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Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks so much to everyone who is reading and reviewing! Hope everyone had a great holiday! :)

~*~Brian’s point of view~*~

“Hey,” I said, coming to the door. “Come on in.”

“Thanks,” Kevin followed me into the living room.

“Have a good time at AJ’s?” I asked.

He nodded. He’d be staying with Howie the rest of the trip.

I tried to hide my yawn. I’d slept on the couch last night. Well, “slept” wasn’t the right word. I didn’t know how much rest I’d actually gotten. I had dark circles under my eyes today, that was for sure.

“So…” he said, sitting down.

Niether of us knew what to say. I was still thinking about everything that had been said at dinner. But it was funny. Now that it was out, I wasn’t really angry anymore.

“AJ played me some of the new CD. It’s good,” Kevin said finally.


“And I’m not just saying that. I mean it.”

I could tell that he did. I sat down across from him.

“It was weird,” he admitted. “I kept thinking I should hear myself in the harmonies.” He laughed. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For quitting,” he said. “Well, not for quitting. It was time for me to leave the group. I just wasn’t in the same place anymore as you guys were… You have to have realized that, too, right? And it seems to have been a good thing. This album is back on track to where you guys need to be.”

I nodded. “It does feel like we’re getting our sound back.”

“It does. And I’m proud of you guys.”

“We could have done it with you, too, though,” I stressed. He seemed to be crediting his absence for any success in the music.

Kevin shook his head. “It wouldn’t have been the same… Brian, I wouldn’t trade my years as a Backstreet Boy for anything in the world. I mean, we had some crazy times.”

I smiled. Wasn’t that the truth?

“But,” he continued, “I just couldn’t get back into it after the break like you all could… Like you were back in the studio, singing the songs like old times. You hadn’t changed at all. I did. It just seemed like so long ago… I don’t know. I can’t explain it. But if my heart’s not in it, I’m hindering the group, not helping. And I didn’t want that. It wasn’t fair to you guys.”

I slowly realized what he was saying. That he’d quit the group for us. For him, too, of course. He seemed sincere about his excitement over other projects he was working on. He could stay at home and not have to deal with touring. There were definite benefits.

But I started looking at his leave from a different aspect. He wasn’t bailing on us. We’d influenced his decision. Kevin had thought it would be better for the rest of us if he wasn’t around anymore.

I nodded in understanding. “You know, we weren’t kidding when we said the door’s open.”

“Thanks,” Kevin smiled. “I don’t think I’ll ever use it, but it’s nice knowing that it’s there, you know?”

I did know what he meant. It was more about the gesture than ever taking us up on it. “Well, we’ll always have that decade, right?”


“And,” I added, “Nick didn’t mean what he said. Well, not the way he said it.”

Kevin laughed. “Don’t worry. He’s said a lot worse to me. And I to him, I’m sure.”

I laughed, too.

“So where’s August?”

“Oh,” I said. I’d reconciled with Kevin. She was the other person I needed to try to work things out with. “She’ll be down in a little bit. I’ve got to go run a few errands…”

He turned serious. “Did you guys get into a fight?”

I sighed. “Yeah.”

“What about?”

“A lot of things. I screwed up big time, so it’s just going to take awhile for her to forgive me…”

He nodded. “Well, don’t worry. You guys can never stay mad at the other for long.”

I hoped not. But I didn’t want to think about that right now. We turned the discussion to lighter topics.

~*~Michelle’s point of view~*~

I’d decided to go to the mall. The taxi had cost an arm and a leg, but I was sick of seeing the same places day in and day out. I’d been car shopping online, but I hadn’t been able to find anything that was affordable yet.

Well, not a car that was going to last a week, anyway. I wanted something reliable. One wouldn’t go up in flames would be preferable.

Work sucked. Looking over my shoulder every minute in fear sucked. Being alone again sucked.

I’d never heard from AJ. I’d been expecting him to call. That call wouldn’t have gotten us anywhere, but it would’ve given us more closure. I wondered how his double date with Cheryl went. Then I wondered why I cared.

I was so sick of thinking about him.

August and Dianna had each called once, but I’d ignored it. I figured they knew, and at the time, I hadn’t felt like talking to anyone.

I was thinking about moving again. I’d gone from Maine to Florida. Maybe I could give California a try? Well, on second thought, no. The earthquakes and obnoxious celebrities crying out for paparazzi attention didn’t much appeal to me.

I’d written a paper on Oregon once. It had seemed like a nice place to live. And who would ever think to look for me in Oregon? Besides, that Oregan Trail game had been a lot of fun back in the day. When my character wasn’t coming down with Typhoid Fever, anyway.

Of course, I didn’t know how Peter had found me here to know how to avoid him using the same method again. And I was tired of running.

My phone rang just as I thought of him, and I let out a yelp. Several people gave me strange looks as I hurried out of the clothing store. I looked at my phone and let out a sigh.

I picked up. “Hey, how are ya?”

“Good. I’ve been worried about you.”

I smiled. It was nice to be in somebody’s thoughts. Well, when that person wasn’t a crazy stalker. “Yeah, sorry, August. I was going to call you back… eventually.”

“Did you… have a good weekend?”

No. “Yeah, it was okay. How about you? Did you get to see Kevin?”

“Earlier today, actually. It was good to catch up with him. Hopefully, me and Bri… umm… we’ll get up to Kentucky to see him soon. I’d like to get out of Orlando for a little bit. On a vacation, that is. I know Brian will be touring soon, but I could really use a break, before…” she trailed off.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Just have a lot on my mind.”

I didn’t press the issue.

“So, about you and AJ…”

“Can we not talk about AJ?” I pleaded.

“I just feel responsible…”

I laughed. “You? August, believe me, you have nothing to do with it. He’s… well, he can date whoever he wants.”

“I know, but… shoot, it’s the other line. I’m waiting on an important call- not that you’re not important, of course. Do you mind if I call you back in a few minutes?”

“No problem. Talk to you soon.” I hung up the phone and headed down the main corridor of the mall.

I started to window shop. Why go into the stores when I shouldn’t be wasting money on anything? I hated seeing things I wanted but couldn’t have. I’d been truly desperate to get out of my apartment to have decided on coming to the mall.

My mind kept wandering back to Peter, wondering what I could do. AJ wouldn’t have been able to do anything anyway. I didn’t know why I was so disappointed in not being able to confide in him. My problems didn’t need to become his problems.

My phone rang again, and I absent-mindedly picked up. “Hey, August.”

“Hey, Michelle.”

I stopped walking. It had been a long time since I’d heard that voice, but I couldn’t forget it, no matter how hard I tried.

“Turn around,” it spoke again.

Heart racing, I did as commanded.

And there was Peter.