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Author's Chapter Notes:

AJ easedrops on Rochelle, talking to her then boyfriend on the phone at lunch. Howie, Brian, and Kevin begin praying AJ can make it through the tour.


"I know." Rochelle said as she was eating her salad, and her cell phone in the other. "Poor man." She said as she took a bit and drank her water bottle. "I feel sorry for AJ." She told him with a sigh.

"Don't worry, Bob." She said into the phone, "their good guys, just really misguided and alot stupider than they know for "smart" musicans." she said using quotations marks. Which made AJ pay more attentiont to the conversation. Wondering why none of his friends were eating with him or any of his band mates.

"I know AJ, I hope he gets off that stuff. Don't tell the tabloids." She told her boyfriend again. "Pick up noodles and we'll have speghetti when I get back from touring, Bubba." She said sweetly into the phone. "Now, I got to try and date me some of that someday I hope." I said to myself. As she kissed her phone, 3 tables away in the backstage cafeteria.

In the corner side of the room, the rest of the Backstreet Boys were at table together. "I don't know what if we can't get him off of that stuff, ever?" Nick asked. "I mean, all of our managers blame the poor kids or the working poor for anything bad that happens, maybe they introduced him?" Howie asked.

"What if your wrong?" Brian asked. "Well, we got to plan for rehab, I am tired of finding alcohol bottles and him getting us late or screwing up 5 or 6 numbers in a row!" Kevin complained. "I know." Nick chimed in. "People don't know how hard we have it." Howie chimed up. "Yeah." the rest of the group replied. I began to cry, only hearing half the conversation as I threw out my lunch. Then I purposely walked to Rochelle's table starting to cry again.

"You ok, Alex?" Rochelle asked. "No." Alex said crying to her. "I am scared BSB will make me go to rehab and kick me out forever." Alex said as he cried into her arms. All the other guys looked at them hugging.

"Yep, Alex will have no problem coming back if he does, he already has female attention already." Howie said quietly pointing at the table as he grabbed Nick's forearm and made him sit down next to him, so AJ didn't see them observing him.

"Ok, we give it 3 more months, if Rochelle helps and he stops, Awesome!" Howie said, "if not?" Kevin asked. "Then he will have to go to rehab for now on and when his agent or managers ask him to go or us." Howie replied.