Summary: A horrible nightmare resurfaces to plague a young turtle, after having had been buried in the depths of their mind for twelve long years. Will they be able to cope, especially after the nightmare ends up becoming real once more?
Written By Daydream & LenniluvsBrian
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction >
Animated >
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Characters: April O'Neil,
Casey Jones,
Master Splinter,
Genres: Action,
Alternate Universe Warnings: Child Abuse,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 27
Completed: Yes
Word count: 85348
Read: 76937
Published: 05/17/07
Updated: 06/13/08
1. Broken Curfew by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(2484 words)
Hey y'all! Yes, back with another, though I've sitll so many others to finish & update on here - lol. But, this one is just - Awesome! Of course, it's partly because my co-writer, Daydream, is Awesome! I love writing with her! It's always such great fun! Well, enough of my rambling [haha] - Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, scientists, thugs, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

2. Extremely Annoyed by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(3133 words)
Hey y'all! Here's some more for yah! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!
Note: Written by both Daydream & myself.
3. Apologies, Brain Rot, & Wrong Kinda Attention by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(2810 words)
Well, since I've gotten so many lovely reviews [thanks!], I decided to update again. Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
4. Extra Practice & Big Foot??? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(2806 words)
Hey y'all! Back again with some more! Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea! Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT! Thank-you!
Ashee - I know you wanted The Child or Through The Eyes of The Other, but I really don't feel like hunting them down & this one is handy. Maybe sometime within the next week you'll get the updates you want - provided I feel up to fighting with them - lol.
5. Fist Fights & Motorcycling by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(4205 words)
Well, let's carry on, shall we? Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT! Thank-you!
6. Twister, Mediation, & Pizza! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(3253 words)
Yay! I'm in the mood to update! I was actually starting to miss this story - lol. Well, Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else TMNT. Thank-you!
7. The Goonies by LenniluvsBrian [ - ]
(2081 words)
Hehe. Felt like updating tonight. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT! Thank-you!
8. Illness Strikes! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3846 words)
After filling out that crazy survey Mare posted in the forums, and me constantly cursing myself for not having updated this enough, I decided to post the next chapter - lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
9. Medicine Hunt by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2415 words)
'Cause Ashee finally caught up! Yay! Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
10. Is She Contagious??? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2288 words)
Yay! I finally remembered to update something! Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
11. A Horrible Nightmare by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2387 words)
Heeey! I'm back! Figured y'all could use another update. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
12. Questions..... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3060 words)
Hey y'all! This update is just - because. Besides, just because I can't even get through to BSB's voice mail, shouldn't mean y'all should hafta suffer the consequences - lol. Anyways, Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
13. Brainiac Has His Moment by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1851 words)
Hey y'all! Updating again so soon, because Ashee & I are impatiently waiting for Nick/Howie to call her back, like Jacon, their 'assistant' said they would....They had better call her! Anyways, here's another chapter. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT.
14. Will This Sickness Never End?!?!? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (4863 words)
I think this just may be the longest one yet - lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
15. The Nightmare Begins by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2753 words)
Yay two updates within, like, two days! Lol. Of course, all I hafta do is open up the already finished story & post a chapter, but still - lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
16. Rescue Mission & Resurfaced Nightmares by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (5024 words)
Yay! I'm back!!! This one's a long one! Whoot! Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
17. Back Home Again by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3411 words)
After finally getting reviews for the last two chapters, I decided to post another one. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
18. Dealing With The Aftermath.... by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3411 words)
Yay! Here's more! I love this fic - even if that is being kinda biased - lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT related. Thank-you!
19. Not Strong Enough Yet by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3502 words)
Hey y'all!!! Been forever, I know. I just felt the urge to update something tonight & decided this fic would be it. Dunno where y'all are lately, but hope y'all are having fun doing whatever it is y'all are doing! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, & Rembrandt. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
20. Oh, No She Didn't!!!!!! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2325 words)
Well, since it IS Christmas Eve, I figured i'd update....& hope for a review - lol. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays y'all!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, baddies, Rembrandt, & story idea! Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
21. Led By Temper by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3224 words)
Well, felt like posting more for this once, since it's been like two months since the last update-lol. Enjoy!
Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
22. Caught! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2277 words)
Well, though I don't seem to be getting reviews lately - for any of my fics - I decided to update anyway, just because I felt like it. Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
23. Don't You Dare! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2473 words)
Well, since this is the featured story for the month of May, I figured mayve I ought to update it again. Yay! Lol. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
24. Fleeing Quickly by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3273 words)
Felt like updating. If you're reading this at all, enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
25. Farmhouse Arrival by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3781 words)
In honour of the new review I spotted earlier! [Thanks Marie!] :) Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandty, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT [including Karai, & The Foot Clan]. Thank-you!
26. Patched Up & Lost Honor by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (4931 words)
Just one more chapter after this y'all! Can you believe it?!?!? Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!
27. Going Home by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (3481 words)
Wow! Last one already! Can you believe it? Time sure does fly! Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this fic & I hope y'all check out all my others - whether they be TMNT or BSB or not - lol. Anyways, Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Only own Catarina, Marietta, Rembrandt, baddies, & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!