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The little black-haired girl ran down the sloping hill, looking back over her shoulder. The little blond boy chasing her laughed, causing the little girl to laugh too. “You’ll never catch me Draco.” The little girl challenged, speeding up. “Oh yes I will Hannah.” Draco said, and soon the two youngsters were running on even ground. Hannah laughed as Draco caught up to her, catching her in a tight hug. Draco smiled, and said, “Come on, Mother and Father will want us washed up.” Hannah seemed to remember something, and nodded, saying, “Yep.” The two children wandered up the hill to a large mansion. Hannah followed Draco upstairs to the large bathroom on the second floor. “DOBBY!” Draco yelled, and the house elf appeared, carrying a towel. “Here you are Master Draco and Mistress Hannah.” Draco ripped the towel out of the house elf’s hands, while Hannah muttered low enough for only the house elf to hear, “Thanks Dobby.” The house elf disappeared with a crack, and Draco offered Hannah the towel. She took it, and then the two headed back downstairs. Their parents sat at the long dining room table, looking up as the children entered. “Hello children.” Lucius said, and both children lowered their eyes, and muttered, “Hello father. Hello mother.” The two children sat at their respective seats. Then three house elves entered all carrying trays. Dobby set his tray down by Hannah, and backed up. Hannah took some of the food on the tray then handed it back to Dobby. The house elves finished, and retreated while the four Malfoy’s ate. Then Lucius spoke up again. “Children, are you both ready to come with me to work tomorrow?” Both Malfoy children, nodded, and said “Yes father.” Lucius nodded, and turned to his wife. “How is your sister Narcissa?” “She is good.” Lucius nodded, and looked again at the children. “All done?” “Yes.” After that the children went to bed.