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Summary: Donatello finds someone in Central Park, who needs him very badly to look after her. What will he do?
Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Animated > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: April O'Neil, Donatello, Leonardo, Master Splinter, Michaelangelo, Raphael, Shredder
Genres: Action, Alternate Universe, Drama
Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Violence, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 64
Completed: No
Word count: 42090
Read: 123889
Published: 11/04/06
Updated: 11/17/08

1. 1. The Finding by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (301 words)
This was the very first TMNT fic I ever wrote, so it's not exactly the greatest. But, I hope y'all like it anyway. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

Note: There's no child abuse until much later on in this story, but I thought I'd give y'all fair warning.

2. 2. What Do I Do With Her? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (481 words)
I apologize that the chapters are so short. I'm always complaining about short chapters, & am now doing the same thing. The irony. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

3. 3. Screaming Banshee by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1040 words)
Wow. The longest chapter yet. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana & story idea. Mirage Studios owns the rest. Thank-you!

4. 4. Where's My Family? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (836 words)
I'm glad y'all are enjoying this one!!! It's quite long - probably 'cause the chapters are so short! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: As always, I own Lana & story idea, nothing else. Mirage Studios own everything TMNT related. Thank-you!

Warning: Language. Though, be warned - there's a lotta language off & on - Raphael's involved in the fic. Lol.

5. 5. Raphael's Sais.... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (673 words)
Yes, me again. Lol. My Ashee is demanding, & I'm willing to deliver. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Same as before - I own Lana & story idea, nothing else. Mirage Studios is lucky & owns TMNT.

6. 6. Baby-Sitting by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (966 words)
Glad y'all seem to be liking this one! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana & story idea. Mirage Studios got lucky & owns everything else. Thank-you.

7. 7. Angry Phone Call by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (229 words)
Please R&R each chapter - evne if they are short. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: As always, only own Lana & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

8. 8. Troubled by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (272 words)
Yeah, yeah, I'm on a roll. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Same as before. Lana & story idea are mine. Mirage Studios owns everything else.

9. 9. I Warned Him! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (112 words)
This is probably the shortest chapter you'll read throughout this fic, & yet, it's probably one of the most climatic - kinda. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Own Lana & story idea, nothing else. Mirage Studios owns all, but my imagination. Thank-you!

10. 10. Where's Lana? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (358 words)
Yes, more. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana & story idea, as usual. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. Thank-you!

Props to: ~Jeff Wiebe from Starbuck School, Starbuck, MB ~ Grade 7 ~ He wrote the pizza poem Michaelangelo recites ~ it was published in A Celebration of Young Poets ~.

11. 11. Shred-Head To The Rescue? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (312 words)
Because I want something....Oh, Ashee....Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

12. 12. Donnie! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (403 words)
Yes, me again. Figured I'd post again & make y'all happy - no sense in y'all feeling miserable just 'cause I'm sick. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: How many times must we go through this? I own Lana & story idea, nothing else - yet. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. Thank-you!

Note: Yes, I am aware that I've written the turtles completely out of character - well, Donatello mostly & in later chapters, Michaelangelo. As for Leonardo & Raphael, I can't really remember. Lol.

13. 13. Name-Calling by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (357 words)
Ashee wants, Ashee gets. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you.

14. 14. First Day Of School by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (623 words)
Because Ashee demands it. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, story idea, teacher, & her friends. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you.

15. 15. Language Trouble by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (517 words)
More for my Ashee. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, story idea, teacher, & other kids. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

Warning: Language. Also, I'm not purposely dissing the States, the idea just popped into my head. No offense to anybody! And if I got capitals wrong - sorry!

16. 16. Raphael's Fault by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (308 words)
Here yah go Ashee!!! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Same as before. Own Lana, story idea, teacher, & kids. Mirage Studios has staked claim on everything else. Thank-you!

17. 17. Shredder Lectures by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (373 words)
Here yah go y'all! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own Lana, her friends, her teachers, & the story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

18. 18. Shredder Calls Donatello by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (329 words)
Yes, more! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Same as before. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related & I own everything else. Thank-you!

19. 19. Technodrome by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (178 words)

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. I own everything else. Thank-you!

20. 20. I'm Late! I'm Late! For A Very Important Date! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (444 words)
Here yah go. Only one for now. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything but Lana, her friends, her teachers, & the story idea. Thank-you!

21. 21. I Took Her by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (380 words)
I was bored & figured y'all deserved some more. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea, Lana, her friends, & her teachers. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

22. 22. Raph Keeps His Word by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (430 words)
Yes, me again. Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. I only own Lana, story idea, her friends, & her teachers. Thank-you.

Please R&R!!! Thanks!

23. 23. Donnie Returns by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (339 words)
For my Ashee. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own LAna, her friends, her teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you.

24. 24. Mikey & Lana Take A Hike by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (231 words)

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. I own everything else. Thank-you!

25. 25. Back-Sassing Gets You No Place by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (553 words)
Last one for tonight. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. I own everything else. Thank-you!

26. 26. I'm Fine..... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (683 words)
Because I felt like it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. I own everything else. Thank-you!

27. 27. Story Please by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (217 words)
Hehe. Don't I usually post a few at a time for this fic? So why yah look so surprised? Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. I own everything else. Thank-you!

28. 28. Still Sick by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (830 words)
Here's more! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, her friends, her teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

29. 29. Pestering Shredder by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (307 words)
Yup, more! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios own everything TMNT related. I own everything else. Thank-you!

30. 30. Sealed With a K.I.S.S. by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (651 words)
Last one for tonight. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. I own everything else. Thank-you!

31. 31. Forbidden Concert by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (735 words)
Yes, I know it's been a lil' while. I wasb usy updating my many websites. Lol. Not huge updates, but still updates nonetheless-haha. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. BSB own themselves. I own everything else. Thank-you!

32. 32. Lana?!?!? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (343 words)
Here's more! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Same as before people. Mirage Studios own everything TMNT. BSB own themselves. I own everything else. Thank-you!

33. 33. When You're In Trouble, Don't Know Where To Turn by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (711 words)
Last one for tonight. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own everything that is not BSB or TMNT related. Mirage Studios owns TMNT & BSB own themselves. Thank-you!

Note: The stuff in italics, is the TMNT song Count On Us.

34. 34. Facing Consequences..... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (2094 words)
Hey y'all! Here's the first update of the New Year! Sorry it took me so long, but I had to sort this chapter out, as it got all jumbled together. Lol. Well, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Drew, Jeff, her teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Machias_Banshee owns the flashback, as it's from her story, Feelings of Guilt. Thank-you!

Note: I broke the Flashback up with the '~~~~' so that it'd be less confusing & you'd be able to see the different parts of the flashback better.

P.S. Ashee, you better appreciate this! This one was a pain-in-the-butt! Lol.

35. 35. Talk With Sensei..... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1400 words)
I remembered I'd promised you an udpate yesterday night after I was in bed, Ashee! And I dunno where you are now, but I hope you like this chapter anyway! And to everyone else - Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

36. 36. She's Learned Well by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (924 words)
Okay, I actually promised you this at the beginning of the week - or heck, maybe even last week - boy, time sure does fly. Anyway, here it is! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. BSB, should they be mentioned, owns themselves. Thank-you!

37. 37. Angry Mikey by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1381 words)
I figured I'd update, seeing as Ashee's updated twice today & not wnating to be out-done, I decided to hunt this chapter down-lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. BSB obviously owns themselves. Thank-you!

Warning: Michaelangelo is way out of character in this chapter. He is truly nothing like this at all - I swear I got weird when writing this story. Also, mild language - which is also not like Michaelangelo one bit.

38. 38. Snippish by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (933 words)
Here's more, as promised - least I think I promised y'all. Eh. I know y'all want more anyway-lol. Least, I hope yah do. ^_^ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. Thank-you!

39. 39. N'SYNC's in Michigan by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1251 words)
Oye - long chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. BSB, N'SYNC, & 98degrees own themselves. Thank-you!

40. 40. He Understood a Double Meaning by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (632 words)
Hey y'all! Sorry it's taken me so long to update this again. Been kinda caught up in 'No Matter What' by ForeverRebel - it's a great fic, what can I say? Well, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. BSB, N'SYNC, 98degrees all own themselves. Thank-you!

Note: If y'all don't understand the double meaning, don't worry I'll explain it at beginning of the next chapter. So please don't lower ratings/stars if you don't get it - don't worry - if I hadn't written this, I'd never have gotten it either.

41. 41. Parents & She's Back by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1145 words)
Okay, because some people don't understand even 'notes', I'm not sure I even wanna explain the confusion of the last chapter, but I promised, so I shall. The double meaning was the whole "N'SYNC's in Michigan" - because they really weren't. Donatello knew they weren't & he knew Lana wouldn't risk major punishment over N'SYNC [but she would for BSB as we all know]. So when he went to the bus station, he went straight to the only other bus there at the moment - the one to New Jersey. He knows her well enough to know how she thinks. That is what the double meaning bit meant. Okay, now onto this chapter - Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Drew, Jeff, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. BSB, 98degrees, N'SYNC own themselves. Thank-you!

42. 42. Leonardo's Katanas by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (937 words)
Hey! I'm ba-ack! Lol. Been a while since I've posted for this one, so I decided I should. Especially since I'm in TMNT mode again- watched parts of Season 4 again yesterday. I love that DVD. Lol. Well, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

43. 43. Praise & Scorn by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (523 words)
Hey y'all! Me again! Hehe. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

44. 44. So We Meet Again by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1180 words)
Hey y'all! Since Ashee keeps updating, I figured I'd best update something too-lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

Warning: Language.


45. 45. I Wonder..... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (214 words)
Okay, this one is extremely short! Lmao! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

46. 46. Seeking Shredder's Help by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (343 words)
Here's another one, because the last was so short. And I'll warn y'all now, after this one, the next few chapters get - more - ah, what's the word I'm looking for - crazy. Yes, crazy will do - for now. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

47. 47. Distracting Ms. O'Neil by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (506 words)
Warning y'all, the next bunch of chapters are gonna seem weird. But, I guess I was in weird mode when I wrote this fic a few years back. Heh. Well, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

48. 48. Losing Control by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (865 words)
Here's the one you were waiting for, Ashee!

Okay y'all, this is where the story gets - weird. Let me just tell you all now, Michaelangelo would NEVER, EVER do any of the things he does in this chapter! He's a fun-loving, sweet, caring turtle, who is also carefree and child-like at times. He is WAY out of character in this chapter, but it is fan fiction, so I hope y'all like it somewhat at least. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

Warning: Graphic violence [well, in my opinion, since I know how the true Mikey acts], Language, Rape, Etc.

Rating: R.

49. 49. Safely At Home by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (665 words)
Well, here's more. I'm in updating mode & major TMNT mode, so enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. Thank-you!

50. 50. Love You Too by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (369 words)
Hey y'all! Short chapter this time, but an update nonetheless - lol. enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

51. 51. Kodak Moment by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (673 words)
Boo! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

Ashee - Hope this makes you super happy! ^_^

52. 52. You Ask Her! - No! You Ask Her! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (1008 words)
Well, go figure. I feel like shit, & yet I'm suddenly in the mood to write & update. *shakes head* Though, I dunno how long this mood will last - lol. But, I seem to slowly be getting my muse back - how & why though, I've no idea - not that I'm comapling or anything. Haha! Anyways, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

Ashee - Hope this help inspires you to write more! Lol. And sorry I didn't stick around, but it is now 4am & I gotta get to bed before I fall over - almost fell asleep updating! Haha! Luvs yah!

53. 53. About Mikey........ by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] Liked (179 words)
Okay, this one is much shorter than I thought - lmao! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

55. 54. The Dream.......... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (811 words)
Okay, this here dream is a lil' psychotic, so you've been forewarned. I swear I must've went through a really weird, psychotic phase when I was 18. Yeesh! I'd say 'enjoy' but....eh. Just read & lemme know what you think, kay?

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT [except for this version of them]. Thank-you!

Note: TMNT are really not this psychotic, believe me!

55. 55. I'll Protect You by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (606 words)
Here's some sweetness, since I think after that crazy dream we all need it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

Note: If you thought the dream in the last chapter was bad, be glad that's actually the revised version. The original caused an uproar and my fellow TMNT fans were utterly disgusted & personally, I don't blame them - considering I was the one who'd written the original. It was pretty sick, so the dream y'all did read really wasn't as bad - I asked their opinions before posting it. Heh.

56. 56. Scared Stiff by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (644 words)
Hey, hope this cheers yah up Ashee! Loves yah! Enjoy y'all!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

57. 57. Raph - Turtle In Shining Armor by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1856 words)
And the updating spree continues! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

58. 58. Stay The Hell Away From There! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (493 words)
Okay, after much pleading on Ashee's part.....Tada! It's a little short, but it's all I have time to do right now. Enjoy! Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you! Warning: Language! Blame Raphael! Lol.

59. 59. I'm Sorry! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (430 words)

Well, I've been online since like 4pm - it's now 8:30pm - & I figured I'd best do something productive while on here - so expect a few updates from stories tonight - lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Laba, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

60. 60. Runaway by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1334 words)

Hey! Felt like updating! Lol. enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

Note: The flashback that happened a few chapters back, where Donatello remembers when he lied to Master Splinter and the rest of his family, is owned by Machias_Banshee, not me. She was kind enough to let me use it for my story, seeing as it fit. If anyone forgot exactly where it was, it happened after the TMNT caught Lana and Jeff trying to come home after a BSB concert. It happened right after they got back to the lair and Lana had been sent to Splinter's study.

Warning: Corporal Punishment. 

61. 61. Leo Loses Control by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (703 words)

Hey y'all! Here's a long, over-due update! Lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

62. 62. Captured! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (687 words)

Hey y'all! Not feeling well & a lil' bored, so I decided to update - lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Jeff, Drew, teachers, slaves, Shlump, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

Warning: Chapters start to get a bit more...um...intense now. Sort of like when Shredder & Mikey caught up to April after she'd abducted Lana the last time. Hope y'all keep reading anyway.

63. 63. Leo's Fault by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1098 words)

Sick as a dog, but thought y'all deserved some love. :) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Drew, Jeff, teachers, Schlump, slaves, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

64. 64. Punished Prisoner by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (684 words)

Realized I haven't updated anything in quite some tight, & figured I'd best ought to do so. :) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana, Drew, Jeff, teachers, Schlump, slaves, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

Note: Things start to get a little - um, sadistic is the word I'm looking for I believe - from here on out. Well, odd, weird, sadistic, cruel, etc.