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-- April 8, 2008, 5:45 pm --

"Ugh, I'm fat," I mumbled as I shuffled into the bathroom and paused behind Aj. He'd been standing at the sink shaving for the last ten minutes whild I had been busy searching frantically through my closets for something to wear. He hadn't offered to help and it had annoyed me just a smidge. I finally settled on a sundress... it was warm enough outside.

"What was that babe?" Aj asked eyeing me curiously in the mirror.

"Um... fat? I'm fat."

"You're not fat." He rolled his eyes at me and went back to shaving.

"Would you prefer bloated?" I asked sticking my tongue out behind him... "Or how about 'beached whale'? I glanced at my reflection in the mirror... that should pretty well describe the state i'm in these days."

He laughed. I didn't find it amusing. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. My eyes were droopy, my cheeks felt saggy, heck this baby was even starting to give me a double chin. Aj glanced at me again in the mirror and I caught him smirking out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh don't you dare smirk at me you... you... you butthead!"


"Yeah you butthead. You and your sneaky little sperm... you did this to me."

I smacked him in the back of the head and he winced in pain.

"You're beautiful baby." He said leaning over and giving me a kiss. "Even when you're moody."

He ducked this time missing getting whacked in the side of the head and ran for cover in the bedroom. I slammed the bathroom door shut and yelled at him, "Well then! See if YOU get any for the next 18 years!" I heard him scoff and smirked to myself. I guess I was a little moody... but he deserved it.

-- April 8, 2008, 7:00 pm --

By the time we pulled up in front of Brian's house about an hour later my mood had calmed but my nerves were shot. Aj reached over and grabbed my hand in his and rubbed it gently.

"I can't believe this is it." I whispered, staring down at the sidewalk leading to the front door. The first 15 weeks of my pregnancy had flown by and we'd lasted so long without telling anyone... well anyone but Matthew. I watched as Aj walked around to my side of the car and opened the door, he took my hand in his and tugged it gently, trying his best to coerce me out of the car. I finally gave in and stepped out. I didn't really know why I was so nervous. I guess part of me wanted to keep it a secret a little longer. It felt kind of good to have this thing that only Aj and I knew about. Then of course there was the other part of me that wanted to shout it from the rafters and tell the entire world.

Brian opened the front door before we even knocked and ushered us into the dining room. We were late, as usual... my job made us late for a lot of meals... and dinner was already on the table. I felt a little queasy as I stepped into the room and took my seat beside Aj. They were all there; Brian and Leighanne, Howie and Leigh, Nick and his girlfriend, Christine... it was a full house and for some reason I felt like all eyes were on me. I knew they weren't, I hadn't even said anything yet... but I just had that feeling.

We ate dinner and chatted happily. The guys talked about their record deal and the women talked about going on tour. I felt a little out of place... I always felt a little out of place with them.

We finished eating and Aj stood from the table, raising his glass in the air and clinking it with his spoon. I sat beside him and tried my best to hide my nerves. It was time. I reached down to the floor beside me and scooped up my camera, passing it quickly to Nick who took it without question and started filming.

"May I have your attention please," Aj said and I laughed because he totally sounded like he was on the loud speaker at work and was going to announce that someone had left their headlights on in the parking lot. He looked down at me and rolled his eyes.

"Jessica and I would like to share some exciting news with you guys." He took my hand and pulled me up beside him. I stood quickly and felt his hand go gently to my belly. He looked over at me and smiled. All eyes were definitely on us now and I heard Leighanne gasp slightly.

"We're havin' a baby!" He said as he leaned down and kissed my growing tummy. "I'm gonna be a daddy!"

Everyone started clapping and cheering. Nick and Brian ran over and hugged Aj. The women surrounded me quickly. I felt really special. After a few minutes of celebration I looked over and saw Howie standing beside Leigh and smiling. He held up his hand and said, "Hey guys... we have a little announcement of our own over here."

I looked over at Leigh and gasped, "You too??" She smiled and nodded.

The room erupted in cheers again.

"No way!" Brian yelled out. "Two Backstreet babies in one day? That's unreal!"

We all laughed and celebrated together. Leigh and I eventually ended up out on the back deck watching the sun set in the distance and chatting happily about pregnancy and baby showers. She was only 10 weeks along and hadn't really planned on announcing it yet but Howie couldn't wait any longer. I leaned over and watched as the sun finally disappeared behind the clouds.

I rubbed my stomach as she placed her hand over her own.

I glanced over at her and smiled.

This was shaping up to be a pretty incredible year.