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Alias: Kyrie [Contact]
Real Name: Erin
User Level: Member
Member since: 03/10/13
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Author Biography

I'm a huge BSB fan and have been since they created the group. My favorite stories to write are about AJ and Nick but I read all types of stories created by other authors! I've been writing for only a couple of years but I've grown to love it and it's a great outlet for creativity.

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Reviews by Kyrie
Gone Country by Carter Rated: PG Liked [ - ]
Summary: For Jordan Kelly life was really easy. She had a great job...and a wonderful boyfriend. That was until they broke up. She soon realized living in New York City was not what she wanted. So she set out to embark on a new passion in life. But it soon changed when she meets country boy Brian Littrell. But can Jordan learn to love again or will the past come and haunt her?

Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Brian
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 12953
Read Count: 42728

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01/25/06 » Updated: 01/25/06
Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 05/20/14 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter One ::I'm Moving On ::

I 'm enjoying all the country music! I feel badly for Jordan. All she seems to want is someone to care for her and a job she feels some inspiration from. I hope as the story continues, she gets that chance at happiness!

Author's Response: I am glad you love the country music!! This was my first time doing something like took awhile to plan out and listen to a ton of country songs lol! Thanks for the review :)

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 05/20/14 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I'm excited to be reading one of your stories for the first time. I liked how this was from an alternate universe point of view and I'm looking forward to catching up on it!

Author's Response: Awe thank you so much! This story was one of my first alternate universe stories :)

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter Ten :: I Got A Feeling ::

What?!?!?! Jordan pours her heart out and is willing to handle the pain and Brian responds by walking away? He better have a good damn excuse!

Author's Response: Had to have some kinda drama in there somewhere ;)

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven :: Bless The Broken Road ::

Probably one of my favorite country songs ever!

Yes!!! Yeah for that perfect song and Brian finally giving in and admitting how he feels for Jordan!

Author's Response: One of mine too. I *heart* Rascal Flatts!!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter Tweleve :: She Thinks My Tractors Sexy ::

The banter between them is so easy and it's very clear why they're a good match! I hope this whole job thing goes well and it keeps Jordan there.

Author's Response: It was fairly easy to write since it was loosley basd off me and a good friend that never worked out.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter Thirteen :: It Must Be Love ::

Wow, that was fast! LOL I'm glad Brian feels that way and I hope they can make it work!

Author's Response: I probably could havr drug it out a little more lol. I dont exactly know why i didnt.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter Fourteen :: You're My Better Half::

That's so sad that Jordan's family didn't want to participate in the wedding. It had to be hard on her for them not to be there. It's nice that Brian's dad stepped up to walk her down the aisle!

Author's Response: Family drama added lol. I would have added a lot more depth to this story i had a whole thing in my head. I believe i was pregnant while writing this story so brain farts i am sure lol.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 16: Epilogue

So glad to see how happy they are! I would have loved some more chapters but the ending is very sweet! I promise to have my end of story survey up soon!

Author's Response: I had issues with coming up with more songs. I had just started listening to country music again and i didnt get to make more chapters. This story actually has a sequel but i quit writing it years ago and nrver finished it.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter Nine :: Homewreaker ::

I love Gretchen Wilson and this is one of the best girl power songs! Good for Jordan putting Kaddi in her place and staking claim to Brian's heart!

Author's Response: Lol yes it certainly is an awesome girl power song. Still is almost eight years later :)

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/18/14 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter Eight :: How Am I Doing? ::

Brian's right, screw Alan! Jordan and Brian should enjoy their week in NY and Jordan should remember that Alan is probably screwing up yet another relationship!

Author's Response: Lol exactly...screw Alan..a country boy in a big city is exciting all in itself.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 06/30/14 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter Two :: Break Down Here ::

I liked this chapter but I think it was missing something in between him picking her up and her sleeping over. Adding something about getting to the garage too late for it to be open might have been a good link. Great song choice! :-)

Author's Response: This was my first alternate universe its one of those things where i just write and forget to add little things in.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 06/30/14 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter Three :: Mud On The Tires ::

I like the banter between the two of them and how they get along so well. Hopefully they'll be the friend each one of them needs.

Author's Response: Their chemistry was kind of based my best friend and I. I moved in 03 and i didnt get to see him nearly as much.

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 06/30/14 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter Four :: After You ::

Alan finding her is not good! I got a little lost in the conversation because it moved so fast. Slowing it down a little might make it easier to follow. I love the fact that Brian is starting to open up to her and wants to help! BTW Jimmy Wayne is terrific! :-)

Author's Response: I had to re-read the chapter to remember lol and yeah it was done in the blink of an eye ;) and yes jimmy wayne is awesome ;)

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/01/14 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter Five :: How Far? ::

Love this song!!! I'm proud of Jordan for sticking up for herself and telling Alan to take a hike!

Author's Response: Yea he is a real piece of work!

Reviewer: Kyrie Signed
Date: 07/01/14 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter Six :: Man To Man ::

Glad they're getting out and about. She needs to keep her mind off Alan and good for Brian to have a man to man with him!

I have to say that I love your choice of music. I swear you've looked at my CDs! LOL

Author's Response: Lol i have a little bit of everythig in my about any artist too lol