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Chapter 3

As Amanda enjoyed the priase from the munchikins, the Wicked Witch of the West learned of what happened to her sister.

Hilary Duff was sitting, trying to pick out a handbag to go with her dress. Suddenly Justin, one of servants, came in.

"Hilary, I just got word, some stranger his your sister Britany in the face with a door and she broke her nose!" Justin told her.

Hilary was enraged. She stood up and threw some dust down. She would find out who did this.


Two munchikins went up to Amanda.

"Hi, I'm Brian and this is A.J." Brian said greeting her. He handed her a cd.

"What is this?" She asked him.

"It's a cd of my band called Backstreet." He smiled at her.

"So baby, whats your name?" A.J asked her looking at her over his sunglasses.

Amanda laughed at him.

"Amanda." She answered him.

"Well sit back and enjoy the show." A.J told her

Brian, A.J and Nicole started to sing and dance for her.


Suddenly there was a huge poof and a lot of pink smoke. And then there stood a very angry looking blond.

"It is I! Hilary Duff, the beautiful and wonderful wicked witch of the west! Who is it that broke my sisters nose?" She asked looking around.

The munckins all ran for cover hiding from her.

"Was it you?!" Hilary asked going towards Amanda.

Jessica stepped between them.

"Get a life girlfriend. That lipgloss is so last season. And yeah, she is the cool girl who broke your sisters nose." Jessica smirked.

Hilary turned to her sister who was out cold by the house.

"Her Louis Vuttion shoes!" She said going for them. "Wearing them, I will win the heart of the Wizard Aaron Carter!"

Suddenly the shoes disapeared.

"Where are they?" She demanded, hands on hips glaring at Jessica.

Jessica pointed at Amanda.

"There, on her feet, you will never get them now!"

Hilary glared at both Amanda and Jessica.

"You think you are so great don't you Jessica?" Hilary asked. "Well I'll show you! And with that, in a puff of pink smoke she was gone.

Jessica turned to Amanda.

"Amanda you must get home. Hilary is a spoiled brat and will do anything for the shoes. Whatever you do, don't take them off!" And with that Jessica was gone.

"How am I gonna get home?" Amanda asked slightly scared.

"Why don't you go see the handsome and powerful Wizard of Oz?" Nicole asked.

"The Wizard of Oz?" Amanda asked.

"Yes, just follow the yellow brick road." AJ said grinning.

"Follow the yellow brick road?"

Follow the Yellow Brick Road. Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick, Follow the Yellow Brick, Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
You're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz! there was.
If ever oh ever a Wiz! there was The Wizard of Oz is one because,
Because, because, because, because, because.
Because of the wonderful things he does.
You're off to see the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Amanda smiled and began to skip down the road off in search of this wizard. Aaron Carter.