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Our fave five, as our fave four! Children yearn to be something more than what they are, even though their father disapproves.

A BSB/TMNT Crossover!

Rated: PG
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys, Fanfiction > Animated > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: AJ, Brian, Howie, Kevin, Nick, Other
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: Yes
Word count: 7105
Read: 9297
Published: 10/03/07
Updated: 11/16/07
Story Notes:
I revised this story a week or so ago, so hopefully it's better than what it was. Though, y'all never saw the original - lol.

1. Four Brothers by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1046 words)

The boys' ages will progress as the story goes on. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea. BSB own themselves, & Mirage Studios owns TMNT. Thank-you!

2. Ninjas Are Not To Sing! by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1983 words)

Yes, me again! Yay! Here's more to my little cross-over written for my two fave fandoms! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea. BSB owns themselves, & Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!

3. Famous Ninjas & Brian's New Friend by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (1802 words)

Hehe. Hope y'all are liking this one! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea, & Allison. BSB own themselves, and Mirage Studios owns TMNT. Thank-you!

4. Captured! By.......Shredder??? by LenniluvsBrian [ - ] (2274 words)

Well, here's the final chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed the fic! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea. BSB own themselves, & Mirage Studios owns everything TMNT. Thank-you!