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Author's Chapter Notes:
Okay, finally after one long year, Kevin tracked me d own and insisted upon an update! He refused to leave me alone until I'd done so - so Kevin, here it is! Lol. Now, if only he really would come out of hiding & actually read Fan Fiction - haha. Well, to everyone else whose not just invading my mind, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea. Kevin & the other Richardson's all own themselves. Song is Song For Dad by Keith Urban. Thank-you!

Note: Big thanks to Nikki [no, not my sister - the other one!] for helping me out with my endless questions, & for 'pushing' me in the right direction. Y'all can thank her for the fact this update got done too. Lol.
There were times I thought he was bein'
Just a little bit hard on me
But now I understand he was makin' me
Become the man he knew that I could be
In everything he ever did
He always did with love
And I'm proud today to say I'm his son
When somebody says I hope I get to meet your dad
I just smile and say you already have


Eleven-year-old Kevin sat on a log, down by the lake on their property, with his fishing pole in hand. He had decided to come and fish, instead of doing his chores. He wanted to catch his family some dinner, so that his father would be proud. If his brothers could do it, then why couldn’t he, he reasoned. He whistled to himself, as he tipped his hat forward in order to shade his eyes from the sweltering sun that was already beginning to beat down on him.

“Dad’s gonna be so amazed when he sees all the fish I’m gonna catch!” Kevin thought, proud of his idea. “I’ll even help Momma fix ‘em up for dinner, if she asks me too!”

Kevin leaned back against the tree that was behind the log he was currently sitting on. He loved to sit here by the lake, even if he wasn’t there to fish – it was the most relaxing spot of all to him, and he never wanted for that to change.

He especially loved this spot, when his father or brothers joined him, but mostly his father. The two of them would sit there, just like he was now, and talk about everything and anything. Even if they just sat there in silence, which they did do at times, it was a wonderful welcomed silence, as just knowing his father was there with him meant the world to him. He loved spending time with his father, and hoped to one day be just like him!

He squirmed a little bit, as he got comfortable, and smiled happily to himself.

“They’re gonna be so surprised!” Kevin mused, as he placed his folded hands into his lap and closed his eyes. He’d set his fishing pole up so that it wouldn’t fall over, and that the bell on it would chime if he caught anything. He could be a light sleeper when he wanted to be.

Meanwhile, back at the Richardson household, Ann Richardson was becoming worried, as her youngest son hadn’t come in from doing his chores. He usually came in soon as he was done, for a quick snack and a snuggle, and today he’d yet to come in.

“Kevin?” Ann called out, as she set foot outside the house. She’d decided to go and search for her baby – for all she knew, he could’ve got held up in the barn, or maybe he’d decided to take his horse for a walk around the pen.

She began to grow worried, when she searched everywhere he should’ve been, and then some. Her worries increased when she found his horse still in the stables and not out in the gated area grazing like it should’ve been.

“Kevin?!?” Ann shouted somewhat. “Kevin, where are you?”

“What’s wrong?” A voice asked from behind her then.

Ann whirled about in surprise, greatly relieved to see her husband standing there before her.

“I can’t find Kevin,” she informed him. “He left the house earlier to do his chores, but none of them seem to have gotten done. You don’t think he’s off hurt somewhere, do you?”

Gerald frowned upon hearing this, as each of their boys knew just how important it was for them to get their chores done before going off to do anything else.

“Are you sure he’s not around here somewhere?” He double-checked.

“I’ve looked everywhere, Gerald!” Ann exclaimed, worry etched in her voice. “I can’t find my baby!”

“I’ll look for him,” Gerald assured her, placing calming hands on her shoulders. “You just go on inside and wait for him there, should he decide to come back from wherever he’s gone off too.”

“You don’t think he’s hurt, do you?” Ann fretted.

“No, I’m sure he’s fine,” Gerald replied. “At least, until I get a hold of him. Then that young man of ours may not be able to sit for a while.”

“Gerald, please, don’t do anything rash or be too hard on him. We don’t even know what he’s done or where he is,” Ann pleaded. “Just find him and bring him home.”

Gerald nodded. “Don’t you worry any, Ann. I’ll find our boy and bring him home to you safely.”

“Now go,” Ann told him, gently shoving him towards the door. “He shouldn’t be without water for too long in this heat.”

Gerald gave his wife a quick kiss, then went off to find his youngest son who seemed to have suddenly up and disappeared on them. Though he was sure if was just a case of not wanting to do his chores, he was going to search high and low until he found the boy. For all he knew, the boy could actually have a logical explanation for his disappearance, but that was still no reason to be worry his mother!

Back at the lake, Kevin had no idea that he’d caused his mother to worry, nor the fact that his father was now looking for him, and none too amused at the moment. No, Kevin had no idea what was going on back at the house, as he was currently busy trying to reel in a fish he seemed to have caught.

“C’mon! C’mon!” Kevin muttered, reeling his line in as he tried to steady himself so he wouldn’t fall into the lake. The last thing he needed was to go home soaking wet, and have to explain the embarrassing story of how he’d fallen in while trying to catch a fish. Nope, he would not let that happen! Not if he could help it!

Suddenly, his fishing pole jerked out of his hands and flew out into the lake a ways, as the fish had decided to take his rod captive and swim off with it. His eyes went wide, as he realized he’d just lost his father’s prized fishing pole – he’d taken it instead of his own, as his father’s had the better bell. The pole had been passed down from one generation to the next, and was due to go to his oldest brother, Jerald, sometime soon.

“Aw, man! Dad’s gonna kill me!” Kevin wailed, glad no one was there to hear or see him at the moment.

He sighed heavily, as he began to take his shoes and socks off, deciding he didn’t want for them to be wet. Soon enough, he’d stripped down to his boxers, and quickly dove on into the lake, and swam on out to try and find his father’s fishing pole. He knew he couldn’t go home without it! His father would be so mad – and worst of all, disappointed.

He searched and searched, diving under the water when he believed to have spotted the prized fishing pole – but, had no such luck in finding it. He noticed it was getting later in the day, and if he didn’t find it soon he’d not only have to go home without the dinner he’d wanted to catch, but also without the pole he had foolishly lost. It was that moment of panic that caused him to dive down deeper than he had before, as he was now out way over his head – the lake dropped off after a bit, hence why him and his brothers were to never swim alone. During his dive down to the bottom, he got snagged on a piece of driftwood and could not get himself loose – no matter how hard he struggled!

Gerald had just reached his favourite fishing spot at the lake, just in time to see his youngest son out in the water, way over his head. He opened his mouth to call the boy, and watched in silent and angry surprise when his son suddenly dove down into the water. Taking quick note of exactly where his son had gone under, he watched for a few moments to see if the boy would resurface. When Kevin didn’t come back up, he felt fear rise within him as he hurriedly yanked his boots and jeans off, and ran for the water, his shirt flying off in the process. He swam out quick as he could to where he’d last seen his youngest boy, and dove down in hopes of finding him.

Kevin had just begun to panic, when suddenly, out of nowhere, his father appeared. In that moment, he didn’t give a damn about the blasted fishing rod! He wanted up and out of the water, and he wanted up and out of it now!

Gerald struggled to get his son free and after a few more moments, had finally and thankfully succeeded in the task. He quickly swam them both to the surface and listened with great relief as Kevin gasped for air.

Kevin remained silent as his father swam them back to shore, where their clothes were strewn about – both had dove on in, in a panic – but both for much different reasons.

Gerald hauled his son out once they reached shore. He was furious with the boy!

“Just what do you think you’re doing swimming alone, Young Man?” He demanded angrily.

Kevin shrunk upon hearing his father’s tone. “I-I was looking for what I-I lost, Sir.”

“And just what did you lose that was so dagnab important you just had to risk your life over it?”

“I—it was your fishing pole, Dad,” Kevin spoke softly, his eyes brimming with tears. How he’d so not wanted to admit that.

Gerald’s jaw set then, as he eyed his youngest son warily. “I can always get another one,” he stated firmly. “But I can not replace you.”

“But Dad - !” Kevin attempted to protest.

Gerald said nothing, as he turned the young boy around and delivered a single, hearty smack to his soaked boxer-clad bottom. “Get on home to your mother, and up to your room!”

Kevin yelped as even more tears welled up, and some even managed to leak on out. He turned, not caring about his clothes lying by the pond, and hightailed it on back to the house as he’d been told.

Gerald shook his head, as he gathered up their things, following along behind his son soon as he had everything.

Ann was sitting out on the front porch, awaiting the arrival of either her son, or her husband, or both. It was while she sat there, that she spotted him. Her little boy with dark black hair and green eyes, came flying through the yard at top speed, tears streaming down his small face. She feared the worst and immediately stood in order to catch her boxer-clad baby.

“Kevin!” She gasped, opening her arms for her soaking and dripping wet son.

“Momma!” Kevin wailed, sounding much younger than eleven as he flung himself into her arms and cried. He’d been given quite the scare when he’d become stuck underneath the water – if it hadn’t’ve been for his dad, he probably would’ve drown!

Ann held him close and smoothed his hair back, rocking her little boy. “Shh….You’re okay,” she soothed, as she spotted her husband coming up to the house. She gave him a questioning Look, in which he only shook his head in response.

Gerald allowed Kevin a couple minutes with his mother, as the boy had to have been scared out of his mind when he became trapped below the water’s surface. But, when he felt the time was right, he gave the order they both dreaded.

“Kevin, go on up to your room and change,” Gerald told him. “I’ll be up in a minute.”

Kevin went to protest, as he was still wrapped safely in his mother’s embrace, but moved quickly when his father gave him a stern look. “Yes, Sir.”

Gerald watched as the boy reluctantly removed himself from his mother’s arms, and headed on up to his room, to go and change out of his wet skivvies.

“Do you have too?” Ann asked, once their son was out of ear shot.

“Ann, he almost drown out there,” Gerald stated, as he pointed out the fact he too was only in his boxers. “The boy foolishly went swimming in that lake by himself, in order to find my fishing pole! And who knows why he wasn’t even out there fishing instead of doing his chores!”

“Don’t you raise your voice to me, Gerald,” Ann replied. “I know you’re upset and all, but do give the boy a chance to explain.”

“Don’t I always give them a chance to explain?”

Ann nodded. “But you’ve never come this close to losing Kevin before. We both know just how much he looks up to you.”

Gerald smiled a little then. “Yeah, he’s a good boy. Just makes mistakes sometimes like the rest of us.”

Ann kissed her husband’s cheek. “Go on. Get out of those wet things, and I’ll go make up a snack for our little defiant fish.”

Gerald chuckled and kissed his wife before heading on inside to change himself it’d do him no good to remain in his wet boxers, neither would it do his son any good either.

Kevin was in his room, lying on his bed crying, when he suddenly heard his father’s footsteps on the stairs. His whole body stiffened, but relaxed a little when he realized his father had gone on down the hall. He hiccupped and buried his face back into his pillow to cry.

“I’m so stupid!” He berated himself. “I should’ve known better! I coulda died out there, an’ I didn’t even think of that ‘till it was too late! If Dad hadn’t’ve….”

His voice hitched as he started to cry once more, burying his face further into the pillow than before. He was so busy crying and berating himself that he didn’t even hear his father come into the room.

Gerald watched silently for a moment, noting the boy hadn’t even bothered to change out of his wet boxers – which would have to be done if they were to sit and talk about all that had happened.

Kevin startled upon hearing a throat clear, and quickly turned to sit up, brushing away his tears angrily.

“Son, you need to get out of those boxers before you catch a chill,” Gerald stated factually.

Kevin nodded, as he stood, heading for his dresser. “Not like I’ll be needing any, anyway,” he mumbled bitterly.

Gerald shook his head and waited for his son to change, as he sat down upon the twin bed that was in the room. “Now, son, come here.”

Kevin cautiously went and stood before his Dad, stiffening slightly as his father picked him up and set him upon his lap.

“Now, do you care to explain to me just why you skipped out on your chores, and were out by the lake alone?” Gerald asked. “And why didn’t you inform one of us as to where you were going? Do you have any idea as to just how worried your mother was?”

Kevin stared down at his feet silently for a few moments, feeling incredibly foolish. He couldn’t believe how much trouble he’d gotten himself into just because he’d wanted to surprise his family with a fish dinner.

“I wanted to catch some fish, for Momma,” he admitted finally, still staring down at his feet. “I wanted to bring dinner home for her, like you do all the time. But I didn’t catch nothin’ but trouble, an’ ended up losing your favourite fishing pole.”

Gerald gave a soft sigh. It figured his son was trying to d o something for his mother – though, it seemed lately every time he tried to do something special for her, he’d wind himself up in some sort of trouble.

“Son, it was very nice of you to want to catch dinner for your mother,” Gerald began. “But you still need to tell one of us where you’re going, so that we don’t worry. If I hadn’t’ve noticed my fishing pole was gone, I’d never have known to check the lake – and if I hadn’t’ve gotten there when I did, who knows what could’ve happened to you.”

“I’m sorry,” Kevin whispered, his eyes brimming with tears once more. “I-I didn’t mean to lose your pole.”

“Kevin Scott, look at me right now, Young Man,” Gerald insisted firmly. Soon as he’d eye contact with his son, he continued on. “I am not worried about the fishing pole! What I’m worried about, is that you’re more upset over losing the pole than the fact you could’ve drowned out there today. I don’t care if you lost the pole – I can always get another off my mother. What I care about, is the fact that I was there in time to save you. I care about you, son. I can bear to lose the pole, but I can not bear to lose you!”

“I’m sorry, Dad,” Kevin said softly, as he looked his father in the eye. “I didn’t mean to make you and Momma worry none. An’ I didn’t mean to be so stupid and go in the water alone.”

“Son, you’re anything but stupid,” Gerald assured him. “What you did was stupid, but you are not stupid.”

“Yes, Sir,” Kevin replied, looking away then as he knew what was next.

“Well, let’s get this over with, shall we?”

“Can’t we just pretend we did?” Kevin asked hopefully, his face falling downcast as he watched his father shake his head no.

Gerald gently eased his youngest son over his lap, and pulled his boxers down in back. “Son, this hurts me much more than it hurts you. But I only do this because I love you, and don’t want to ever again come as close to losing you as I did today.”

“Yes, Sir,” Kevin mumbled from his upside down position.

Gerald then placed the first of many spanks to come, down upon the small bared bottom looking up at him.

Once his spanking was over and done with, Kevin sat upon his father’s lap once more; his face buried into his father’s chest as he cried his shameful tears.

Gerald rocked his son and hugged him close. “Shh….you’ll live.” He assured the boy. “Now, for not doing your chores, you’re grounded for the rest of the week, understand?”

“Y-Yes, Sir,” Kevin choked out. “I’m sorry….”

“Shh….I know you are,” Gerald said with a small smile. “Now, how about we go on downstairs and see what your mother has waiting for us in the kitchen?”

“Kay,” Kevin agreed readily, whining a bit when his Dad lift him up into his arms as he stood. Though, to be honest, he didn’t mind it so much, even if it did make him feel like a little, little kid again.

Gerald chuckled as he carried his son on downstairs to the kitchen, where his beautiful wife had a small snack of cheese and crackers awaiting them. It would’ve been cookies and milk, but it was close to dinnertime.