was oohing and aahing when there were fireworks in the sky. In Finland fireworks weren’t so big than USA we have. Some of the fireworks were very cool. I looked at Mary on my left side when I hold her close to me. She was looking fireworks as excited as Bridie. Lot of things was running on my mind. Should I just go on my knee and propose or should I just wait when she turns to 21? I didn’t have more to think when she turned to look at me smiling. Not now. Maybe later when it’s turning to 2010. Mary moved away from my side to Bridie and told her to get ready for her bath. While Mary was giving bath to Mike and Bridie, I took my cellphone and called to Janica, Mary’s best friend. She answered to her cell in fourth ring.
“Hi Nick. How’s Finland doing for you?” Janica asked.
“Hi. It’s cold, but I’ll manage. I have favor to ask.” I said in quietly and walked to laundry room.
“Why are you whispering?” Janica asked.
“I don’t want to Mary to hear me what I’m talking to you.” I said quietly.
“Okay. What’s up?” Janica asked.
“My ring. The ring I bought for Mary… Do you think you can send it to here?” I asked
“Wait… Did I hear you correctly?” Janica asked and sounded excited.
“Well… I’m going to propose to her after all in midnight.” I said and I heard Janica to scream loud.
“Oh my god!” She said.
“Okay… Just stop screaming. I’m not even sure she will say yes.” I said and sighed.
“Of course she will say yes!”
“How about I text you later if I did or did not… Then you will know to send me the ring?” I questioned.
“Sure if that's what you want.” Janica said.
“Could you send me picture of it? I’m going to propose to her with the picture.” I said and chuckled.
“Sounds something like no one never done before.” Janica said.
“Just send the picture, ok.” I said and sighed.
“Nick?” I heard Mary’s voice calling me.
“I gotta go” I said and hung up right in time when Mary walked to laundry room all wet.
“What are you doing in here?” She asked smiling.
“Umm… I think I lost one pair of my socks.” I said and looked around.
“How many pair did you had when you got here?” She asked.
“I think I had five.” I said and felt my phone vibrate.
“Honey… I washed them all. They are in your…” She said but didn’t continue.
“In my what?” I asked curious.
“You act strange.” She said and looked at me weird.
“I’m not acting anything. Just looking for my socks.” I said and walked out the laundry room to check the pic Janica send.
“Well anyway… Bridie is playing with her dolls in her room…” She talked when I just had my look on my phone.
“Perfect…” I said quietly when saw picture of the ring and smiled.
“Are you listening to me?” Mary asked when was standing in front of me.
“Huh? Yeah… Sounds great.” I said and smiled.
“You weren’t listening.” she said and sighed.
“I’m sorry. What?” I asked and waited her to say again.
“I was thinking if you want to go for walk outside to watch some fireworks, but Mike should be sleeping 9pm.” she said.
“I’m fine whatever you want. We got good view outside from here.” I said and pointed living-room window.
“Well it’s 27F outside. You might get cold. We should really go buy you some better outside clothes.”
“27? Damn… Are you serious?” I asked in shocked.
“It can be worse.” She said smiling.
“How worse?” I asked curious.
“Well… it could be get to -10F somewhere.” She said smiling and just walked away.
“Minutes 10 F? Holy fuck…” I said quietly out loud.
It was getting to be midnight in 1 hour. Mike was already sleeping and Bridie was getting tired, but she wanted to be awake when clock turns to 12am. She kept looking outside the fireworks every 10 minutes. I really wasn’t sure was I going to propose to Mary with the picture of the ring. I sounds so cheesy, but then it so me, right? I’m not romantic type of guy. And then she can tell everyone how did I proposed to her. It could be funny. I looked at Mary and saw her yawning every 5 minute. She’s been up since 5am. No wonder she’s so tired. We did had at least 45 minutes nap when kids were sleeping too. I was getting tired too. I yawned so loud that Bridie and Mary both looked at me.
“I’m sorry. I’m getting tired, but I’m staying up.” I said smiling.
“You should go to bed.” Mary said smiling.
“No. I want to stay up. I’m not able to sleep anyway.” I said.
“Ooooh… How much longer till midnight?” Bridie asked.
“ 15 minutes.” Mary said and I started to get panicked.
I stood up off the couch where I was sitting to kitchen. I was getting nervous. I leaned my hands to counter and took deep breath. I closed my eyes to calming myself, but I heard Bridie saying 10 minutes. It felt like just 1 minute when I was in the kitchen, but it was 5 minutes. I heard footsteps getting closer towards me. I opened my eyes and saw Bridie looking at me at the doorway.
“You okay, daddy?” Bridie asked and came to me to hug me.
“Yeah. Just very tired. Nothing more.” I said smiling and hug her back.
“Just 5 minutes to go, daddy.” Bridie said smiling.
“Just quick question.” I said and took my cellphone.
“Okay… What is it daddy?” Bridie asked.
“Look at this.” I showed her picture of the ring.
“Ooh pretty. What is the question?” Bridie asked.
“Do you think mommy will like it?” I asked whispering and put phone away to my pocket.
“I think she will like it.” Bridie said smiling.
“Perfect.” I said smiling and we laughed when we heard Mary walking to kitchen.
“Hey you two… 1 minute remaining.” Mary said smiling.
“While we wait the time counting down, I want to talk to you really quick.” I said and felt my heart flip inside me.
“Okay…” She said smiling and we all 3 walked to living-room.
“Show her the picture daddy.” Bridie said excited and jumped around.
“Picture? What picture?” Mary asked curiously.
“Just want an opinion of something.” I said and put Mary to sit on the couch.
“You two are weird.” Mary said smiling and looked at me.
“Okay. How many seconds left?” I asked when took my phone.
“20 seconds.” Mary said when looked at the wall clock.
“Okay. Here you go. What you think?” I asked and gave her the phone.
“Let see...” Mary said and looked my phone when suddenly her eyes got huge in surprised.
“It’s pretty mommy.” Bridie said when jumped on the couch.
“Oh Nick…” she said smiling and then I slowly moved front of her to my one knee.
“Will You Marry Me?” I asked and then Bridie shouts loud.
“Yes! Yes, yes…” She said smiling and jumped on me to kiss me deeply.
“Happy New Year, Mary.” I said smiling and kissed her gently.
“Happy New Year, Nick.” She said smiling back.
We all 3 decided to jump on the couch until we get too tired to do anything than just go to bed. So it’s now official that we are in engaged. Only thing we didn’t have is the ring, but she will get it soon. Things are going to look good for me and Mary. I couldn’t ask better woman to my life than her. And of course in the end of the day I realized I need to buy new phone. Mary was too excited for my proposal that she dropped my phone on the ground so hard that it broke. Texting to Janica can wait for another day.