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The moment I stepped out of our cruiser he was standing there. I groaned inwardly... but I should have known... should have come to expect it after all these years. Ty Davis Jr. and Maurice Boscorelli, as utterly and completely different as the two of the them had always been and as much as they seemed to steer clear of one another during our years together on the force, had somehow become the best of friends. And how ironic is that... that my partner was now best friends with the one man I could not even look in the eye?

"'Sup Bosco!" Davis waved as he wandered over from the grand entrace of the immaculate hotel and offered Bosco a quick high five... followed by their routine handshake, pat on the back, hug thingie -- the kind of goofy friendship shake I'd always believed boys grew out of sometime before they graduated high school. How wrong I had been.

"Amy," He said turning towards me and offering a hand in greeting. I just nodded and turned away from him towards the massive building we were now standing in front of. I couldn't bring myself to look at him... especially not into those eyes - those constantly prying eyes. They always seemed to be searching for information I was unwilling to give.

"What are we dealing with here?" I asked trying to take my mind off of my own troubles and focus on the task at hand. I hated being put in this position. I hated having to struggle my way out of my personal life to deal with my professional one. It sucked.

Davis seemed to understand though and for that I was grateful. "Possible double homocide." He began as we walked towards the building together. "15th floor, one DOA, one at the hospital in critical condition... it doesn't look good."

"There's always hope," I said, rolling my eyes as I found myself annoyed with his lack of faith. One thing I couldn't stand was when my fellow officers and detectives got ahead of themselves. There was always hope. If I knew anything at all from working in this line of duty it was that no situation was a lost cause. Bosco gave me an odd look and shook his head... okay, so maybe I was the only one who felt that way, but at least it got me through the day.

"Oh," Ty continued, "And get this! You'll never believe who we're dealing with at the moment for possible suspects..."

"Who?" Bosco asked as the three of us stepped onto the elevator and he pushed the button for the 15th floor.

"The freaking Backstreet Boys."

I sighed and watched as my partner nearly fell over double with laughter. "You're shitting me right? The Backstreet Boys?"

Davis nodded and I swung my hand out and struck Bosco in the back of the head. It wasn't funny. No matter who we were dealing with, murder would never be funny.

"Awesome." I sighed again, knowing that now we were dealing with a high profile case. A case that could and probably would take weeks, or months, or hell even years to wrap up. The last high profile case I'd worked on had taken 8 long months and had led me through hell and back.

"Do you really think they had anything to do with it?" Bosco asked as the elevator dinged and we stepped out onto the floor that, unlike the outside of the hotel, was buzzing with activity, police lines, reporters, detectives and officers. I rolled my eyes at my partner. Why was he asking Davis that question anyway... that was for us to figure out and decide.

Davis thankfully just shrugged. "No idea dude."

I watched as Davis led Bosco into room 1506 and I was led down the hall a little further to room 1510. I would never forget the sight that met my eyes walking into the room that morning. Blood was splattered throughout the room... and then there was the body, or what was left of the body, laying there on the floor... the brutality of it all... it was horrible.